* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-qt/qtgui/, dev-qt/qtgui/files/
@ 2017-07-08 3:21 Michael Palimaka
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Michael Palimaka @ 2017-07-08 3:21 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: c6b2840ee88b2c39486177c68a4c898e5fed0583
Author: Michael Palimaka <kensington <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sat Jul 8 03:19:17 2017 +0000
Commit: Michael Palimaka <kensington <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sat Jul 8 03:21:11 2017 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=c6b2840e
dev-qt/qtgui: backport patch from upstream solving build failure on x32
Gentoo-bug: 623882
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.6, Repoman-2.3.2
dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.7.1-x32.patch | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.7.1-r1.ebuild | 5 ++++-
2 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.7.1-x32.patch b/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.7.1-x32.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9cfc29d1d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.7.1-x32.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From 92805a0e9c488e47280e93f65e5378818e340ad1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Laszlo Agocs <laszlo.agocs@qt.io>
+Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2016 11:23:21 +0100
+Subject: Fix EGL break on Debian X32
+Change to QT_POINTER_SIZE instead of Q_PROCESSOR_WORDSIZE. The latter
+is 8 due to targeting 64-bit, but pointers are 32-bit still in such
+builds. For the condition in question it is the pointer size that
+Task-number: QTBUG-56686
+Change-Id: I96c203cae91ceb8404606de605c4fdb1a02a9d5f
+Reviewed-by: Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57@gmail.com>
+Reviewed-by: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com>
+ src/platformsupport/eglconvenience/qt_egl_p.h | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/platformsupport/eglconvenience/qt_egl_p.h b/src/platformsupport/eglconvenience/qt_egl_p.h
+index 615ee4b80a..b1495c9f9d 100644
+--- a/src/platformsupport/eglconvenience/qt_egl_p.h
++++ b/src/platformsupport/eglconvenience/qt_egl_p.h
+@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ struct QtEglConverter<uint32_t, uintptr_t>
+ { return v; }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct QtEglConverter<uintptr_t, uint32_t>
+ {
+cgit v1.1-6-g87c4
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.7.1-r1.ebuild b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.7.1-r1.ebuild
index 0a678b4a974..27b93fb6b85 100644
--- a/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.7.1-r1.ebuild
+++ b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.7.1-r1.ebuild
@@ -77,7 +77,10 @@ PDEPEND="
ibus? ( app-i18n/ibus )
-PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${P}-qclipboard.patch" ) # QTBUG-56972, KDE bug #348390
+ "${FILESDIR}/${P}-qclipboard.patch" # QTBUG-56972, KDE bug #348390
+ "${FILESDIR}/${P}-x32.patch" # bug 623882
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-qt/qtgui/, dev-qt/qtgui/files/
@ 2018-02-03 18:49 Andreas Sturmlechner
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Andreas Sturmlechner @ 2018-02-03 18:49 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 62fc0fc01e6db9b48defe9233f687b4b96dc1fba
Author: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sat Feb 3 17:51:25 2018 +0000
Commit: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sat Feb 3 18:48:38 2018 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=62fc0fc0
dev-qt/qtgui: Fix desktop icon hover
Recommended by KDE.
See also: https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-distro-packagers/2018-February/000303.html
See also: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-66103
See also: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/215939/
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.24, Repoman-2.3.6
dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.9.4-qsimpledrag.patch | 170 ++++++++++++++++++++++
dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.9.4-r1.ebuild | 173 +++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 343 insertions(+)
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.9.4-qsimpledrag.patch b/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.9.4-qsimpledrag.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..60d2ec424f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.9.4-qsimpledrag.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+From 4a7771f206d4b29be549d3827c36a46679d90de6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Eike Hein <hein@kde.org>
+Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2018 13:02:01 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH] QSimpleDrag: Fix mouse release coords for delayed event
+ transmission
+On platforms such as XCB, the drag cursor pixmap is shown via a window
+(a QShapedPixmapWindow) under the cursor.
+The mouse button release event at the end of the drag is received in
+this QXcbWindow, but intercepted by an event filter that QSimpleDrag
+installs on the QApplication. It then resends it unmodified(!) after
+the drag has ended and the drag pixmap window destroyed, causing it to
+be delivered to the new top-level window.
+The local coordinates in the unmodified QMouseEvent are local to the
+drag pixmap window and don't match the window it is delayed-transmitted
+This ends up having fatal, user-visible effects particularly in Qt
+Quick: QQuickWindow synthesizes a hover event once per frame using
+the last received mouse coordinates, here: the release posted by
+QSimpleDrag. This is done to update the hover event state for items
+under the cursor when the mouse hasn't moved (e.g. QQuickMouseArea::
+containsMouse). The bogus event coordinates in the release event then
+usually end up causing an item near the top-left of the QQuickWindow
+to assume it is hovered (because drag pixmap windows tend to be small),
+even when the mouse cursor is actually far away from it at the end of
+the drag.
+This shows up e.g. in the Plasma 5 desktop, where dragging an icon
+on the desktop will cause the icon at the top-left of the screen (if
+any) to switch to hovered state, as the release coordinates on the
+drag pixmap window (showing a dragged icon) fall into the geometry
+of the top-left icon.
+QSimpleDrag contains a topLevelAt() function to find the top-level
+window under the global cursor coordinates that is not the drag
+pixmap window. This is used by the drop event delivery code.
+This patch uses this function to find the relevant top-level window,
+then asks it to map the global cusor coordinates to its local
+coordinate system, then synthesizes a new QMouseEvent with local
+coordinates computed in this fashion. As a result the window now
+gets a release event with coordinates that make sense and are
+Task-number: QTBUG-66103
+Change-Id: I04ebe6ccd4a991fdd4b540ff0227973ea8896a9d
+Reviewed-by: Eike Hein <hein@kde.org>
+Reviewed-by: Shawn Rutledge <shawn.rutledge@qt.io>
+ src/gui/kernel/qsimpledrag.cpp | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
+ src/gui/kernel/qsimpledrag_p.h | 6 +++---
+ 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qsimpledrag.cpp b/src/gui/kernel/qsimpledrag.cpp
+index a1e25dc..87d3ba5 100644
+--- a/src/gui/kernel/qsimpledrag.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/kernel/qsimpledrag.cpp
+@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
+ #include <QtCore/QEventLoop>
+ #include <QtCore/QDebug>
++#include <QtCore/QLoggingCategory>
+ #include <private/qguiapplication_p.h>
+ #include <private/qdnd_p.h>
+@@ -69,6 +70,8 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
++Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcDnd, "qt.gui.dnd")
+ static QWindow* topLevelAt(const QPoint &pos)
+ {
+ QWindowList list = QGuiApplication::topLevelWindows();
+@@ -94,10 +97,10 @@ static QWindow* topLevelAt(const QPoint &pos)
+ */
+ QBasicDrag::QBasicDrag() :
+- m_restoreCursor(false), m_eventLoop(0),
++ m_current_window(nullptr), m_restoreCursor(false), m_eventLoop(nullptr),
+ m_executed_drop_action(Qt::IgnoreAction), m_can_drop(false),
+- m_drag(0), m_drag_icon_window(0), m_useCompositing(true),
+- m_screen(Q_NULLPTR)
++ m_drag(nullptr), m_drag_icon_window(nullptr), m_useCompositing(true),
++ m_screen(nullptr)
+ {
+ }
+@@ -161,6 +164,7 @@ bool QBasicDrag::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
+ return true; // Eat all mouse move events
+ }
+ case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
++ {
+ disableEventFilter();
+ if (canDrop()) {
+ QPoint nativePosition = getNativeMousePos(e, m_drag_icon_window);
+@@ -169,8 +173,25 @@ bool QBasicDrag::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
+ cancel();
+ }
+ exitDndEventLoop();
+- QCoreApplication::postEvent(o, new QMouseEvent(*static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(e)));
++ // If a QShapedPixmapWindow (drag feedback) is being dragged along, the
++ // mouse event's localPos() will be relative to that, which is useless.
++ // We want a position relative to the window where the drag ends, if possible (?).
++ // If there is no such window (belonging to this Qt application),
++ // make the event relative to the window where the drag started. (QTBUG-66103)
++ const QMouseEvent *release = static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(e);
++ const QWindow *releaseWindow = topLevelAt(release->globalPos());
++ qCDebug(lcDnd) << "mouse released over" << releaseWindow << "after drag from" << m_current_window << "globalPos" << release->globalPos();
++ if (!releaseWindow)
++ releaseWindow = m_current_window;
++ QPoint releaseWindowPos = (releaseWindow ? releaseWindow->mapFromGlobal(release->globalPos()) : release->globalPos());
++ QMouseEvent *newRelease = new QMouseEvent(release->type(),
++ releaseWindowPos, releaseWindowPos, release->screenPos(),
++ release->button(), release->buttons(),
++ release->modifiers(), release->source());
++ QCoreApplication::postEvent(o, newRelease);
+ return true; // defer mouse release events until drag event loop has returned
++ }
+ case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
+ case QEvent::Wheel:
+ return true;
+@@ -349,7 +370,7 @@ static inline QPoint fromNativeGlobalPixels(const QPoint &point)
+ into account.
+ */
+-QSimpleDrag::QSimpleDrag() : m_current_window(0)
+ {
+ }
+@@ -373,6 +394,7 @@ void QSimpleDrag::startDrag()
+ updateCursor(Qt::IgnoreAction);
+ }
+ setExecutedDropAction(Qt::IgnoreAction);
++ qCDebug(lcDnd) << "drag began from" << m_current_window<< "cursor pos" << QCursor::pos() << "can drop?" << canDrop();
+ }
+ void QSimpleDrag::cancel()
+diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qsimpledrag_p.h b/src/gui/kernel/qsimpledrag_p.h
+index 0b8a0bc..bbd7f7f 100644
+--- a/src/gui/kernel/qsimpledrag_p.h
++++ b/src/gui/kernel/qsimpledrag_p.h
+@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ protected:
+ QDrag *drag() const { return m_drag; }
++ QWindow *m_current_window;
+ private:
+ void enableEventFilter();
+ void disableEventFilter();
+@@ -132,9 +135,6 @@ protected:
+ virtual void cancel() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void move(const QPoint &globalPos) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void drop(const QPoint &globalPos) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+- QWindow *m_current_window;
+ };
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.9.4-r1.ebuild b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.9.4-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..97069b8f2c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.9.4-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit qt5-build
+DESCRIPTION="The GUI module and platform plugins for the Qt5 framework"
+if [[ ${QT5_BUILD_TYPE} == release ]]; then
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
+# TODO: linuxfb
+IUSE="accessibility dbus egl eglfs evdev +gif gles2 ibus
+ jpeg +libinput +png tslib tuio +udev vnc +xcb"
+ || ( eglfs xcb )
+ accessibility? ( dbus xcb )
+ eglfs? ( egl )
+ ibus? ( dbus )
+ libinput? ( udev )
+ xcb? ( gles2? ( egl ) )
+ dev-libs/glib:2
+ ~dev-qt/qtcore-${PV}
+ media-libs/fontconfig
+ >=media-libs/freetype-2.6.1:2
+ >=media-libs/harfbuzz-1.0.6:=
+ >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.5
+ virtual/opengl
+ dbus? ( ~dev-qt/qtdbus-${PV} )
+ egl? ( media-libs/mesa[egl] )
+ eglfs? (
+ media-libs/mesa[gbm]
+ x11-libs/libdrm
+ )
+ evdev? ( sys-libs/mtdev )
+ gles2? ( media-libs/mesa[gles2] )
+ jpeg? ( virtual/jpeg:0 )
+ libinput? (
+ dev-libs/libinput:=
+ x11-libs/libxkbcommon
+ )
+ png? ( media-libs/libpng:0= )
+ tslib? ( x11-libs/tslib )
+ tuio? ( ~dev-qt/qtnetwork-${PV} )
+ udev? ( virtual/libudev:= )
+ vnc? ( ~dev-qt/qtnetwork-${PV} )
+ xcb? (
+ x11-libs/libICE
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ >=x11-libs/libXi-1.7.5
+ >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.10:=[xkb]
+ >=x11-libs/libxkbcommon-0.4.1[X]
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-image
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-keysyms
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-renderutil
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-wm
+ )
+ evdev? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
+ udev? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
+ ibus? ( app-i18n/ibus )
+ "${FILESDIR}/${P}-qsimpledrag.patch" # QTBUG-66103
+ src/gui
+ src/openglextensions
+ src/platformheaders
+ src/platformsupport
+ src/plugins/generic
+ src/plugins/imageformats
+ src/plugins/platforms
+ src/plugins/platforminputcontexts
+ accessibility:accessibility-atspi-bridge
+ egl
+ eglfs
+ eglfs:eglfs_egldevice:
+ eglfs:eglfs_gbm:
+ evdev
+ evdev:mtdev:
+ :fontconfig
+ :system-freetype:FREETYPE
+ !:no-freetype:
+ !gif:no-gif:
+ gles2::OPENGL_ES
+ gles2:opengles2:OPENGL_ES_2
+ !:no-gui:
+ :system-harfbuzz:HARFBUZZ
+ !:no-harfbuzz:
+ jpeg:system-jpeg:IMAGEFORMAT_JPEG
+ !jpeg:no-jpeg:
+ libinput
+ libinput:xkbcommon-evdev:
+ :opengl
+ png:png:
+ png:system-png:IMAGEFORMAT_PNG
+ !png:no-png:
+ tslib
+ udev:libudev:
+ xcb:xcb:
+ xcb:xcb-glx:
+ xcb:xcb-plugin:
+ xcb:xcb-render:
+ xcb:xcb-sm:
+ xcb:xcb-xlib:
+ xcb:xinput2:
+ xcb::XKB
+ :gui
+src_prepare() {
+ # egl_x11 is activated when both egl and xcb are enabled
+ use egl && QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG+=(xcb:egl_x11) || QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG+=(egl:egl_x11)
+ qt_use_disable_config dbus dbus \
+ src/platformsupport/themes/genericunix/genericunix.pri
+ qt_use_disable_config tuio udpsocket src/plugins/generic/generic.pro
+ qt_use_disable_mod ibus dbus \
+ src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/platforminputcontexts.pro
+ use vnc || sed -i -e '/SUBDIRS += vnc/d' \
+ src/plugins/platforms/platforms.pro || die
+ qt5-build_src_prepare
+src_configure() {
+ local myconf=(
+ $(usex dbus -dbus-linked '')
+ $(qt_use egl)
+ $(qt_use eglfs)
+ $(usex eglfs '-gbm -kms' '')
+ $(qt_use evdev)
+ $(qt_use evdev mtdev)
+ -fontconfig
+ -system-freetype
+ $(usex gif '' -no-gif)
+ -gui
+ -system-harfbuzz
+ $(qt_use jpeg libjpeg system)
+ $(qt_use libinput)
+ $(qt_use libinput xkbcommon-evdev)
+ -opengl $(usex gles2 es2 desktop)
+ $(qt_use png libpng system)
+ $(qt_use tslib)
+ $(qt_use udev libudev)
+ $(qt_use xcb xcb system)
+ $(qt_use xcb xkbcommon-x11 system)
+ $(usex xcb '-xcb-xlib -xinput2 -xkb' '')
+ )
+ qt5-build_src_configure
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-qt/qtgui/, dev-qt/qtgui/files/
@ 2019-11-20 21:21 Andreas Sturmlechner
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Andreas Sturmlechner @ 2019-11-20 21:21 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 36028ed5d437cabe3f011eb70a74412e3de8a295
Author: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Tue Nov 12 17:13:48 2019 +0000
Commit: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Wed Nov 20 21:20:42 2019 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=36028ed5
dev-qt/qtgui: Fix build with -xcb and -no-libinput
Thanks-to: Petr Zima <zima <AT> matfyz.cz>
Thanks-to: Jimi Huotari <chiitoo <AT> gentoo.org>
Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/699110
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.79, Repoman-2.3.17
Signed-off-by: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo.org>
.../files/qtgui-5.13.2-no-xcb-no-xkbcommon.patch | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++
dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.13.2.ebuild | 5 +++-
2 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.13.2-no-xcb-no-xkbcommon.patch b/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.13.2-no-xcb-no-xkbcommon.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f63a6371ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.13.2-no-xcb-no-xkbcommon.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From 2749833d844b20a9e642b2df2074dfafde8622d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jimi Huotari <chiitoo@gentoo.org>
+Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 00:54:57 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix build with -xcb and -no-libinput
+Since a34e81ab [1], 'xkbcommon_support' is under
+'src/platformsupport/input', and will not be defined when building
+with -no-libinput, and as such, 'xkbcommon_support-private' added in
+'src/plugins/platforms/xcb/xcb_qpa_lib.pro' will be unknown.
+1. https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/commit/?h=5.14&id=a34e81ab
+Change-Id: I79563b329623651b462b8fedcfb59ef5f2c2e52a
+Gentoo-bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/699110
+Suggested-by: Petr Zima <zima@matfyz.cz>
+ src/platformsupport/platformsupport.pro | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/platformsupport/platformsupport.pro b/src/platformsupport/platformsupport.pro
+index 6d4f1b93bd1..877665ff06b 100644
+--- a/src/platformsupport/platformsupport.pro
++++ b/src/platformsupport/platformsupport.pro
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ SUBDIRS = \
+ qtConfig(freetype)|darwin|win32: \
+ SUBDIRS += fontdatabases
+-qtConfig(evdev)|qtConfig(tslib)|qtConfig(libinput)|qtConfig(integrityhid) {
++qtConfig(evdev)|qtConfig(tslib)|qtConfig(libinput)|qtConfig(integrityhid)|qtConfig(xkbcommon) {
+ SUBDIRS += input
+ input.depends += devicediscovery
+ }
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.13.2.ebuild b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.13.2.ebuild
index 6bec13c736d..20a5adb6d94 100644
--- a/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.13.2.ebuild
+++ b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.13.2.ebuild
@@ -124,7 +124,10 @@ QT5_GENTOO_PRIVATE_CONFIG=(
-PATCHES+=( "${FILESDIR}/qt-5.12-gcc-avx2.patch" ) # bug 672946
+ "${FILESDIR}/qt-5.12-gcc-avx2.patch" # bug 672946
+ "${FILESDIR}/${P}-no-xcb-no-xkbcommon.patch" # bug 699110
src_prepare() {
# don't add -O3 to CXXFLAGS, bug 549140
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-qt/qtgui/, dev-qt/qtgui/files/
@ 2020-01-16 23:53 Andreas Sturmlechner
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Andreas Sturmlechner @ 2020-01-16 23:53 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 2097e30779ee62d4846364fbc86a33a61798ad37
Author: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Thu Jan 16 22:51:22 2020 +0000
Commit: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Thu Jan 16 23:53:06 2020 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=2097e307
dev-qt/qtgui: Restore QHighDPIScaling::isActive() 5.13 behavior
See also: https://phabricator.kde.org/D26185
See also: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-80967
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.84, Repoman-2.3.20
Signed-off-by: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo.org>
.../qtgui/files/qtgui-5.14.0-restore-scaling.patch | 34 ++++
dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.14.0-r2.ebuild | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 221 insertions(+)
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.14.0-restore-scaling.patch b/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.14.0-restore-scaling.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5fc047aa7ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.14.0-restore-scaling.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From b31852c4caa36cc564e25adbdacfa534e1dfe7c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?utf8?q?Morten=20Johan=20S=C3=B8rvig?= <morten.sorvig@qt.io>
+Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 14:48:32 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Restore QHighDPIScaling::isActive() 5.13 behavior
+In 5.13, isActive() would become true only if there
+was a scale factor >1 present. This was accidentally
+changed in 5.14, where isActive() becomes true whenever
+e.g. AA_EneableHighDpiScaling is set, no matter the actual
+scale factor values.
+Change-Id: Iacbe2010cddbc3b9015ac24004ae2fe417d4f434
+Fixes: QTBUG-80967
+Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
+ src/gui/kernel/qhighdpiscaling.cpp | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qhighdpiscaling.cpp b/src/gui/kernel/qhighdpiscaling.cpp
+index fde6bb0180b..671c2d93ef6 100644
+--- a/src/gui/kernel/qhighdpiscaling.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/kernel/qhighdpiscaling.cpp
+@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ void QHighDpiScaling::updateHighDpiScaling()
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+- m_active = m_globalScalingActive || m_screenFactorSet || m_usePixelDensity;
++ m_active = m_globalScalingActive || m_screenFactorSet || m_pixelDensityScalingActive;
+ }
+ /*
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.14.0-r2.ebuild b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.14.0-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1f814dd0fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.14.0-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit qt5-build
+DESCRIPTION="The GUI module and platform plugins for the Qt5 framework"
+if [[ ${QT5_BUILD_TYPE} == release ]]; then
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+# TODO: linuxfb
+IUSE="accessibility dbus egl eglfs evdev +gif gles2 ibus
+ jpeg +libinput +png tslib tuio +udev vnc wayland +xcb"
+ || ( eglfs xcb )
+ accessibility? ( dbus xcb )
+ eglfs? ( egl )
+ ibus? ( dbus )
+ libinput? ( udev )
+ xcb? ( gles2? ( egl ) )
+ dev-libs/glib:2
+ ~dev-qt/qtcore-${PV}
+ dev-util/gtk-update-icon-cache
+ media-libs/fontconfig
+ >=media-libs/freetype-2.6.1:2
+ >=media-libs/harfbuzz-1.6.0:=
+ sys-libs/zlib:=
+ virtual/opengl
+ dbus? ( ~dev-qt/qtdbus-${PV} )
+ egl? ( media-libs/mesa[egl] )
+ eglfs? (
+ media-libs/mesa[gbm]
+ x11-libs/libdrm
+ )
+ evdev? ( sys-libs/mtdev )
+ gles2? ( media-libs/mesa[gles2] )
+ jpeg? ( virtual/jpeg:0 )
+ libinput? (
+ dev-libs/libinput:=
+ >=x11-libs/libxkbcommon-0.5.0
+ )
+ png? ( media-libs/libpng:0= )
+ tslib? ( >=x11-libs/tslib-1.21 )
+ tuio? ( ~dev-qt/qtnetwork-${PV} )
+ udev? ( virtual/libudev:= )
+ vnc? ( ~dev-qt/qtnetwork-${PV} )
+ xcb? (
+ x11-libs/libICE
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.12:=[xkb]
+ >=x11-libs/libxkbcommon-0.5.0[X]
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-image
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-keysyms
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-renderutil
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-wm
+ )
+ evdev? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
+ udev? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
+# bug 703306, _populate_Gui_plugin_properties breaks installed cmake modules
+ !<dev-qt/qtimageformats-5.14.0:5
+ !<dev-qt/qtsvg-5.14.0:5
+ !<dev-qt/qtvirtualkeyboard-5.14.0:5
+ !<dev-qt/qtwayland-5.14.0:5
+ ibus? ( app-i18n/ibus )
+ wayland? ( ~dev-qt/qtwayland-${PV} )
+ src/tools/qvkgen
+ src/gui
+ src/openglextensions
+ src/platformheaders
+ src/platformsupport
+ src/plugins/generic
+ src/plugins/imageformats
+ src/plugins/platforms
+ src/plugins/platforminputcontexts
+ accessibility:accessibility-atspi-bridge
+ egl:egl:
+ eglfs:eglfs:
+ eglfs:eglfs_egldevice:
+ eglfs:eglfs_gbm:
+ evdev:evdev:
+ evdev:mtdev:
+ :fontconfig:
+ :system-freetype:FREETYPE
+ !:no-freetype:
+ !gif:no-gif:
+ gles2::OPENGL_ES
+ gles2:opengles2:OPENGL_ES_2
+ !:no-gui:
+ :system-harfbuzz:
+ !:no-harfbuzz:
+ jpeg:system-jpeg:IMAGEFORMAT_JPEG
+ !jpeg:no-jpeg:
+ libinput
+ libinput:xkbcommon:
+ :opengl
+ png:png:
+ png:system-png:IMAGEFORMAT_PNG
+ !png:no-png:
+ tslib:tslib:
+ udev:libudev:
+ xcb:xcb:
+ xcb:xcb-glx:
+ xcb:xcb-plugin:
+ xcb:xcb-render:
+ xcb:xcb-sm:
+ xcb:xcb-xlib:
+ xcb:xcb-xinput:
+ :gui
+ "${FILESDIR}/qt-5.12-gcc-avx2.patch" # bug 672946
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-5.13.2-no-xcb-no-xkbcommon.patch" # bug 699110
+ "${FILESDIR}/${P}-restore-scaling.patch" # QTBUG-80967, in Qt 5.14.1
+src_prepare() {
+ # don't add -O3 to CXXFLAGS, bug 549140
+ sed -i -e '/CONFIG\s*+=/s/optimize_full//' src/gui/gui.pro || die
+ # egl_x11 is activated when both egl and xcb are enabled
+ use egl && QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG+=(xcb:egl_x11:) || QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG+=(egl:egl_x11:)
+ qt_use_disable_config dbus dbus \
+ src/platformsupport/themes/genericunix/genericunix.pri
+ qt_use_disable_config tuio tuiotouch src/plugins/generic/generic.pro
+ qt_use_disable_mod ibus dbus \
+ src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/platforminputcontexts.pro
+ use vnc || sed -i -e '/SUBDIRS += vnc/d' \
+ src/plugins/platforms/platforms.pro || die
+ qt5-build_src_prepare
+src_configure() {
+ local myconf=(
+ $(usex dbus -dbus-linked '')
+ $(qt_use egl)
+ $(qt_use eglfs)
+ $(usex eglfs '-gbm -kms' '')
+ $(qt_use evdev)
+ $(qt_use evdev mtdev)
+ -fontconfig
+ -system-freetype
+ $(usex gif '' -no-gif)
+ -gui
+ -system-harfbuzz
+ $(qt_use jpeg libjpeg system)
+ $(qt_use libinput)
+ -opengl $(usex gles2 es2 desktop)
+ $(qt_use png libpng system)
+ $(qt_use tslib)
+ $(qt_use udev libudev)
+ $(qt_use xcb xcb system)
+ $(usex xcb '-xcb-xlib -xcb-xinput -xkb' '')
+ )
+ if use libinput || use xcb; then
+ myconf+=( -xkbcommon )
+ fi
+ qt5-build_src_configure
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-qt/qtgui/, dev-qt/qtgui/files/
@ 2020-02-09 18:51 Andreas Sturmlechner
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Andreas Sturmlechner @ 2020-02-09 18:51 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 9f10d5690b0a924021f54c7b09b4ce152fd37e0b
Author: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sun Feb 9 16:23:29 2020 +0000
Commit: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sun Feb 9 18:51:03 2020 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=9f10d569
dev-qt/qtgui: Fix cmake macro compat. for upgrade from <Qt-5.14
Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/703306
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.87, Repoman-2.3.20
Signed-off-by: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo.org>
.../qtgui-5.14.1-cmake-macro-backward-compat.patch | 50 ++++++
dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.14.1-r2.ebuild | 188 +++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 238 insertions(+)
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.14.1-cmake-macro-backward-compat.patch b/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.14.1-cmake-macro-backward-compat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..30b5abc3975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.14.1-cmake-macro-backward-compat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+From: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm@gentoo.org>
+Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2020 11:45:00 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] qtcore: Fix cmake macro compat. for upgrade from <Qt-5.14
+In upstream commit:
+_populate_$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}_plugin_properties in 5.14.0 gained an additional argument
+IsDebugAndRelease without providing backward compatibility. This macro is used (at least) for
+QtGui and QtDesigner plugins added by qtimageformats, qtsvg, qtvirtualkeyboard and qtwayland.
+During upgrade from <Qt-5.14 to >=Qt-5.14, as a consequence of slot upgrade rebuilds, some
+reverse dependencies are slated for rebuild before these Qt consumers have been rebuilt and their
+cmake files regenerated, leading to cmake errors like:
+From mkspecs/features/create_cmake.prf:
+# CMAKE_DEBUG_AND_RELEASE is used to tell the _populate_$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}_target_properties
+# functions whether a Configuration specific generator expression needs to be added to the values
+# of INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES and INTERFACE_LINK_OPTIONS. For debug_and_release builds, we do need
+# configuration specific values. For singular builds (only release or only debug), we want the
+# values to be applied regardless of the configuration.
+# This would allow on Linux and macOS (and with a recent enough version of CMake on Windows) to
+# build a Debug configuration of an application, even if Qt was built in a Release configuration.
+qt5-build.eclass is configuring either as 'release' or as 'debug', so we make IsDebugAndRelease
+optional and default to FALSE.
+--- a/mkspecs/features/data/cmake/Qt5BasicConfig.cmake.in 2020-01-23 13:37:32.000000000 +0100
++++ b/mkspecs/features/data/cmake/Qt5BasicConfig.cmake.in 2020-02-09 15:15:21.156219814 +0100
+@@ -538,8 +538,14 @@
+ file(GLOB pluginTargets \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}_*Plugin.cmake\")
+- macro(_populate_$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}_plugin_properties Plugin Configuration PLUGIN_LOCATION
+- IsDebugAndRelease)
++ macro(_populate_$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}_plugin_properties Plugin Configuration PLUGIN_LOCATION)
++ set(IsDebugAndRelease FALSE)
++ set (list_var ${ARGN})
++ list(LENGTH list_var num_extra_arg)
++ if (${num_extra_arg} GREATER 0)
++ list(GET list_var 0 IsDebugAndRelease)
++ endif()
+ set_property(TARGET Qt5::${Plugin} APPEND PROPERTY IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS ${Configuration})
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.14.1-r2.ebuild b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.14.1-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e077dd59d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.14.1-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit qt5-build
+DESCRIPTION="The GUI module and platform plugins for the Qt5 framework"
+SLOT=5/${PV} # bug 707658
+if [[ ${QT5_BUILD_TYPE} == release ]]; then
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+# TODO: linuxfb
+IUSE="accessibility dbus egl eglfs evdev +gif gles2 ibus
+ jpeg +libinput +png tslib tuio +udev vnc wayland +X"
+ || ( eglfs X )
+ accessibility? ( dbus X )
+ eglfs? ( egl )
+ ibus? ( dbus )
+ libinput? ( udev )
+ X? ( gles2? ( egl ) )
+ dev-libs/glib:2
+ ~dev-qt/qtcore-${PV}
+ dev-util/gtk-update-icon-cache
+ media-libs/fontconfig
+ >=media-libs/freetype-2.6.1:2
+ >=media-libs/harfbuzz-1.6.0:=
+ sys-libs/zlib:=
+ virtual/opengl
+ dbus? ( ~dev-qt/qtdbus-${PV} )
+ egl? ( media-libs/mesa[egl] )
+ eglfs? (
+ media-libs/mesa[gbm]
+ x11-libs/libdrm
+ )
+ evdev? ( sys-libs/mtdev )
+ gles2? ( media-libs/mesa[gles2] )
+ jpeg? ( virtual/jpeg:0 )
+ libinput? (
+ dev-libs/libinput:=
+ >=x11-libs/libxkbcommon-0.5.0
+ )
+ png? ( media-libs/libpng:0= )
+ tslib? ( >=x11-libs/tslib-1.21 )
+ tuio? ( ~dev-qt/qtnetwork-${PV} )
+ udev? ( virtual/libudev:= )
+ vnc? ( ~dev-qt/qtnetwork-${PV} )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libICE
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.12:=[xkb]
+ >=x11-libs/libxkbcommon-0.5.0[X]
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-image
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-keysyms
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-renderutil
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-wm
+ )
+ evdev? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
+ udev? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
+# bug 703306, _populate_Gui_plugin_properties breaks installed cmake modules
+ !<dev-qt/qtimageformats-5.14.0:5
+ !<dev-qt/qtsvg-5.14.0:5
+ !<dev-qt/qtvirtualkeyboard-5.14.0:5
+ !<dev-qt/qtwayland-5.14.0:5
+ ibus? ( app-i18n/ibus )
+ wayland? ( ~dev-qt/qtwayland-${PV} )
+ src/tools/qvkgen
+ src/gui
+ src/openglextensions
+ src/platformheaders
+ src/platformsupport
+ src/plugins/generic
+ src/plugins/imageformats
+ src/plugins/platforms
+ src/plugins/platforminputcontexts
+ accessibility:accessibility-atspi-bridge
+ egl:egl:
+ eglfs:eglfs:
+ eglfs:eglfs_egldevice:
+ eglfs:eglfs_gbm:
+ evdev:evdev:
+ evdev:mtdev:
+ :fontconfig:
+ :system-freetype:FREETYPE
+ !:no-freetype:
+ !gif:no-gif:
+ gles2::OPENGL_ES
+ gles2:opengles2:OPENGL_ES_2
+ !:no-gui:
+ :system-harfbuzz:
+ !:no-harfbuzz:
+ jpeg:system-jpeg:IMAGEFORMAT_JPEG
+ !jpeg:no-jpeg:
+ libinput
+ libinput:xkbcommon:
+ :opengl
+ png:png:
+ png:system-png:IMAGEFORMAT_PNG
+ !png:no-png:
+ tslib:tslib:
+ udev:libudev:
+ X:xcb:
+ X:xcb-glx:
+ X:xcb-plugin:
+ X:xcb-render:
+ X:xcb-sm:
+ X:xcb-xlib:
+ X:xcb-xinput:
+ :gui
+ "${FILESDIR}/qt-5.12-gcc-avx2.patch" # bug 672946
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-5.14.1-cmake-macro-backward-compat.patch" # bug 703306
+src_prepare() {
+ # don't add -O3 to CXXFLAGS, bug 549140
+ sed -i -e '/CONFIG\s*+=/s/optimize_full//' src/gui/gui.pro || die
+ # egl_x11 is activated when both egl and X are enabled
+ use egl && QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG+=(X:egl_x11:) || QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG+=(egl:egl_x11:)
+ qt_use_disable_config dbus dbus \
+ src/platformsupport/themes/genericunix/genericunix.pri
+ qt_use_disable_config tuio tuiotouch src/plugins/generic/generic.pro
+ qt_use_disable_mod ibus dbus \
+ src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/platforminputcontexts.pro
+ use vnc || sed -i -e '/SUBDIRS += vnc/d' \
+ src/plugins/platforms/platforms.pro || die
+ qt5-build_src_prepare
+src_configure() {
+ local myconf=(
+ $(usex dbus -dbus-linked '')
+ $(qt_use egl)
+ $(qt_use eglfs)
+ $(usex eglfs '-gbm -kms' '')
+ $(qt_use evdev)
+ $(qt_use evdev mtdev)
+ -fontconfig
+ -system-freetype
+ $(usex gif '' -no-gif)
+ -gui
+ -system-harfbuzz
+ $(qt_use jpeg libjpeg system)
+ $(qt_use libinput)
+ -opengl $(usex gles2 es2 desktop)
+ $(qt_use png libpng system)
+ $(qt_use tslib)
+ $(qt_use udev libudev)
+ $(qt_use X xcb system)
+ $(usex X '-xcb-xlib -xcb-xinput -xkb' '')
+ )
+ if use libinput || use X; then
+ myconf+=( -xkbcommon )
+ fi
+ qt5-build_src_configure
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-qt/qtgui/, dev-qt/qtgui/files/
@ 2021-10-17 0:44 Andreas Sturmlechner
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Andreas Sturmlechner @ 2021-10-17 0:44 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: b8fe578396ad2fa99ec407cc27cada67d85217b9
Author: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sun Oct 17 00:37:32 2021 +0000
Commit: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sun Oct 17 00:40:25 2021 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=b8fe5783
dev-qt/qtgui: Drop vulnerable 5.15.2-r2
Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/808531
Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.28, Repoman-3.0.3
Signed-off-by: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo.org>
dev-qt/qtgui/Manifest | 2 -
.../files/qtgui-5.15.2-bogus-xcb-util-dep.patch | 72 --------
dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.2-r2.ebuild | 190 ---------------------
3 files changed, 264 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/Manifest b/dev-qt/qtgui/Manifest
index c69b3ee123f..4b8920365b9 100644
--- a/dev-qt/qtgui/Manifest
+++ b/dev-qt/qtgui/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
DIST qtbase-5.15.2-a4f9e569.tar.gz 67964648 BLAKE2B 2be7351221c46846ef37308a0238aa4a39369da63fe5c3be5e142ff700c80e125821c06b43c9e4e949bd9f285222a60888303aef956c9b427a9a6c8ee3bc6b1a SHA512 b4be8132a1d7119fd9728f7bf2d72cdd27d2092e7f178a1f15707204f5ffade7ce505c897fd658bb19274bdd6238b2eb16f7fcfedff2567877dc3458b4091388
-DIST qtbase-5.15.2-gcc11.patch.xz 1208 BLAKE2B a2e5764b723adda991eca5b84cf8e15437a4832febd12e3c93cdc394931af666e17c01e229e9be7e0efc446a955cc26388c0f93cadfcabd93cc6b6f03bb41eb0 SHA512 da3a41ea5d9573a029946d26b26d51d6dce9c8b91db6d78ca71d8343d3ceb5010d21750dcb45abb663e227b5f068985ff4ed51da07efd17c64cc8dd5aef8f3e4
-DIST qtbase-everywhere-src-5.15.2.tar.xz 50179672 BLAKE2B 0e4bdaab43cf59664bde89f87ea260c39acc2ef866d8629d41d9c326cab0ab68bcd943c86a472ae74bc9fb0b7ad50795ccb66275bb6b77d1fcf0a38b5662cb42 SHA512 a549bfaf867d746ff744ab224eb65ac1bdcdac7e8457dfa379941b2b225a90442fcfc1e1175b9afb1f169468f8130b7ab917c67be67156520a4bfb5c92d304f9
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.15.2-bogus-xcb-util-dep.patch b/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.15.2-bogus-xcb-util-dep.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b7f65483fb1..00000000000
--- a/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.15.2-bogus-xcb-util-dep.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-From 61b07d75f96d4dfb07b485b2a9bd7aed099df987 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Liang Qi <liang.qi@qt.io>
-Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2020 08:43:28 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Revert "xcb: add xcb-util dependency for xcb-image"
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-This reverts commit adc42bebcac764ca8de78578e3a4ac39b621bd09.
-adc42beb is wrong, the bug is for static build of qt with static
-xcb. It adds the explicit dependency of xcb-util 0.3.9, which is
-not available on Debian yet.
-Task-number: QTBUG-86287
-Fixes: QTBUG-88688
-Change-Id: Iffc821f49bdfcad3f2556951d3677c35a7682266
-Reviewed-by: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com>
-Reviewed-by: Tor Arne Vestbø <tor.arne.vestbo@qt.io>
-(adapted from commit 92a57e0b016f811876ec1d62328ca8edfe452a3a)
- src/gui/configure.json | 14 ++------------
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/gui/configure.json b/src/gui/configure.json
-index c8c4864eca6..1f08795c57b 100644
---- a/src/gui/configure.json
-+++ b/src/gui/configure.json
-@@ -601,15 +601,6 @@
- ],
- "use": "xcb"
- },
-- "xcb_util": {
-- "label": "XCB Util >= 0.3.9",
-- "headers": "xcb/xcb_util.h",
-- "sources": [
-- { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "xcb-util >= 0.3.9" },
-- "-lxcb-util"
-- ],
-- "use": "xcb"
-- },
- "xcb_image": {
- "label": "XCB Image >= 0.3.9",
- "headers": "xcb/xcb_image.h",
-@@ -617,7 +608,7 @@
- { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "xcb-image >= 0.3.9" },
- "-lxcb-image"
- ],
-- "use": "xcb_shm xcb_util xcb"
-+ "use": "xcb_shm xcb"
- },
- "xcb_keysyms": {
- "label": "XCB Keysyms >= 0.3.9",
-@@ -1065,7 +1056,6 @@
- "tail": "#undef explicit",
- "include": [
- "xcb/xcb.h",
-- "xcb/xcb_util.h",
- "xcb/xcb_image.h",
- "xcb/xcb_keysyms.h",
- "xcb/randr.h",
-@@ -1097,7 +1087,7 @@
- "xcb_xkb_get_kbd_by_name_replies_key_names_value_list_sizeof(nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);"
- ]
- },
-- "use": "xcb_icccm xcb_util xcb_image xcb_keysyms xcb_randr xcb_render xcb_renderutil xcb_shape xcb_shm xcb_sync xcb_xfixes xcb_xinerama xcb_xkb xcb"
-+ "use": "xcb_icccm xcb_image xcb_keysyms xcb_randr xcb_render xcb_renderutil xcb_shape xcb_shm xcb_sync xcb_xfixes xcb_xinerama xcb_xkb xcb"
- },
- "x11prefix": {
- "label": "X11 prefix",
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.2-r2.ebuild b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.2-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 34d58b305ba..00000000000
--- a/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.2-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit qt5-build
-DESCRIPTION="The GUI module and platform plugins for the Qt5 framework"
-SRC_URI+=" https://dev.gentoo.org/~asturm/distfiles/qtbase-${PV}-gcc11.patch.xz"
-SLOT=5/$(ver_cut 1-3) # bug 707658
-if [[ ${QT5_BUILD_TYPE} == release ]]; then
- KEYWORDS="amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc x86"
-# TODO: linuxfb
-IUSE="accessibility dbus egl eglfs evdev +gif gles2-only ibus jpeg
- +libinput +png tslib tuio +udev vnc vulkan wayland +X"
- || ( eglfs X )
- accessibility? ( dbus X )
- eglfs? ( egl )
- ibus? ( dbus )
- libinput? ( udev )
- X? ( gles2-only? ( egl ) )
- dev-libs/glib:2
- ~dev-qt/qtcore-${PV}:5=
- dev-util/gtk-update-icon-cache
- media-libs/fontconfig
- >=media-libs/freetype-2.6.1:2
- >=media-libs/harfbuzz-1.6.0:=
- sys-libs/zlib:=
- dbus? ( ~dev-qt/qtdbus-${PV} )
- egl? ( media-libs/mesa[egl] )
- eglfs? (
- media-libs/mesa[gbm]
- x11-libs/libdrm
- )
- evdev? ( sys-libs/mtdev )
- gles2-only? ( media-libs/mesa[gles2] )
- !gles2-only? ( virtual/opengl )
- jpeg? ( virtual/jpeg:0 )
- libinput? (
- dev-libs/libinput:=
- >=x11-libs/libxkbcommon-0.5.0
- )
- png? ( media-libs/libpng:0= )
- tslib? ( >=x11-libs/tslib-1.21 )
- tuio? ( ~dev-qt/qtnetwork-${PV} )
- udev? ( virtual/libudev:= )
- vnc? ( ~dev-qt/qtnetwork-${PV} )
- vulkan? ( dev-util/vulkan-headers )
- X? (
- x11-libs/libICE
- x11-libs/libSM
- x11-libs/libX11
- >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.12:=[xkb]
- >=x11-libs/libxkbcommon-0.5.0[X]
- x11-libs/xcb-util-image
- x11-libs/xcb-util-keysyms
- x11-libs/xcb-util-renderutil
- x11-libs/xcb-util-wm
- )
- evdev? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
- udev? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
- dev-qt/qtchooser
- ibus? ( app-i18n/ibus )
- wayland? ( ~dev-qt/qtwayland-${PV} )
- src/tools/qvkgen
- src/gui
- src/openglextensions
- src/platformheaders
- src/platformsupport
- src/plugins/generic
- src/plugins/imageformats
- src/plugins/platforms
- src/plugins/platforminputcontexts
- accessibility:accessibility-atspi-bridge
- egl:egl:
- eglfs:eglfs:
- eglfs:eglfs_egldevice:
- eglfs:eglfs_gbm:
- evdev:evdev:
- evdev:mtdev:
- :fontconfig:
- :system-freetype:FREETYPE
- !:no-freetype:
- !gif:no-gif:
- gles2-only::OPENGL_ES
- gles2-only:opengles2:OPENGL_ES_2
- !:no-gui:
- :system-harfbuzz:
- !:no-harfbuzz:
- jpeg:system-jpeg:IMAGEFORMAT_JPEG
- !jpeg:no-jpeg:
- libinput
- libinput:xkbcommon:
- :opengl
- png:png:
- png:system-png:IMAGEFORMAT_PNG
- !png:no-png:
- tslib:tslib:
- udev:libudev:
- vulkan:vulkan:
- X:xcb:
- X:xcb-glx:
- X:xcb-plugin:
- X:xcb-render:
- X:xcb-sm:
- X:xcb-xlib:
- X:xcb-xinput:
- :gui
- "${FILESDIR}/qt-5.12-gcc-avx2.patch" # bug 672946
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-5.14.1-cmake-macro-backward-compat.patch" # bug 703306
- "${FILESDIR}/${P}-bogus-xcb-util-dep.patch" # QTBUG-86287, QTBUG-88688
- "${WORKDIR}"/qtbase-${PV}-gcc11.patch # bug 764038
-src_prepare() {
- # don't add -O3 to CXXFLAGS, bug 549140
- sed -i -e '/CONFIG\s*+=/s/optimize_full//' src/gui/gui.pro || die
- # egl_x11 is activated when both egl and X are enabled
- use egl && QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG+=(X:egl_x11:) || QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG+=(egl:egl_x11:)
- qt_use_disable_config dbus dbus \
- src/platformsupport/themes/genericunix/genericunix.pri
- qt_use_disable_config tuio tuiotouch src/plugins/generic/generic.pro
- qt_use_disable_mod ibus dbus \
- src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/platforminputcontexts.pro
- use vnc || sed -i -e '/SUBDIRS += vnc/d' \
- src/plugins/platforms/platforms.pro || die
- qt5-build_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
- local myconf=(
- $(usex dbus -dbus-linked '')
- $(qt_use egl)
- $(qt_use eglfs)
- $(usex eglfs '-gbm -kms' '')
- $(qt_use evdev)
- $(qt_use evdev mtdev)
- -fontconfig
- -system-freetype
- $(usex gif '' -no-gif)
- -gui
- -system-harfbuzz
- $(qt_use jpeg libjpeg system)
- $(qt_use libinput)
- -opengl $(usex gles2-only es2 desktop)
- $(qt_use png libpng system)
- $(qt_use tslib)
- $(qt_use udev libudev)
- $(qt_use vulkan)
- $(qt_use X xcb)
- $(usex X '-xcb-xlib' '')
- )
- if use libinput || use X; then
- myconf+=( -xkbcommon )
- fi
- qt5-build_src_configure
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-qt/qtgui/, dev-qt/qtgui/files/
@ 2023-05-23 21:19 Andreas Sturmlechner
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Andreas Sturmlechner @ 2023-05-23 21:19 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 81ab1553032718e562bc55b45c048bae863b747a
Author: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Tue May 23 21:07:27 2023 +0000
Commit: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Tue May 23 21:19:23 2023 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=81ab1553
dev-qt/qtgui: Fix CVE-2023-32763
See also: https://www.qt.io/blog/security-advisory-qt-svg-1
QTBUG: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-113337
Signed-off-by: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo.org>
.../qtgui/files/qtgui-5.15.9-CVE-2023-32763.patch | 71 ++++++++
dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.9-r1.ebuild | 180 +++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 251 insertions(+)
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.15.9-CVE-2023-32763.patch b/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.15.9-CVE-2023-32763.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2b34807fbd03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-5.15.9-CVE-2023-32763.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+From e6c8aa2426ef5bd575f85aae530322b145b49006 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Allan Sandfeld Jensen <allan.jensen@qt.io>
+Date: Fri, 5 May 2023 09:51:32 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix specific overflow in qtextlayout (CVE-2023-32763)
+Fixes: QTBUG-113337
+Pick-to: 6.5 6.5.1 6.2 5.15
+Change-Id: I13579306defceaccdc0fbb1ec0e9b77c6f8d1af9
+Reviewed-by: Eirik Aavitsland <eirik.aavitsland@qt.io>
+Reviewed-by: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com>
+(cherry picked from commit 7b7a01c266b507636eab51a36328c7c72d82d93c)
+* asturmlechner 2023-05-23: Upstream backport to 5.15 taken from
+ https://www.qt.io/blog/security-advisory-qt-svg-1
+ src/gui/painting/qfixed_p.h | 9 +++++++++
+ src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp | 9 ++++++---
+ 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qfixed_p.h b/src/gui/painting/qfixed_p.h
+index 846592881c..57d750a4b3 100644
+--- a/src/gui/painting/qfixed_p.h
++++ b/src/gui/painting/qfixed_p.h
+@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
+ #include <QtGui/private/qtguiglobal_p.h>
+ #include "QtCore/qdebug.h"
+ #include "QtCore/qpoint.h"
++#include <QtCore/private/qnumeric_p.h>
+ #include "QtCore/qsize.h"
+@@ -182,6 +183,14 @@ Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline bool operator<(int i, const QFixed &f) { return i * 64 <
+ Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline bool operator>(const QFixed &f, int i) { return f.value() > i * 64; }
+ Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline bool operator>(int i, const QFixed &f) { return i * 64 > f.value(); }
++inline bool qAddOverflow(QFixed v1, QFixed v2, QFixed *r)
++ int val;
++ bool result = add_overflow(v1.value(), v2.value(), &val);
++ r->setValue(val);
++ return result;
+ inline QDebug &operator<<(QDebug &dbg, const QFixed &f)
+ { return dbg << f.toReal(); }
+diff --git a/src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp b/src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp
+index 26ac37b016..f6c69ff4a2 100644
+--- a/src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp
+@@ -2150,11 +2150,14 @@ found:
+ eng->maxWidth = qMax(eng->maxWidth, line.textWidth);
+ } else {
+ eng->minWidth = qMax(eng->minWidth, lbh.minw);
+- eng->maxWidth += line.textWidth;
++ if (qAddOverflow(eng->maxWidth, line.textWidth, &eng->maxWidth))
++ eng->maxWidth = QFIXED_MAX;
+ }
+- if (line.textWidth > 0 && item < eng->layoutData->items.size())
+- eng->maxWidth += lbh.spaceData.textWidth;
++ if (line.textWidth > 0 && item < eng->layoutData->items.size()) {
++ if (qAddOverflow(eng->maxWidth, lbh.spaceData.textWidth, &eng->maxWidth))
++ eng->maxWidth = QFIXED_MAX;
++ }
+ line.textWidth += trailingSpace;
+ if (lbh.spaceData.length) {
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.9-r1.ebuild b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.9-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ae7cbfc33ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-5.15.9-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+if [[ ${PV} != *9999* ]]; then
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc ~x86"
+inherit qt5-build
+DESCRIPTION="The GUI module and platform plugins for the Qt5 framework"
+SLOT=5/${QT5_PV} # bug 707658
+IUSE="accessibility dbus egl eglfs evdev gles2-only ibus jpeg +libinput
+ linuxfb +png tslib tuio +udev vnc vulkan wayland +X"
+ || ( eglfs linuxfb vnc X )
+ accessibility? ( dbus X )
+ eglfs? ( egl )
+ ibus? ( dbus )
+ libinput? ( udev )
+ X? ( gles2-only? ( egl ) )
+ dev-libs/glib:2
+ =dev-qt/qtcore-${QT5_PV}*:5=
+ dev-util/gtk-update-icon-cache
+ media-libs/fontconfig
+ media-libs/freetype:2
+ media-libs/harfbuzz:=
+ sys-libs/zlib:=
+ dbus? ( =dev-qt/qtdbus-${QT5_PV}* )
+ eglfs? (
+ media-libs/mesa[gbm(+)]
+ x11-libs/libdrm
+ )
+ evdev? ( sys-libs/mtdev )
+ jpeg? ( media-libs/libjpeg-turbo:= )
+ gles2-only? ( media-libs/libglvnd )
+ !gles2-only? ( media-libs/libglvnd[X] )
+ libinput? (
+ dev-libs/libinput:=
+ x11-libs/libxkbcommon
+ )
+ png? ( media-libs/libpng:= )
+ tslib? ( >=x11-libs/tslib-1.21 )
+ tuio? ( =dev-qt/qtnetwork-${QT5_PV}* )
+ udev? ( virtual/libudev:= )
+ vnc? ( =dev-qt/qtnetwork-${QT5_PV}* )
+ vulkan? ( dev-util/vulkan-headers )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libICE
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libxcb:=
+ x11-libs/libxkbcommon[X]
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-image
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-keysyms
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-renderutil
+ x11-libs/xcb-util-wm
+ )
+ evdev? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
+ linuxfb? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
+ udev? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
+ X? ( x11-base/xorg-proto )
+ ibus? ( app-i18n/ibus )
+ wayland? ( =dev-qt/qtwayland-${QT5_PV}* )
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${P}-CVE-2023-32763.patch" )
+ src/tools/qvkgen
+ src/gui
+ src/openglextensions
+ src/platformheaders
+ src/platformsupport
+ src/plugins/generic
+ src/plugins/imageformats
+ src/plugins/platforms
+ src/plugins/platforminputcontexts
+ accessibility:accessibility-atspi-bridge
+ egl:egl:
+ eglfs:eglfs:
+ eglfs:eglfs_egldevice:
+ eglfs:eglfs_gbm:
+ evdev:evdev:
+ evdev:mtdev:
+ :fontconfig:
+ :system-freetype:FREETYPE
+ !:no-freetype:
+ gles2-only::OPENGL_ES
+ gles2-only:opengles2:OPENGL_ES_2
+ !:no-gui:
+ :system-harfbuzz:
+ !:no-harfbuzz:
+ jpeg:system-jpeg:IMAGEFORMAT_JPEG
+ !jpeg:no-jpeg:
+ libinput
+ libinput:xkbcommon:
+ :opengl
+ png:png:
+ png:system-png:IMAGEFORMAT_PNG
+ !png:no-png:
+ tslib:tslib:
+ udev:libudev:
+ vulkan:vulkan:
+ X:xcb:
+ X:xcb-glx:
+ X:xcb-plugin:
+ X:xcb-render:
+ X:xcb-sm:
+ X:xcb-xlib:
+ X:xcb-xinput:
+ :gui
+src_prepare() {
+ # don't add -O3 to CXXFLAGS, bug 549140
+ sed -i -e '/CONFIG\s*+=/s/optimize_full//' src/gui/gui.pro || die
+ # egl_x11 is activated when both egl and X are enabled
+ use egl && QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG+=(X:egl_x11:) || QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG+=(egl:egl_x11:)
+ qt_use_disable_config dbus dbus \
+ src/platformsupport/themes/genericunix/genericunix.pri
+ qt_use_disable_config tuio tuiotouch src/plugins/generic/generic.pro
+ qt_use_disable_mod ibus dbus \
+ src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/platforminputcontexts.pro
+ use vnc || sed -i -e '/SUBDIRS += vnc/d' \
+ src/plugins/platforms/platforms.pro || die
+ qt5-build_src_prepare
+src_configure() {
+ local myconf=(
+ $(usev dbus -dbus-linked)
+ $(qt_use egl)
+ $(qt_use eglfs)
+ $(usev eglfs '-gbm -kms')
+ $(qt_use evdev)
+ $(qt_use evdev mtdev)
+ -fontconfig
+ -system-freetype
+ -gui
+ -system-harfbuzz
+ $(qt_use jpeg libjpeg system)
+ $(qt_use libinput)
+ $(qt_use linuxfb)
+ -opengl $(usex gles2-only es2 desktop)
+ $(qt_use png libpng system)
+ $(qt_use tslib)
+ $(qt_use udev libudev)
+ $(qt_use vulkan)
+ $(qt_use X xcb)
+ $(usev X '-xcb-xlib')
+ )
+ if use libinput || use X; then
+ myconf+=( -xkbcommon )
+ fi
+ qt5-build_src_configure
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
end of thread, other threads:[~2023-05-23 21:19 UTC | newest]
Thread overview: 7+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed
-- links below jump to the message on this page --
2020-02-09 18:51 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-qt/qtgui/, dev-qt/qtgui/files/ Andreas Sturmlechner
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2023-05-23 21:19 Andreas Sturmlechner
2021-10-17 0:44 Andreas Sturmlechner
2020-01-16 23:53 Andreas Sturmlechner
2019-11-20 21:21 Andreas Sturmlechner
2018-02-03 18:49 Andreas Sturmlechner
2017-07-08 3:21 Michael Palimaka
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