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* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-libs/msgpack/files/, dev-libs/msgpack/
@ 2018-12-28 21:06 Tim Harder
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Tim Harder @ 2018-12-28 21:06 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-commits

commit:     56a2c31206d814cdce77666e70adcfd0364c1ce0
Author:     Tim Harder <radhermit <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Fri Dec 28 20:50:18 2018 +0000
Commit:     Tim Harder <radhermit <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Fri Dec 28 20:52:09 2018 +0000

dev-libs/msgpack: remove old

Signed-off-by: Tim Harder <radhermit <AT>>

 dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest                         |  4 --
 dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.4.2-cflags.patch | 32 ----------
 dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.4.2-static.patch | 46 -------------
 dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-1.4.2.ebuild             | 78 -----------------------
 dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.0.0.ebuild             | 46 -------------
 dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.1.1.ebuild             | 77 ----------------------
 6 files changed, 283 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest b/dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest
index 636a145ca55..2c31d5c6a9f 100644
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest
+++ b/dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,2 @@
 DIST msgpack-1.1.0.tar.gz 493551 BLAKE2B 3ee162fcba5ae61c7c69945a567ac4d39526e7941f42cc2ed55bc5885b823af84eea212c4e75e8e8583e8ea8a5e12f75e969409193c5e7273430e2e02d33a02c SHA512 6823fab090c2146f871a45736c29b8f81434f0d72c597ebea2e947e4a9a17554e163bc88fbbc3dd0805b2ef0df029b10ca30c09dfbd1111252b9861a1e373901
-DIST msgpack-1.4.2.tar.gz 776384 BLAKE2B c8605847aca3faa3aba2c573bc6f020fbfbc773e008c682978453ed353206cbb9d8ba4d521a11984f5bf7f9005b05f3ae33d6c48233f19b39f8b7f307031d36a SHA512 c2da1d3bcc4e3dbcd93e005c63796e52e071d47ccd18434d4d3483b2e8255cf89ade746392decaa50e3911ca0134bb0da88b3b2ada9acfba0d331dfd48843548
-DIST msgpack-2.0.0-patchset.tar.bz2 1645 BLAKE2B 273faa0fe88f4da06b57b7deb02de77191bdb6c5ca76d314043636979157b879f73cbcb0a0b931cecb3eb0f706b3c6cce0e42350eebf20c44503393504c9edb0 SHA512 7b40b0e6675b333bdbf3d811e47a55e35c4aa136e378966ce3e5f42aaf6de57d883db71ed5c189c6da1803d6725847db23f6fdf1cc0cdc921d3cadcf245545c4
-DIST msgpack-2.0.0.tar.gz 446063 BLAKE2B 24bb0657dc8f190740ae3f91541f702d9954e1ff6c12931c43911556a1d34634882dd59678e5aae4a4b55733620a1445c2fef0379be9454b0fa32ce5d7515f08 SHA512 74d1c9641ecdf1a54346088c59415cf778821dc6f6acb0c5a8a93c2284edaf53c4746459093971d96136279fbd8de10cb9a43dd8d8220d335618ad30e971e9a3
-DIST msgpack-2.1.1.tar.gz 460168 BLAKE2B b6e3746033e4779139c5efe0d48eb00e19badff17f910f5a5cdba8ebdccb178f88cbb4e6e85687e4a2ddb0d5c9e6b53dec1e4cc2cee070b5e51e38c5a67b0ad3 SHA512 31ed6fda498d43da6fdbbe000ce36c40e4cf886f00d879c57d406def7f5bba4eaf66f02f221398cb50f6f4c748d5cde9c97eca0cfa21b368c7c933c3301cf9b5
 DIST msgpack-3.1.1.tar.gz 495858 BLAKE2B a99b7edb2a6de80e018d5c4084ea199518e34045a6293c622c8690147ae353abdb63856eb031962a02ce20903d4443ec2b01a3c033e756c339f8674ff801d4c3 SHA512 cc634ef38b3844bf994159024441fe72d99055c42b0a4d81245b0629fd1f3147587eb36537cfb85e4cae2edc1dc23d7fa400022efa5a10dca295f9a6acd38346

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.4.2-cflags.patch b/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.4.2-cflags.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bb3bc6bcbc5..00000000000
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.4.2-cflags.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
-index 7a9b241..73fe07c 100644
---- a/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -283,13 +283,6 @@ IF (MSGPACK_BUILD_TESTS)
- ENDIF ()
--        SET_PROPERTY (TARGET msgpackc APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Werror -g -O3 -DPIC")
--    ENDIF ()
--    SET_PROPERTY (TARGET msgpackc-static APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Werror -g -O3" )
--ENDIF ()
- ENDIF ()
-diff --git a/test/CMakeLists.txt b/test/CMakeLists.txt
-index 5dfbbe4..5d1cb8a 100644
---- a/test/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/test/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -74,9 +74,6 @@ FOREACH (source_file ${check_PROGRAMS})
-     )
-     ADD_TEST (${source_file_we} ${source_file_we})
--        SET_PROPERTY (TARGET ${source_file_we} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Werror -g -O3 ")
--    ENDIF ()
-         SET_PROPERTY (TARGET ${source_file_we} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS " -Wno-mismatched-tags")
-     ENDIF ()

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.4.2-static.patch b/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.4.2-static.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 994e9fbbc29..00000000000
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.4.2-static.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
-index 7a9b241..49b0405 100644
---- a/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
- OPTION (MSGPACK_CXX11 "Using c++11 compiler" OFF)
- OPTION (MSGPACK_32BIT "32bit compile" OFF)
- OPTION (MSGPACK_BOOST "Using boost libraries" OFF)
-+OPTION (MSGPACK_STATIC "Build static library" ON)
-@@ -263,12 +264,14 @@ IF (MSGPACK_ENABLE_SHARED)
-     )
- ENDIF ()
--ADD_LIBRARY (msgpackc-static STATIC
--    ${msgpackc_SOURCES}
--    ${msgpackc_HEADERS}
-+    ADD_LIBRARY (msgpackc-static STATIC
-+        ${msgpackc_SOURCES}
-+        ${msgpackc_HEADERS}
-+    )
-+    SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES (msgpackc-static PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "msgpackc")
-@@ -322,9 +325,10 @@ IF (MSGPACK_BUILD_EXAMPLES)
- ENDIF ()
--    SET (MSGPACK_INSTALLTARGETS msgpackc msgpackc-static)
--    SET (MSGPACK_INSTALLTARGETS msgpackc-static)
- ENDIF ()

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-1.4.2.ebuild b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-1.4.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index bda3e971dac..00000000000
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-1.4.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit cmake-multilib
-if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
-	inherit git-r3
-	EGIT_REPO_URI="${PN}/${PN}-c.git"
-	SRC_URI="${PN}/${PN}-c/releases/download/cpp-${PV}/${P}.tar.gz"
-	KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-DESCRIPTION="MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format"
-IUSE="+cxx doc examples static-libs test"
-	test? (
-		>=dev-cpp/gtest-1.6.0-r2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
-		sys-libs/zlib[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
-	)
-	doc? ( app-doc/doxygen[dot] )
-	"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.4.2-cflags.patch
-	"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.4.2-static.patch
-src_configure() {
-	local mycmakeargs=(
-		-DMSGPACK_ENABLE_CXX="$(usex cxx)"
-		-DMSGPACK_STATIC="$(usex static-libs)"
-		-DMSGPACK_BUILD_TESTS="$(usex test)"
-		# Don't build the examples
-		# Enable C++11 by default
-	)
-	cmake-multilib_src_configure
-multilib_src_compile() {
-	cmake-utils_src_compile
-	if multilib_is_native_abi && use doc; then
-		cmake-utils_src_make doxygen
-	fi
-multilib_src_install() {
-	if multilib_is_native_abi; then
-		if use doc; then
-			local HTML_DOCS=( "${BUILD_DIR}"/docs/. )
-			mkdir docs || die
-			mv doc_c/html docs/c || die
-			use cxx && mv doc_cpp/html docs/cpp || die
-		fi
-		if use examples; then
-			docinto examples
-			dodoc -r "${WORKDIR}/${P}/example/."
-			docompress -x /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
-		fi
-	fi
-	cmake-utils_src_install

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.0.0.ebuild b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.0.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f7503aa83b..00000000000
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.0.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit cmake-multilib
-if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
-	inherit git-r3
-	EGIT_REPO_URI="${PN}/${PN}-c.git"
-	KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-DESCRIPTION="MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format"
-IUSE="+cxx static-libs test"
-	test? (
-		>=dev-cpp/gtest-1.6.0-r2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
-		sys-libs/zlib[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
-	)
-DOCS=( )
-	"${WORKDIR}"/patchset/${PN}-2.0.0-gcc7-implicit-fallthrough.patch
-src_configure() {
-	local mycmakeargs=(
-	    -DMSGPACK_ENABLE_CXX=$(usex cxx)
-		-DMSGPACK_STATIC=$(usex static-libs)
-	)
-	cmake-multilib_src_configure

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.1.1.ebuild b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.1.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f48d0e5952..00000000000
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.1.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit cmake-multilib
-if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
-	inherit git-r3
-	EGIT_REPO_URI="${PN}/${PN}-c.git"
-	SRC_URI="${PN}/${PN}-c/releases/download/cpp-${PV}/${P}.tar.gz"
-	KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-DESCRIPTION="MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format"
-IUSE="+cxx doc examples static-libs test"
-	test? (
-		>=dev-cpp/gtest-1.6.0-r2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
-		sys-libs/zlib[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
-	)
-	doc? ( app-doc/doxygen[dot] )
-	"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.4.2-cflags.patch
-	"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.4.2-static.patch
-src_configure() {
-	local mycmakeargs=(
-		-DMSGPACK_ENABLE_CXX="$(usex cxx)"
-		-DMSGPACK_STATIC="$(usex static-libs)"
-		-DMSGPACK_BUILD_TESTS="$(usex test)"
-		# Don't build the examples
-		# Enable C++11 by default
-	)
-	cmake-multilib_src_configure
-multilib_src_compile() {
-	cmake-utils_src_compile
-	if multilib_is_native_abi && use doc; then
-		cmake-utils_src_make doxygen
-	fi
-multilib_src_install() {
-	if multilib_is_native_abi; then
-		if use doc; then
-			local HTML_DOCS=( "${BUILD_DIR}"/docs/. )
-			mkdir docs || die
-			mv doc_c/html docs/c || die
-			use cxx && mv doc_cpp/html docs/cpp || die
-		fi
-		if use examples; then
-			docinto examples
-			dodoc -r "${WORKDIR}/${P}/example/."
-			docompress -x /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
-		fi
-	fi
-	cmake-utils_src_install

^ permalink raw reply related	[flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-libs/msgpack/files/, dev-libs/msgpack/
@ 2023-02-07 11:30 Marek Szuba
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Marek Szuba @ 2023-02-07 11:30 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-commits

commit:     49bd23bbc1f76a9eaaf5159495cdd05f9fd10ff0
Author:     Marek Szuba <marecki <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Tue Feb  7 11:28:43 2023 +0000
Commit:     Marek Szuba <marecki <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Tue Feb  7 11:28:43 2023 +0000

dev-libs/msgpack: drop IUSE=static-libs support

The only revdep which used this has just ceased to do so, was a no-op in
3.3.0 to begin with.

Signed-off-by: Marek Szuba <marecki <AT>>

 .../msgpack/files/msgpack-5.0.0-static_libs.patch  | 38 ----------------------
 dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-3.3.0-r1.ebuild           |  3 +-
 dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-5.0.0.ebuild              |  7 +---
 3 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-5.0.0-static_libs.patch b/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-5.0.0-static_libs.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e1ed2c2038a5..000000000000
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-5.0.0-static_libs.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
---- a/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -82,27 +82,6 @@
-     OPTION (MSGPACK_GEN_COVERAGE "Enable running gcov to get a test coverage report." OFF)
- ENDIF ()
--        ENDIF ()
--        ENDIF ()
--    ELSE ()
--        ENDIF ()
--        ENDIF ()
--    ENDIF ()
--ELSE ()
-     ENDIF ()
-@@ -110,7 +89,6 @@
-     ENDIF ()
--ENDIF ()
- INCLUDE (Files.cmake)

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-3.3.0-r1.ebuild b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-3.3.0-r1.ebuild
index db548946d8c3..4c9eb713672c 100644
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-3.3.0-r1.ebuild
+++ b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-3.3.0-r1.ebuild
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ HOMEPAGE=""
-IUSE="boost +cxx doc examples static-libs test"
+IUSE="boost +cxx doc examples test"
 RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
 BDEPEND="doc? ( app-doc/doxygen[dot] )"
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ multilib_src_configure() {
 	local mycmakeargs=(
 		-DMSGPACK_BOOST="$(usex boost)"
 		-DMSGPACK_ENABLE_CXX="$(usex cxx)"
-		-DMSGPACK_ENABLE_STATIC="$(usex static-libs)"
 		-DMSGPACK_BUILD_TESTS="$(usex test)"
 		# don't build the examples

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-5.0.0.ebuild b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-5.0.0.ebuild
index 14455fe7b732..cc6f586a055f 100644
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-5.0.0.ebuild
+++ b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-5.0.0.ebuild
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ SRC_URI="${PN}/${PN}-c/releases/download/c-${PV}/${MY_P}.tar.
 KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~riscv ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x64-macos"
-IUSE="doc examples static-libs test"
+IUSE="doc examples test"
 RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
@@ -25,17 +25,12 @@ BDEPEND="doc? ( app-doc/doxygen[dot] )
-	"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.0.0-static_libs.patch
 multilib_src_configure() {
 	local mycmakeargs=(
 		-DMSGPACK_BUILD_TESTS="$(usex test)"
-		-DMSGPACK_ENABLE_STATIC="$(usex static-libs)"

^ permalink raw reply related	[flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-libs/msgpack/files/, dev-libs/msgpack/
@ 2023-02-05 21:59 Marek Szuba
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Marek Szuba @ 2023-02-05 21:59 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-commits

commit:     c23fbbc365f94c571e705bb0a55d1b8b26f68d07
Author:     Marek Szuba <marecki <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sun Feb  5 21:39:13 2023 +0000
Commit:     Marek Szuba <marecki <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sun Feb  5 21:59:09 2023 +0000

dev-libs/msgpack-5.0.0: add *working* IUSE=static-libs

app-misc/tmate optionally relies on the availability of static
libmsgpack so until that dependency has been removed, keep this flag.
That said, having just tested it USE=static-libs is in fact a no-op
in case of =dev-libs/msgpack-3.3.0!

Signed-off-by: Marek Szuba <marecki <AT>>

 .../msgpack/files/msgpack-5.0.0-static_libs.patch  | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-5.0.0.ebuild              |  7 +++-
 2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-5.0.0-static_libs.patch b/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-5.0.0-static_libs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e1ed2c2038a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-5.0.0-static_libs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -82,27 +82,6 @@
+     OPTION (MSGPACK_GEN_COVERAGE "Enable running gcov to get a test coverage report." OFF)
+ ENDIF ()
+-        ENDIF ()
+-        ENDIF ()
+-    ELSE ()
+-        ENDIF ()
+-        ENDIF ()
+-    ENDIF ()
+-ELSE ()
+     ENDIF ()
+@@ -110,7 +89,6 @@
+     ENDIF ()
+-ENDIF ()
+ INCLUDE (Files.cmake)

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-5.0.0.ebuild b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-5.0.0.ebuild
index cc6f586a055f..14455fe7b732 100644
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-5.0.0.ebuild
+++ b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-5.0.0.ebuild
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ SRC_URI="${PN}/${PN}-c/releases/download/c-${PV}/${MY_P}.tar.
 KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~riscv ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x64-macos"
-IUSE="doc examples test"
+IUSE="doc examples static-libs test"
 RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
@@ -25,12 +25,17 @@ BDEPEND="doc? ( app-doc/doxygen[dot] )
+	"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.0.0-static_libs.patch
 multilib_src_configure() {
 	local mycmakeargs=(
 		-DMSGPACK_BUILD_TESTS="$(usex test)"
+		-DMSGPACK_ENABLE_STATIC="$(usex static-libs)"

^ permalink raw reply related	[flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-libs/msgpack/files/, dev-libs/msgpack/
@ 2020-09-30  2:57 Sam James
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Sam James @ 2020-09-30  2:57 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-commits

commit:     82f8868fd9f42fd4573357ceeae4354d9647f0c2
Author:     Sam James <sam <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Wed Sep 30 02:57:04 2020 +0000
Commit:     Sam James <sam <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Wed Sep 30 02:57:04 2020 +0000

dev-libs/msgpack: cleanup old

Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.4, Repoman-3.0.1
Signed-off-by: Sam James <sam <AT>>

 dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest                         |  3 -
 dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.0.0-cflags.patch | 25 --------
 dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.0.0-static.patch | 40 ------------
 dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.1.0-gcc6.patch   | 22 -------
 dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-1.1.0.ebuild             | 47 --------------
 dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-3.1.1.ebuild             | 75 -----------------------
 dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-3.2.1.ebuild             | 75 -----------------------
 7 files changed, 287 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest b/dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest
index 1f7dbe990d5..d4d73cd4aaa 100644
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest
+++ b/dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
-DIST msgpack-1.1.0.tar.gz 493551 BLAKE2B 3ee162fcba5ae61c7c69945a567ac4d39526e7941f42cc2ed55bc5885b823af84eea212c4e75e8e8583e8ea8a5e12f75e969409193c5e7273430e2e02d33a02c SHA512 6823fab090c2146f871a45736c29b8f81434f0d72c597ebea2e947e4a9a17554e163bc88fbbc3dd0805b2ef0df029b10ca30c09dfbd1111252b9861a1e373901
-DIST msgpack-3.1.1.tar.gz 495858 BLAKE2B a99b7edb2a6de80e018d5c4084ea199518e34045a6293c622c8690147ae353abdb63856eb031962a02ce20903d4443ec2b01a3c033e756c339f8674ff801d4c3 SHA512 cc634ef38b3844bf994159024441fe72d99055c42b0a4d81245b0629fd1f3147587eb36537cfb85e4cae2edc1dc23d7fa400022efa5a10dca295f9a6acd38346
 DIST msgpack-3.2.0.tar.gz 499188 BLAKE2B 6e5fd59a96ca726d3429b173b3db4c74163eaf6d314b289845237b6ace6208478dbbbb60397c630d515f6f6eed344b74f76225d1a4ca143b91ebb9b3a1369c14 SHA512 f3d011adfaa71b3c5d5f3eb43f0addbd461ae82b8ac22f367ddba7ef762d3bea500477501cf394d1770f0c47809bc363fc1088819ecfdfa668e93529885f4b88
-DIST msgpack-3.2.1.tar.gz 1234733 BLAKE2B 97fb6cab5125463f10e7ad2c55ee478b2bf3dab5628a40ce1b0bcdd96cc002f5c99e495592c91f1342e6623d32b5594536de226b0bf80e1cb5290dae9b0566dc SHA512 68d06b05a1f00a3d9d7d39313a9e11f42828606c39d9d4c07673a48c9b88028a6316f2a964881cc8e4d185616a037711f02a7d3cd6029eadbacf52145603538b
 DIST msgpack-3.3.0.tar.gz 508001 BLAKE2B 3017c44689f8afbf078b9c498449e21b4e3b87591c50a37bf9ae73869dab550819f24d6e5179a3600df297aa2c024e5a7fe1defcbab7c0f1aff826870de2ab32 SHA512 ad3e32edc8c6afd70282b3d4b493c2ffe74a697c41bd1f39030c5b4752cccefaa965bc049d4c2e63103a210bf714dc3bddd474691bc067d1475ae017593f55e6

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.0.0-cflags.patch b/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.0.0-cflags.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fc6cacd0a03..00000000000
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.0.0-cflags.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
---- msgpack-1.0.0/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ msgpack-1.0.0/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -213,10 +213,6 @@
- ENDIF ()
--ENDIF ()
---- msgpack-1.0.0/test/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ msgpack-1.0.0/test/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -52,9 +52,6 @@
-     )
-     ADD_TEST (${source_file_we} ${source_file_we})
--    ENDIF ()
-         IF (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS MATCHES "/W[0-4]")

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.0.0-static.patch b/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.0.0-static.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e40a9deaaec..00000000000
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.0.0-static.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
---- msgpack-1.0.0/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ msgpack-1.0.0/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- OPTION (MSGPACK_CXX11 "Using c++11 compiler" OFF)
- OPTION (MSGPACK_32BIT "32bit compile" OFF)
-+OPTION (MSGPACK_STATIC "Build static library" ON)
-@@ -196,12 +197,15 @@
-     ${msgpack_HEADERS}
- )
--ADD_LIBRARY (msgpack-static STATIC
--    ${msgpack_SOURCES}
--    ${msgpack_HEADERS}
-+    ADD_LIBRARY (msgpack-static STATIC
-+        ${msgpack_SOURCES}
-+        ${msgpack_HEADERS}
-+    )
-+ENDIF ()
-@@ -233,7 +237,7 @@
- ENDIF ()

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.1.0-gcc6.patch b/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.1.0-gcc6.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fc9bb46e4b..00000000000
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.1.0-gcc6.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Backported from:
---- a/include/msgpack/adaptor/detail/cpp11_msgpack_tuple.hpp
-+++ b/include/msgpack/adaptor/detail/cpp11_msgpack_tuple.hpp
-@@ -46,13 +46,14 @@
-     public:
-         using base = std::tuple<Types...>;
--        using base::base;
--        tuple() = default;
-         tuple(tuple const&) = default;
-         tuple(tuple&&) = default;
-         template<typename... OtherTypes>
-+        tuple(OtherTypes&&... other):base(std::forward<OtherTypes>(other)...) {}
-+        template<typename... OtherTypes>
-         tuple(tuple<OtherTypes...> const& other):base(static_cast<std::tuple<OtherTypes...> const&>(other)) {}
-         template<typename... OtherTypes>
-         tuple(tuple<OtherTypes...> && other):base(static_cast<std::tuple<OtherTypes...> &&>(other)) {}

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-1.1.0.ebuild b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-1.1.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 934638604a4..00000000000
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-1.1.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit cmake-multilib
-if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
-	inherit git-r3
-	EGIT_REPO_URI="${PN}/${PN}-c.git"
-	SRC_URI="${PN}/${PN}-c/releases/download/cpp-${PV}/${P}.tar.gz"
-	KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-DESCRIPTION="MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format"
-IUSE="+cxx static-libs test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-	test? (
-		>=dev-cpp/gtest-1.6.0-r2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
-		sys-libs/zlib[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
-	)
-DOCS=( )
-	"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.0.0-cflags.patch
-	"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.0.0-static.patch
-	"${FILESDIR}"/${P}-gcc6.patch
-src_configure() {
-	local mycmakeargs=(
-		-DMSGPACK_ENABLE_CXX=$(usex cxx)
-		-DMSGPACK_STATIC=$(usex static-libs)
-		-DMSGPACK_BUILD_TESTS=$(usex test)
-	)
-	cmake-multilib_src_configure

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-3.1.1.ebuild b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-3.1.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f05ddf33b7..00000000000
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-3.1.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit cmake-multilib
-if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
-	inherit git-r3
-	EGIT_REPO_URI="${PN}/${PN}-c.git"
-	SRC_URI="${PN}/${PN}-c/releases/download/cpp-${PV}/${P}.tar.gz"
-	KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-DESCRIPTION="MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format"
-IUSE="boost +cxx doc examples static-libs test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-RDEPEND="boost? ( dev-libs/boost[context,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )"
-	test? (
-		>=dev-cpp/gtest-1.6.0-r2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
-		sys-libs/zlib[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
-	)
-	doc? ( app-doc/doxygen[dot] )
-src_configure() {
-	local mycmakeargs=(
-		-DMSGPACK_BOOST="$(usex boost)"
-		-DMSGPACK_ENABLE_CXX="$(usex cxx)"
-		-DMSGPACK_ENABLE_STATIC="$(usex static-libs)"
-		-DMSGPACK_BUILD_TESTS="$(usex test)"
-		# don't build the examples
-		# enable C++11 by default
-	)
-	cmake-multilib_src_configure
-multilib_src_compile() {
-	cmake-utils_src_compile
-	if multilib_is_native_abi && use doc; then
-		cmake-utils_src_make doxygen
-	fi
-multilib_src_install() {
-	if multilib_is_native_abi; then
-		if use doc; then
-			local HTML_DOCS=( "${BUILD_DIR}"/docs/. )
-			mkdir docs || die
-			mv doc_c/html docs/c || die
-			use cxx && mv doc_cpp/html docs/cpp || die
-		fi
-		if use examples; then
-			docinto examples
-			dodoc -r "${WORKDIR}/${P}/example/."
-			docompress -x /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
-		fi
-	fi
-	cmake-utils_src_install

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-3.2.1.ebuild b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-3.2.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index a1129dcdc40..00000000000
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-3.2.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit cmake-multilib
-if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
-	inherit git-r3
-	EGIT_REPO_URI="${PN}/${PN}-c.git"
-	SRC_URI="${PN}/${PN}-c/releases/download/cpp-${PV}/${P}.tar.gz"
-	KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-DESCRIPTION="MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format"
-IUSE="boost +cxx doc examples static-libs test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-RDEPEND="boost? ( dev-libs/boost[context,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )"
-	test? (
-		>=dev-cpp/gtest-1.6.0-r2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
-		sys-libs/zlib[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
-	)
-	doc? ( app-doc/doxygen[dot] )
-src_configure() {
-	local mycmakeargs=(
-		-DMSGPACK_BOOST="$(usex boost)"
-		-DMSGPACK_ENABLE_CXX="$(usex cxx)"
-		-DMSGPACK_ENABLE_STATIC="$(usex static-libs)"
-		-DMSGPACK_BUILD_TESTS="$(usex test)"
-		# don't build the examples
-		# enable C++11 by default
-	)
-	cmake-multilib_src_configure
-multilib_src_compile() {
-	cmake-utils_src_compile
-	if multilib_is_native_abi && use doc; then
-		cmake-utils_src_make doxygen
-	fi
-multilib_src_install() {
-	if multilib_is_native_abi; then
-		if use doc; then
-			local HTML_DOCS=( "${BUILD_DIR}"/docs/. )
-			mkdir docs || die
-			mv doc_c/html docs/c || die
-			use cxx && mv doc_cpp/html docs/cpp || die
-		fi
-		if use examples; then
-			docinto examples
-			dodoc -r "${WORKDIR}/${P}/example/."
-			docompress -x /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
-		fi
-	fi
-	cmake-utils_src_install

^ permalink raw reply related	[flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-libs/msgpack/files/, dev-libs/msgpack/
@ 2017-12-11 20:58 Patrice Clement
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Patrice Clement @ 2017-12-11 20:58 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-commits

commit:     d7a074a0f604e82fc81366acf250278d48d5eb48
Author:     Patrice Clement <monsieurp <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Mon Dec 11 20:56:11 2017 +0000
Commit:     Patrice Clement <monsieurp <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Mon Dec 11 20:58:14 2017 +0000

dev-libs/msgpack: pack oversized patch away into a tarball.

Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.13, Repoman-2.3.3

 dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest                          |    1 +
 .../msgpack-2.0.0-gcc7-implicit-fallthrough.patch  | 1798 --------------------
 dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.0.0.ebuild              |    7 +-
 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 1800 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest b/dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest
index 99c3d1999db..28aeda04320 100644
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest
+++ b/dev-libs/msgpack/Manifest
@@ -3,5 +3,6 @@ DIST msgpack-1.0.0.tar.gz 478108 BLAKE2B 2e624184453e1de2a183a2d90b4c642861932a6
 DIST msgpack-1.0.1.tar.gz 484598 BLAKE2B d89e71897d2d7238911f98854927e2b4b934c60cdf497b0784857ed2151a3fd4c3926a8b95cddde31cc1dcef3483c407b03322c05992a737d73584f47cd8a9d9 SHA512 da20ddafe6ec4b61b1ea9cc9e79070c5ce7805974c0fd18ed46d6dc422732b93f29c6b28cf72ada3c77770d55f00f8b17655538535f46a60252083e2afe12545
 DIST msgpack-1.1.0.tar.gz 493551 BLAKE2B 3ee162fcba5ae61c7c69945a567ac4d39526e7941f42cc2ed55bc5885b823af84eea212c4e75e8e8583e8ea8a5e12f75e969409193c5e7273430e2e02d33a02c SHA512 6823fab090c2146f871a45736c29b8f81434f0d72c597ebea2e947e4a9a17554e163bc88fbbc3dd0805b2ef0df029b10ca30c09dfbd1111252b9861a1e373901
 DIST msgpack-1.4.2.tar.gz 776384 BLAKE2B c8605847aca3faa3aba2c573bc6f020fbfbc773e008c682978453ed353206cbb9d8ba4d521a11984f5bf7f9005b05f3ae33d6c48233f19b39f8b7f307031d36a SHA512 c2da1d3bcc4e3dbcd93e005c63796e52e071d47ccd18434d4d3483b2e8255cf89ade746392decaa50e3911ca0134bb0da88b3b2ada9acfba0d331dfd48843548
+DIST msgpack-2.0.0-patchset.tar.bz2 1645 BLAKE2B 273faa0fe88f4da06b57b7deb02de77191bdb6c5ca76d314043636979157b879f73cbcb0a0b931cecb3eb0f706b3c6cce0e42350eebf20c44503393504c9edb0 SHA512 7b40b0e6675b333bdbf3d811e47a55e35c4aa136e378966ce3e5f42aaf6de57d883db71ed5c189c6da1803d6725847db23f6fdf1cc0cdc921d3cadcf245545c4
 DIST msgpack-2.0.0.tar.gz 446063 BLAKE2B 24bb0657dc8f190740ae3f91541f702d9954e1ff6c12931c43911556a1d34634882dd59678e5aae4a4b55733620a1445c2fef0379be9454b0fa32ce5d7515f08 SHA512 74d1c9641ecdf1a54346088c59415cf778821dc6f6acb0c5a8a93c2284edaf53c4746459093971d96136279fbd8de10cb9a43dd8d8220d335618ad30e971e9a3
 DIST msgpack-2.1.1.tar.gz 460168 BLAKE2B b6e3746033e4779139c5efe0d48eb00e19badff17f910f5a5cdba8ebdccb178f88cbb4e6e85687e4a2ddb0d5c9e6b53dec1e4cc2cee070b5e51e38c5a67b0ad3 SHA512 31ed6fda498d43da6fdbbe000ce36c40e4cf886f00d879c57d406def7f5bba4eaf66f02f221398cb50f6f4c748d5cde9c97eca0cfa21b368c7c933c3301cf9b5

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-2.0.0-gcc7-implicit-fallthrough.patch b/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-2.0.0-gcc7-implicit-fallthrough.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1562c036268..00000000000
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-2.0.0-gcc7-implicit-fallthrough.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1798 +0,0 @@
-diff -aurP msgpack-2.0.0/erb/v1/cpp03_define_array.hpp.erb
---- msgpack-2.0.0/erb/v1/cpp03_define_array.hpp.erb	2016-06-18 18:20:36.000000000 -0500
-+++	2017-08-01 17:20:57.803000361 -0500
-@@ -66,7 +66,9 @@
-             msgpack::object *ptr = o.via.array.ptr;
-             switch(size) {
-             default:<%(i).downto(0) {|j|%>
--            case <%=j+1%>: ptr[<%=j%>].convert(a<%=j%>);<%}%>
-+            case <%=j+1%>: ptr[<%=j%>].convert(a<%=j%>);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-diff -aurP msgpack-2.0.0/include/msgpack/unpack_template.h
---- msgpack-2.0.0/include/msgpack/unpack_template.h	2016-05-27 21:10:28.000000000 -0500
-+++	2017-08-01 17:20:49.389000738 -0500
-@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@
-             _fixed_trail_again:
-                 ++p;
-+                // fallthrough
-             default:
-                 if((size_t)(pe - p) < trail) { goto _out; }
-diff -aurP msgpack-2.0.0/include/msgpack/v1/adaptor/detail/cpp03_define_array.hpp
---- msgpack-2.0.0/include/msgpack/v1/adaptor/detail/cpp03_define_array.hpp	2016-06-24 21:16:43.000000000 -0500
-+++	2017-08-01 17:23:32.690993409 -0500
-@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -105,7 +107,9 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -147,8 +151,14 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -193,9 +203,13 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -243,10 +257,20 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -297,11 +321,23 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -355,12 +391,26 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -417,13 +467,29 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -483,14 +549,32 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -553,15 +637,35 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -627,16 +731,38 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -705,17 +831,41 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -787,18 +937,44 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -873,19 +1049,47 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -963,20 +1167,50 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -1057,21 +1291,53 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -1155,22 +1421,56 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -1257,23 +1557,59 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -1363,24 +1699,62 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -1473,25 +1847,65 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -1587,26 +2001,68 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -1705,27 +2161,71 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -1827,28 +2327,74 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -1953,29 +2499,77 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -2083,30 +2677,80 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -2217,31 +2861,83 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 26: ptr[25].convert(a25);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -2355,32 +3051,86 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 27: ptr[26].convert(a26);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 26: ptr[25].convert(a25);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -2497,33 +3247,89 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 28: ptr[27].convert(a27);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 27: ptr[26].convert(a26);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 26: ptr[25].convert(a25);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -2643,34 +3449,92 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 29: ptr[28].convert(a28);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 28: ptr[27].convert(a27);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 27: ptr[26].convert(a26);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 26: ptr[25].convert(a25);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -2793,35 +3657,95 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 30: ptr[29].convert(a29);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 29: ptr[28].convert(a28);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 28: ptr[27].convert(a27);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 27: ptr[26].convert(a26);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 26: ptr[25].convert(a25);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -2947,36 +3871,98 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 31: ptr[30].convert(a30);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 30: ptr[29].convert(a29);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 29: ptr[28].convert(a28);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 28: ptr[27].convert(a27);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 27: ptr[26].convert(a26);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 26: ptr[25].convert(a25);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }
-@@ -3105,37 +4091,101 @@
-             switch(size) {
-             default:
-             case 32: ptr[31].convert(a31);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 31: ptr[30].convert(a30);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 30: ptr[29].convert(a29);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 29: ptr[28].convert(a28);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 28: ptr[27].convert(a27);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 27: ptr[26].convert(a26);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 26: ptr[25].convert(a25);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
-+            // fallthrough
-             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
-+            // fallthrough
-             }
-         }
-     }

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.0.0.ebuild b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.0.0.ebuild
index 334b5e5f0ee..11a00b6a7a3 100644
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.0.0.ebuild
+++ b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.0.0.ebuild
@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@ if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
 	inherit git-r3
-	SRC_URI="${PN}/${PN}-c/releases/download/cpp-${PV}/${P}.tar.gz"
 	KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ DEPEND="
 DOCS=( )
-	"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.0-gcc7-implicit-fallthrough.patch
+	"${WORKDIR}"/patchset/${PN}-2.0.0-gcc7-implicit-fallthrough.patch
 src_configure() {

^ permalink raw reply related	[flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-libs/msgpack/files/, dev-libs/msgpack/
@ 2017-08-14 22:24 Patrice Clement
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Patrice Clement @ 2017-08-14 22:24 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-commits

commit:     c5158d02c671493bb76ceb11fc657128f7341d16
Author:     Marty Plummer <ntzrmtthihu777 <AT> gmail <DOT> com>
AuthorDate: Tue Aug  1 22:52:31 2017 +0000
Commit:     Patrice Clement <monsieurp <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Mon Aug 14 22:22:01 2017 +0000

dev-libs/msgpack: fix -Wimplicit-fallthrough bug.

Patches taken from upstream and rebased against this particular
release. Future releases should not require this patch, and it
only affects formatting.

Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.6, Repoman-2.3.3

 .../msgpack-2.0.0-gcc7-implicit-fallthrough.patch  | 1798 ++++++++++++++++++++
 dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.0.0.ebuild              |    4 +
 2 files changed, 1802 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-2.0.0-gcc7-implicit-fallthrough.patch b/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-2.0.0-gcc7-implicit-fallthrough.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1562c036268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-2.0.0-gcc7-implicit-fallthrough.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1798 @@
+diff -aurP msgpack-2.0.0/erb/v1/cpp03_define_array.hpp.erb
+--- msgpack-2.0.0/erb/v1/cpp03_define_array.hpp.erb	2016-06-18 18:20:36.000000000 -0500
++++	2017-08-01 17:20:57.803000361 -0500
+@@ -66,7 +66,9 @@
+             msgpack::object *ptr = o.via.array.ptr;
+             switch(size) {
+             default:<%(i).downto(0) {|j|%>
+-            case <%=j+1%>: ptr[<%=j%>].convert(a<%=j%>);<%}%>
++            case <%=j+1%>: ptr[<%=j%>].convert(a<%=j%>);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+diff -aurP msgpack-2.0.0/include/msgpack/unpack_template.h
+--- msgpack-2.0.0/include/msgpack/unpack_template.h	2016-05-27 21:10:28.000000000 -0500
++++	2017-08-01 17:20:49.389000738 -0500
+@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@
+             _fixed_trail_again:
+                 ++p;
++                // fallthrough
+             default:
+                 if((size_t)(pe - p) < trail) { goto _out; }
+diff -aurP msgpack-2.0.0/include/msgpack/v1/adaptor/detail/cpp03_define_array.hpp
+--- msgpack-2.0.0/include/msgpack/v1/adaptor/detail/cpp03_define_array.hpp	2016-06-24 21:16:43.000000000 -0500
++++	2017-08-01 17:23:32.690993409 -0500
+@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -105,7 +107,9 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -147,8 +151,14 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -193,9 +203,13 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -243,10 +257,20 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -297,11 +321,23 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -355,12 +391,26 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -417,13 +467,29 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -483,14 +549,32 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -553,15 +637,35 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -627,16 +731,38 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -705,17 +831,41 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -787,18 +937,44 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -873,19 +1049,47 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -963,20 +1167,50 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -1057,21 +1291,53 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -1155,22 +1421,56 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -1257,23 +1557,59 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -1363,24 +1699,62 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -1473,25 +1847,65 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -1587,26 +2001,68 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -1705,27 +2161,71 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -1827,28 +2327,74 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -1953,29 +2499,77 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -2083,30 +2677,80 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -2217,31 +2861,83 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 26: ptr[25].convert(a25);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -2355,32 +3051,86 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 27: ptr[26].convert(a26);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 26: ptr[25].convert(a25);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -2497,33 +3247,89 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 28: ptr[27].convert(a27);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 27: ptr[26].convert(a26);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 26: ptr[25].convert(a25);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -2643,34 +3449,92 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 29: ptr[28].convert(a28);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 28: ptr[27].convert(a27);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 27: ptr[26].convert(a26);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 26: ptr[25].convert(a25);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -2793,35 +3657,95 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 30: ptr[29].convert(a29);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 29: ptr[28].convert(a28);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 28: ptr[27].convert(a27);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 27: ptr[26].convert(a26);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 26: ptr[25].convert(a25);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -2947,36 +3871,98 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 31: ptr[30].convert(a30);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 30: ptr[29].convert(a29);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 29: ptr[28].convert(a28);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 28: ptr[27].convert(a27);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 27: ptr[26].convert(a26);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 26: ptr[25].convert(a25);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -3105,37 +4091,101 @@
+             switch(size) {
+             default:
+             case 32: ptr[31].convert(a31);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 31: ptr[30].convert(a30);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 30: ptr[29].convert(a29);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 29: ptr[28].convert(a28);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 28: ptr[27].convert(a27);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 27: ptr[26].convert(a26);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 26: ptr[25].convert(a25);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 25: ptr[24].convert(a24);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 24: ptr[23].convert(a23);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 23: ptr[22].convert(a22);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 22: ptr[21].convert(a21);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 21: ptr[20].convert(a20);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 20: ptr[19].convert(a19);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 19: ptr[18].convert(a18);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 18: ptr[17].convert(a17);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 17: ptr[16].convert(a16);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 16: ptr[15].convert(a15);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 15: ptr[14].convert(a14);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 14: ptr[13].convert(a13);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 13: ptr[12].convert(a12);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 12: ptr[11].convert(a11);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 11: ptr[10].convert(a10);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 10: ptr[9].convert(a9);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 9: ptr[8].convert(a8);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 8: ptr[7].convert(a7);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 7: ptr[6].convert(a6);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 6: ptr[5].convert(a5);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 5: ptr[4].convert(a4);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 4: ptr[3].convert(a3);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 3: ptr[2].convert(a2);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 2: ptr[1].convert(a1);
++            // fallthrough
+             case 1: ptr[0].convert(a0);
++            // fallthrough
+             }
+         }
+     }

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.0.0.ebuild b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.0.0.ebuild
index fa3087187ed..334b5e5f0ee 100644
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.0.0.ebuild
+++ b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-2.0.0.ebuild
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ DEPEND="
 DOCS=( )
+	"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.0-gcc7-implicit-fallthrough.patch
 src_configure() {
 	local mycmakeargs=(
 	    -DMSGPACK_ENABLE_CXX=$(usex cxx)

^ permalink raw reply related	[flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-libs/msgpack/files/, dev-libs/msgpack/
@ 2017-07-25 21:52 Patrice Clement
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Patrice Clement @ 2017-07-25 21:52 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-commits

commit:     42a9bc145ce5188ad3852261c912314960581665
Author:     Peter Levine <plevine457 <AT> gmail <DOT> com>
AuthorDate: Tue Jul 25 03:00:32 2017 +0000
Commit:     Patrice Clement <monsieurp <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Tue Jul 25 21:52:27 2017 +0000

dev-libs/msgpack: fix building with GCC-6.


Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.6, Repoman-2.3.2

 dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.1.0-gcc6.patch | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-1.1.0.ebuild           |  6 +++++-
 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.1.0-gcc6.patch b/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.1.0-gcc6.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2fc9bb46e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-libs/msgpack/files/msgpack-1.1.0-gcc6.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Backported from:
+--- a/include/msgpack/adaptor/detail/cpp11_msgpack_tuple.hpp
++++ b/include/msgpack/adaptor/detail/cpp11_msgpack_tuple.hpp
+@@ -46,13 +46,14 @@
+     public:
+         using base = std::tuple<Types...>;
+-        using base::base;
+-        tuple() = default;
+         tuple(tuple const&) = default;
+         tuple(tuple&&) = default;
+         template<typename... OtherTypes>
++        tuple(OtherTypes&&... other):base(std::forward<OtherTypes>(other)...) {}
++        template<typename... OtherTypes>
+         tuple(tuple<OtherTypes...> const& other):base(static_cast<std::tuple<OtherTypes...> const&>(other)) {}
+         template<typename... OtherTypes>
+         tuple(tuple<OtherTypes...> && other):base(static_cast<std::tuple<OtherTypes...> &&>(other)) {}

diff --git a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-1.1.0.ebuild b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-1.1.0.ebuild
index e9316807c0c..0743ad515c8 100644
--- a/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-1.1.0.ebuild
+++ b/dev-libs/msgpack/msgpack-1.1.0.ebuild
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
 inherit cmake-multilib
 if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
@@ -27,9 +28,11 @@ DEPEND="
 DOCS=( )
+	"${FILESDIR}"/${P}-gcc6.patch
 src_configure() {
@@ -38,5 +41,6 @@ src_configure() {
 		$(cmake-utils_use static-libs MSGPACK_STATIC)
 		$(cmake-utils_use test MSGPACK_BUILD_TESTS)

^ permalink raw reply related	[flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread

end of thread, other threads:[~2023-02-07 11:30 UTC | newest]

Thread overview: 7+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed
-- links below jump to the message on this page --
2018-12-28 21:06 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: dev-libs/msgpack/files/, dev-libs/msgpack/ Tim Harder
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2023-02-07 11:30 Marek Szuba
2023-02-05 21:59 Marek Szuba
2020-09-30  2:57 Sam James
2017-12-11 20:58 Patrice Clement
2017-08-14 22:24 Patrice Clement
2017-07-25 21:52 Patrice Clement

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