From: "Samuel Bernardo" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/user/ssnb:master commit in: app-emulation/opennebula/
Date: Tue, 8 May 2018 19:55:01 +0000 (UTC) [thread overview]
Message-ID: <1525809284.58eb4b2bb22da9e0a38a134a4efb4db2cba3c50f.samuelbernardo@gentoo> (raw)
commit: 58eb4b2bb22da9e0a38a134a4efb4db2cba3c50f
Author: Samuel Bernardo <samuelbernardo.mail <AT> gmail <DOT> com>
AuthorDate: Tue May 8 19:54:44 2018 +0000
Commit: Samuel Bernardo <samuelbernardo.mail <AT> gmail <DOT> com>
CommitDate: Tue May 8 19:54:44 2018 +0000
add opennebula-5.4.11
app-emulation/opennebula/Manifest | 1 +
app-emulation/opennebula/opennebula-5.4.11.ebuild | 219 ++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 220 insertions(+)
diff --git a/app-emulation/opennebula/Manifest b/app-emulation/opennebula/Manifest
index 10c1ecd..2f9179d 100644
--- a/app-emulation/opennebula/Manifest
+++ b/app-emulation/opennebula/Manifest
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ EBUILD opennebula-5.0.2.ebuild 5178 BLAKE2B 987bf171438c6409dc6f0f5f88ac50425e48
EBUILD opennebula-5.2.0.ebuild 5178 BLAKE2B 987bf171438c6409dc6f0f5f88ac50425e485e6c81c14f4c5af96b7431e5a0f255ce55f2d6d40cf9523a9370abbfeb2190ad42d54e3e2230d63a04896288b0d6 SHA512 d758667dd121fa812e420de93c7b18edd2d15582088c8f995f69028d8afd48d10a5d683d35a18f2b41d5ce4b568f93ae0e8df98b0f211b2168c77547365d212e
EBUILD opennebula-5.2.1.ebuild 5376 BLAKE2B 0f3f5565e1a445ed2144018195244fe3b1d3db27665fa94b624e7c53ea1115c2c553694e2abef9fa5e0eabfbfeb0badc3cae14fffc4ee14dd72a43e75bc30a04 SHA512 d175ce386029b824ccd3f2f59a9f3c4cb607fe2548b49d8b8bb436542f46852553e5fe2dcacfcfac71a63710344148637bada6659758f3248552d1b31099768c
EBUILD opennebula-5.4.1.ebuild 5394 BLAKE2B be801a88a64fb6c2345845bdb389a41b7f29664a8421639977058ea6e6b419fda65db70328fbf74782859e52979e52807bd77c1e3ce71a64d456e2b8e831d12b SHA512 a4fd17509e5363838e699abbb609c9ff33de519949aa61121ffc7551405e3204dd7e6f2e0c764fc80c4a8d3f7b68693fe92ffd54c47f36095d949758b653e1dd
+EBUILD opennebula-5.4.11.ebuild 6415 BLAKE2B d011ee9a835c65314964ea62b6aa3d0bb23e74310857114af4f751e5c0114a3b674a73c50c6889fc222a8161abf4ff8fc85494b6c5d2140b0df09d019a3f4ac0 SHA512 da259c64b8aa2b569b70c7afa9c834e1c19939a01201c9954736064378decfa5020e8a5eec655b413d901e2578901197139cd545897068e41525dd255c1f4168
EBUILD opennebula-5.4.12.ebuild 6415 BLAKE2B d011ee9a835c65314964ea62b6aa3d0bb23e74310857114af4f751e5c0114a3b674a73c50c6889fc222a8161abf4ff8fc85494b6c5d2140b0df09d019a3f4ac0 SHA512 da259c64b8aa2b569b70c7afa9c834e1c19939a01201c9954736064378decfa5020e8a5eec655b413d901e2578901197139cd545897068e41525dd255c1f4168
EBUILD opennebula-5.4.6.ebuild 5394 BLAKE2B be801a88a64fb6c2345845bdb389a41b7f29664a8421639977058ea6e6b419fda65db70328fbf74782859e52979e52807bd77c1e3ce71a64d456e2b8e831d12b SHA512 a4fd17509e5363838e699abbb609c9ff33de519949aa61121ffc7551405e3204dd7e6f2e0c764fc80c4a8d3f7b68693fe92ffd54c47f36095d949758b653e1dd
MISC metadata.xml 471 BLAKE2B fecada7f873a86295bd66aa16126682170731bb4cd87dc2cfc7f46503d1d10880cc92f87c388dc6b2d3e8a4d4cba73c4b88a97ce8d23c2254b0d91cb3f820779 SHA512 0be6058785693cef097e2b3ffcffbc7b0011719afcaaf4d10116f490dc23291bdbb9e91f42977c82ef002967a4cbd56f1bebe1f1e61a053a659250a54d7d67d1
diff --git a/app-emulation/opennebula/opennebula-5.4.11.ebuild b/app-emulation/opennebula/opennebula-5.4.11.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4c0da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/opennebula/opennebula-5.4.11.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+USE_RUBY="ruby22 ruby23 ruby24 ruby25"
+inherit user eutils multilib ruby-ng systemd git-r3 flag-o-matic
+DESCRIPTION="OpenNebula Virtual Infrastructure Engine"
+IUSE="qemu +mysql xen sqlite +extras systemd"
+ dev-lang/ruby
+ extras? ( dev-libs/openssl
+ dev-ruby/libxml
+ net-misc/curl
+ dev-libs/libxslt
+ dev-libs/expat
+ dev-ruby/uuidtools
+ dev-ruby/amazon-ec2
+ dev-ruby/aws-sdk
+ dev-ruby/webmock
+ dev-ruby/mysql
+ dev-ruby/mysql2
+ dev-ruby/parse-cron
+ dev-ruby/sequel
+ dev-ruby/treetop
+ dev-ruby/xml-simple
+ dev-ruby/zendesk_api
+ dev-ruby/ruby-net-ldap
+ dev-ruby/rack
+ dev-ruby/sinatra
+ dev-ruby/thin
+ dev-ruby/memcache-client
+ dev-ruby/curb
+ dev-ruby/trollop
+ dev-ruby/azure
+ dev-ruby/safe_yaml
+ dev-libs/log4cpp )
+ mysql? ( virtual/mysql )
+ dev-db/sqlite
+ net-misc/openssh
+ || ( app-cdr/cdrkit app-cdr/cdrtools )
+ sqlite? ( dev-ruby/sqlite3 )
+ qemu? ( app-emulation/libvirt[libvirtd,qemu] )
+ xen? ( app-emulation/xen-tools )"
+ >=dev-util/scons-1.2.0-r1
+ dev-python/configparser
+ dev-ruby/configparser
+ dev-ruby/rubygems
+ dev-ruby/rake
+ dev-ruby/xmlparser
+ dev-ruby/ox
+ dev-ruby/builder
+ sys-devel/make
+ dev-ruby/nokogiri"
+# make sure no eclass is running tests
+pkg_setup () {
+ enewgroup ${ONEGROUP}
+ enewuser ${ONEUSER} -1 /bin/bash /var/lib/one ${ONEGROUP}
+#src_unpack() {
+# default
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/fix_kvm_emulator.patch"
+ default
+ sed -i -e 's|chmod|true|' || die "sed failed"
+src_configure() {
+ :
+src_compile() {
+ #
+ #filter-ldflags -lpthread
+ local myconf
+ # This builds the vanilla OpenNebula package. Tweak this line as desired.
+ myconf+="sunstone=no parsers=yes "
+ use extras && myconf+="new_xmlrpc=yes "
+ use mysql && myconf+="mysql=yes " || myconf+="mysql=no "
+ use sqlite && myconf+="sqlite=yes " || myconf+="sqlite=no "
+ use systemd && myconf+="systemd=yes " || myconf+="systemd=no "
+ scons \
+ ${myconf} \
+ $(sed -r 's/.*(-j\s*|--jobs=)([0-9]+).*/-j\2/' <<< ${MAKEOPTS}) \
+ || die "building ${PN} failed"
+src_install() {
+ DESTDIR=${T} ./ -u ${ONEUSER} -g ${ONEGROUP} || die "install failed"
+ cd "${T}"
+ # installing things for real
+ dobin bin/*
+ keepdir /var/{lib,run}/${PN} || die "keepdir failed"
+ dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/one
+ dodir /var/lock/one
+ dodir /var/log/one
+ dodir /var/lib/one
+ dodir /var/run/one
+ dodir /var/tmp/one
+ # we have to preserve the executable bits
+ cp -a lib/* "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/one/" || die "copying lib files failed"
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
+ doins -r share/examples
+ dodir /var/lib/one
+ dodir /var/lib/one/vms
+ dodir /usr/share/one
+ dodir /etc/tmpfiles.d
+ # we have to preserve the executable bits
+ cp -a var/remotes "${D}/var/lib/one/" || die "copying remotes failed"
+ cp -a share/* "${D}/usr/share/one/" || die "copying share failed"
+ doenvd "${FILESDIR}/99one"
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/opennebula.initd" opennebula
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/sunstone-server.initd" sunstone-server
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/oneflow-server.initd" oneflow-server
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/opennebula.confd" opennebula
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/sunstone-server.confd" sunstone-server
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/oneflow-server.confd" oneflow-server
+ use systemd && systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/opennebula{,-sunstone,-econe,-oneflow,-onegate,-scheduler,-novnc}.service
+ insinto /etc/one
+ insopts -m 0640
+ doins -r etc/*
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/one_auth"
+ insinto /etc/tmpfiles.d
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/tmpfilesd.opennebula.conf" "opennebula.conf"
+ insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/logrotated.opennebula" "opennebula"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ chown -R oneadmin:oneadmin ${ROOT}var/{lock,lib,log,run,tmp}/one
+ chown -R oneadmin:oneadmin ${ROOT}usr/share/one
+ chown -R oneadmin:oneadmin ${ROOT}etc/one
+ chown -R oneadmin:oneadmin ${ROOT}usr/lib/one
+ local onedir="${EROOT}var/lib/one"
+ if [ ! -d "${onedir}/.ssh" ] ; then
+ einfo "Generating ssh-key..."
+ umask 0027 || die "setting umask failed"
+ mkdir "${onedir}/.ssh" || die "creating ssh directory failed"
+ ssh-keygen -q -t dsa -N "" -f "${onedir}/.ssh/id_dsa" || die "ssh-keygen failed"
+ cat > "${onedir}/.ssh/config" <<EOF
+UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
+Host *
+ StrictHostKeyChecking no
+ cat "${onedir}/.ssh/" >> "${onedir}/.ssh/authorized_keys" || die "adding key failed"
+ chown -R ${ONEUSER}:${ONEGROUP} "${onedir}/.ssh" || die "changing owner failed"
+ fi
+ if use qemu ; then
+ elog "Make sure that the user ${ONEUSER} has access to the libvirt control socket"
+ elog " /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock"
+ elog "You can easily check this by executing the following command as ${ONEUSER} user"
+ elog " virsh -c qemu:///system nodeinfo"
+ elog "If not using using policykit in libvirt, the file you should take a look at is:"
+ elog " /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf (look for the unix_sock_*_perms parameters)"
+ elog "Failure to do so may lead to nodes hanging in PENDING state forever without further notice."
+ echo ""
+ elog "Should a node hang in PENDING state even with correct permissions, try the following to get more information."
+ elog "In /tmp/one-im execute the following command for the biggest one_im-* file:"
+ elog " ruby -wd one_im-???"
+ echo ""
+ elog "OpenNebula doesn't allow you to specify the disc format."
+ elog "Unfortunately the default in libvirt is not to guess and"
+ elog "it therefores assumes a 'raw' format when using qemu/kvm."
+ elog "Set 'allow_disk_format_probing = 0' in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf"
+ elog "to work around this until OpenNebula fixes it."
+ fi
+ elog "If you wish to use the sunstone server, please issue the command"
+ #elog "/usr/share/one/install_gems as oneadmin user"
+ elog "gem install sequel thin json rack sinatra builder treetop zendesk_api mysql parse-cron"
next reply other threads:[~2018-05-08 19:55 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 23+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2018-05-08 19:55 Samuel Bernardo [this message]
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2020-09-20 2:39 [gentoo-commits] repo/user/ssnb:master commit in: app-emulation/opennebula/ Samuel Bernardo
2020-06-12 22:33 Samuel Bernardo
2020-05-11 0:57 Samuel Bernardo
2020-05-11 0:33 Samuel Bernardo
2020-05-11 0:02 Samuel Bernardo
2020-05-04 23:28 Samuel Bernardo
2020-05-04 19:48 Samuel Bernardo
2020-05-04 15:42 Samuel Bernardo
2020-05-04 13:42 Samuel Bernardo
2020-05-04 4:06 Samuel Bernardo
2020-05-04 3:20 Samuel Bernardo
2020-05-04 3:20 Samuel Bernardo
2020-05-04 2:30 Samuel Bernardo
2020-03-25 23:53 Samuel Bernardo
2019-04-11 0:36 Samuel Bernardo
2018-07-28 17:41 Samuel Bernardo
2018-06-24 22:53 Samuel Bernardo
2018-06-24 22:30 Samuel Bernardo
2018-06-24 11:50 Samuel Bernardo
2018-06-23 18:40 Samuel Bernardo
2018-02-02 23:41 Samuel Bernardo
2017-10-01 15:29 Samuel Bernardo
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