* [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/files/, mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/
@ 2018-04-21 10:39 Mikle Kolyada
0 siblings, 0 replies; only message in thread
From: Mikle Kolyada @ 2018-04-21 10:39 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 8c7e1bce94d05f0855d1290bf4b22b10198db70b
Author: Mikle Kolyada <zlogene <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sat Apr 21 10:38:25 2018 +0000
Commit: Mikle Kolyada <zlogene <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sat Apr 21 10:38:25 2018 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=8c7e1bce
mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer: remove last rited package
Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/612916
mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/Manifest | 3 -
.../anomy-sanitizer/anomy-sanitizer-1.76-r1.ebuild | 106 -----------
mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/files/anomy.conf | 207 ---------------------
.../anomy-sanitizer/files/sample2_mailfilter.sh | 83 ---------
.../anomy-sanitizer/files/sample_mailfiler.sh | 76 --------
mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/metadata.xml | 5 -
6 files changed, 480 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/Manifest b/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index cc234e39b3b..00000000000
--- a/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-DIST anomy-sanitizer-1.76.tar.gz 172722 BLAKE2B d4467c64c7ee377c28d13ec0140b87bdf68c2cae7cc68d28997f8f15c0b0ede019d21e7751743195977b028a4d4ce41892e17357c241cad33a0ce2b4c93ebc6c SHA512 4ba805f733f291af71f6ec514274f27bedd132c8613ea5a96eb6bffce9ee6fed15eaf73562f69c77327174bb91e101ce36f2e24917af61efa1b88a8acb721b41
-DIST sample_e-mail-architecture.png.tar 20480 BLAKE2B 3ba03680ff15f2d83460ccd1018384ee7e224a90ada1bc405641a317ee53f857821bac4df9752057a334a27d13172b28b98a85ad099790b942b10add7fec8019 SHA512 8f2ea6fd8bda828479ad659ac5c87175eb822c7c239713103a650feac0c46ac55476b59bdf2c99ca94b23bebaa2247fc55517b31a73c96e85d9664d759b0f1e2
-DIST sample_e-mail-architektur.flw 7001 BLAKE2B 3120c6f38e188651927da6b2fb2d6ba8e9a893f96661eb98ed8e5b91cfa1edd9acd07f01f6664ed90d9bbcc662d32ba6cac711dd074eae042da36439e6b6c067 SHA512 7c45e3787f80a94f8dda26e9d7d980aa96ec0163fa8b6f998be9e7ea188fedceb9c7db29c7d65099da9003c36de68335a016a33ce827ca10330a7115a87d5c59
diff --git a/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/anomy-sanitizer-1.76-r1.ebuild b/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/anomy-sanitizer-1.76-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index a3365419506..00000000000
--- a/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/anomy-sanitizer-1.76-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils user
-DESCRIPTION="Perl based e-mail filtering tool"
- https://dev.gentoo.org/~jlec/distfiles/sample_e-mail-architecture.png.tar
- http://mailtools.anomy.net/dist/${PN}-${PV}.tar.gz
- https://dev.gentoo.org/~pacho/maintainer-needed/sample_e-mail-architektur.flw"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~ppc x86"
- >=virtual/perl-MIME-Base64-2.12-r2
- >=dev-perl/Mail-Audit-2.1-r1
- dev-perl/Convert-TNEF
- dev-perl/MIME-tools
- dev-perl/libwww-perl
- virtual/mta"
-src_install() {
- dodoc *.sanitizer CREDITS UNICODE.TXT
- dohtml sanitizer.html
- rm -rf "${S}/contrib/.tmp"
- rm -f *.sanitizer CREDITS UNICODE.TXT sanitizer.html
- mv "${S}/contrib" "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/"
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/*.sh "${WORKDIR}"/*.png "${DISTDIR}"/*.flw
- keepdir ${SANI_CONFDIR}
- insinto ${SANI_CONFDIR}
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/*.conf
- keepdir ${SANI_WORKDIR}
- dodir ${DEST}
- insinto ${DEST}
-# generate lists for doins
- _list="anomy anomy/bin anomy/bin/Anomy anomy/bin/Anomy/Sanitizer anomy/testcases anomy/testcases/results.def"
- for i in $_list; do
- _di=`echo $i | sed -e "s/^anomy//g; s/^\///g"` &>/dev/null
- insinto ${DEST}/$_di
- _sublist=`find "${WORKDIR}"/$i/* -maxdepth 0 -type f`
- for l in $_sublist; do
- echo &>/dev/null
- doins $l
- done
- done
- dosym ${SANI_CONFDIR}/anomy.conf ${DEST}/anomy.conf
-pkg_preinst() {
- enewgroup sanitizer
- enewuser sanitizer -1 -1 ${SANI_WORKDIR} sanitizer
-pkg_postinst() {
- chown -R sanitizer:sanitizer "${ROOT}"/${SANI_WORKDIR}
- chmod -R a-rwx,g+X,u+rwX "${ROOT}"/${SANI_WORKDIR}
- chown -R sanitizer:sanitizer "${ROOT}"/${DEST}
- chmod -R a-rwx,g+rX,u+rX "${ROOT}"/${DEST}
- chown sanitizer:sanitizer "${ROOT}"/${SANI_CONFDIR}/anomy.conf
- chmod 0640 "${ROOT}"/${SANI_CONFDIR}/anomy.conf
- chmod u+x "${ROOT}"/${DEST}/bin/*.pl
- chmod u+x "${ROOT}"/${DEST}/testcases/*.sh
- chmod u+w "${ROOT}"/${DEST}/*
- chmod u+w "${ROOT}"/${DEST}/bin
- chmod u+w "${ROOT}"/${DEST}/bin/Anomy
- chmod u+w "${ROOT}"/${DEST}/bin/Anomy/Sanitizer
- chmod u+w "${ROOT}"/${DEST}/testcases
- chmod u+w "${ROOT}"/${DEST}/testcases/results.def
- elog ""
- elog "There is a howto for the integration of sanitizer"
- elog "into your (postfix) mail system at"
- elog "http://advosys.ca/papers/postfix-filtering.html"
- elog "Please find example scripts to be used to integrate sanitizer"
- elog "into your (postfix) mail system at"
- elog "/usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
- elog "There is also a png and kivio document about a possible"
- elog "e-mail architecture"
- elog ""
-pkg_postrm() {
- elog "After unmerging this ebuild, you will have to remove"
- elog "created user and group manually. To do so, run:"
- elog "userdel -r sanitizer; groupdel sanitizer"
diff --git a/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/files/anomy.conf b/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/files/anomy.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index f7c45cd973d..00000000000
--- a/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/files/anomy.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-# Example configuration file for Anomy Sanitizer
-# Thiemo Kellner, thiemo@thiam.ch, 2003-05-29
-# Based on http://advosys.ca/papers/postfix-filtering.html,
-# Advosys Consulting Inc., Ottawa
-# Works with Anomy Sanitizer revision 1.60
- # Warn user about unscanned parts, etc.
- feat_verbose = 1
- # Inline logs: 0 = Off, 1 = Maybe, 2 = Force
- feat_log_inline = 1
- # Print log to standard error: 0 = Off, 1 = On
- feat_log_stderr = 1
- # Don't use XML format for logs.
- feat_log_xml = 0
- # Omit trace info from logs.
- feat_log_trace = 0
- # Don't add any scratch space to part headers.
- feat_log_after = 0
- # Enable filename-based policy decisions.
- feat_files = 1
- # Force all parts (except text/plain and
- # text/html parts) to have file names: 0 = Off, 1 = On
- feat_force_name = 1
- # Replace all boundary strings with our own
- # NOTE: Always breaks PGP/MIME messages!
- feat_boundaries = 0
- # Protect against buffer overflows and null values.
- feat_lengths = 1
- # Defang incoming shell scripts.
- feat_scripts = 1
- # Defang active HTML content.
- feat_html = 1
- # Web-bugs are allowed.
- feat_webbugs = 0
- # Don't scan PGP signed message parts: 0 = Don't scan (???)
- feat_trust_pgp = 0
- msg_pgp_warning = WARNING: Unsanitized content follows.\n
- # Sanitize inline uuencoded files.
- feat_uuencoded = 1
- # Sanitize forwarded messages
- feat_forwards = 1
- # Set to 0 if going productive (This isn't a test-case configuration.)
- feat_testing = 1
- # Fix invalid MIME, if possible.
- feat_fixmime = 1
- # Don't be excessively paranoid about MIME headers etc.
- feat_paranoid = 0
- # Advertisement to insert in each mail header:
- header_info = X-Sanitizer: Anomy Sanitizer mail filter
- header_url = 0
- header_rev = 0
- #
- # Scoring
- #
- # Any message requring this many modifications
- # will cause the sanitizer to return a non-zero
- # exit code after processing the entire message.
- # To disable set to 0.
- score_bad = 100
- #score_panic = 0
- msg_file_drop = \n*****\n
- msg_file_drop += NOTE: An attachment named %FILENAME was deleted from
- msg_file_drop += this message because it contained a (windows) executable
- msg_file_drop += or other potentially dangerous file type.
- msg_file_drop += If you really need this attachment, have it re-sent
- msg_file_drop += encapsulated, e.g. in a zip or tgz archive or contact your
- msg_file_drop += mail system administrator.
- #
- # You may need to increase the following if you have a very
- # complex configuration split between multiple files.
- #
- # Thiemo Kellner, thiemo@thiam.ch, 2003-05-31
- # max_conf_recursions does not work with 1.60
- #max_conf_recursions = 5 # The default is 5.
- #
- # Create temporary or saved files using this template.
- # An attachment named "dude.txt" might be saved as
- #
- # /var/quarantine/att-dude-txt.A9Y
- #
- # Note: The directory must exist and be writable by
- # the user running the sanitizer.
- # (supposedly: $F -> file name, $$$ -> three arbitrary characters)
- file_name_tpl = /var/spool/sanitizer/att-$F.$$$
- # We have three policies, in addition to the default which is
- # to defang file names.
- #
- file_list_rules = 3
- file_default_policy = defang
- file_default_filename = unnamed.file
- # Delete obviously executable attachments. This list is
- # incomplete! This is a perl regular expression, see "man
- # perlre" for info. The (?i) prefix makes the regexp case
- # insensitive.
- #
- file_list_1 = (?i)(winmail.dat)|
- file_list_1 += (\.(exe|com|vb[se]|dll|ocx|cmd|bat|pif|lnk|hlp|ms[ip]|reg|sct
- file_list_1 += |inf|asd|cab|sh[sb]|scr|cpl|chm|ws[fhc]|hta|vcd|vcf|eml|nws))$
- file_list_1_policy = drop
- file_list_1_scanner = 0
- # Scan WinWord and Excel attachments with built-in macro scanner.
- # We consider anything exceeding the score of 25 to be dangerous,
- # and save it in the quarantine.
- #
- file_list_2 = (?i)\.(doc|dot|xls|xlw)$
- file_list_2_policy = accept:accept:save:save
- file_list_2_scanner = 0:1:2:builtin/macro 25# Do not log to STDERR:
- # Allow file types considered "safe" (DO NOT JUST TRUST THIS LIST!)
- file_list_3 = (?i)\.(
- # Plain ASCII formats:
- file_list_3 += txt|rtf|csv|dxf|htm|[sp]?html?|xml|xslt?|dtd|css|sgml
- # PostScript (like) formats:
- file_list_3 += |pdf|e?ps
- # Word processor and document formats:
- file_list_3 += |doc|dot|kwd|stw
- # Spreadsheets:
- file_list_3 += |xls|xlw|xlt|wk[1-4]|stc|ksp|gnumeric
- # Presentation applications:
- file_list_3 += |ppt|pps|pot|kpr|chrt
- # Type setting formats:
- file_list_3 += |dvi|texi?|tfm|txi|texinfo
- # Flow charting:
- file_list_3 += |flw
- # Bitmap graphic files (maybe some are actually vector graphic formats):
- file_list_3 += |jpe?g|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|psd|pcx|xcf|pat|pix|pnm|sgi|snp|ras|tga
- file_list_3 += |xwd|xpm|dib|rle|cal|cas|pat|bmf|cel|cex|cgm|ico|img|jfi|jif|raw
- file_list_3 += |crw|sun
- # Vector graphics and diagramming:
- file_list_3 += |vsd|drw|cdr|swf|pct|pict|kpm|kon
- # Multimedia:
- file_list_3 += |mp[23]|avi|mpe?g|mov|ram?|midi?|ogg|aiff?|au|snd|wav
- # Archives:
- file_list_3 += |zip|g?z|rar|tgz|t?bz2|tar|sit|sea|arc
- # Package formats:
- file_list_3 += |rpm|deb
- # Others:
- file_list_3 += |kfo
- # Source code:
- file_list_3 += |[ch](pp|\+\+)?|s|inc|asm|patch|java|php\d?|jsp|bas|ebuild)
- file_list_3_policy = accept
- file_list_3_scanner = 0
- # Any file type not listed above gets renamed to prevent
- # the mail client from auto-executing it.
- #
- # More sample file lists
- #
- # Scan mp3 files for Evil Viruses, using the imaginary mp3virscan
- # utility. Always define FOUR potential policies, which depend on the
- # exit code returned by the scanner. Which code means what is
- # defined in the scanner line, which must contain THREE entries.
- # The fourth policy is used for "anything else".
- #
- # "accept" if the file is clean (exit status 0 or 1)
- # "mangle" if the file was dirty, but is now clean (2 or 4)
- # "drop" if the file is still dirty (66)
- # "save" if the mp3virscan utility returns some other exit code
- # or an error occurs.
- #
- #file_list_4 = (?i)\.(mp3|mp2|mpg)$
- #file_list_4_policy = accept:mangle:drop:save
- #file_list_4_scanner = 0,1:2,4:66:/path/to/mp3virscan -opt -f %FILENAME
- # Archives and scriptable stuff - virus scan these.
- # NOTE: There must be THREE groups of exit codes and FOUR policies,
- # - the first three match the code groups, the fourth is default.
- #
- #file_list_5_scanner = 0:5:3,4:/usr/local/bin/avp.sh %FILENAME
- #file_list_5_policy = accept:accept:save:save
- #file_list_5 = (?i)\.(xls|d(at|oc)|p(pt|l)|rtf|[sp]?html?
- #file_list_5 += |class|upd|wp\d?|m?db
- #file_list_5 += |z(ip|oo)|ar[cj]|lha|[tr]ar|rpm|deb|slp|tgz
- #file_list_5 += )(\.g?z|\.bz\d?)*$
diff --git a/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/files/sample2_mailfilter.sh b/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/files/sample2_mailfilter.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 3448d0ac0ea..00000000000
--- a/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/files/sample2_mailfilter.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# spamassassin
-# Simple filter to plug SpamAssassin only
-# into the Postfix MTA, using the spamc / spamd
-# daemon version of SpamAssassin.
-# (Should result in higher performance on busy servers)
-# NOTE: spamd must be running before using this script!
-# For use with:
-# Postfix 20010228 or later
-# SpamAssassin 2.42 or later
-# #
-# #
-# ---------
-# File locations
-SENDMAIL="/usr/lib/sendmail -i"
-# Messages
-UNABLE_TO_CD_INSPECTDIR="Impossible to change to ${INSPECT_DIR}"
-MSG_CONTENT_REJECTED="Message content rejected"
-# Exit codes from <sysexits.h>
-# Users that execute different filters
-export ANOMY
-# ----
-cd ${INSPECT_DIR} || { echo ${UNABLE_TO_CD_INSPECTDIR} ; exit ${EX_TEMPFAIL}; }
-# Clean up when done or when aborting.
-trap "rm -f out.$$" 0 1 2 3 15
-# sanitizer only
-#${CAT} \
-# | ${ANOMY_BIN} ${ANOMY_CONF} 2>>${ANOMY_LOG} > out.$$ || \
-# sanitizer and SpamAssassin
-${CAT} \
- | ${ANOMY_BIN} ${ANOMY_CONF} 2>>${ANOMY_LOG} > out.$$ || \
-# SpamAssassin only
-#${CAT} \
-# | ${SPAMC} -f -u ${SPAMC_USER} 2>${SPAMASSASSIN_LOG} > out.$$ || \
-$SENDMAIL "$@" < out.$$
-exit 0
diff --git a/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/files/sample_mailfiler.sh b/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/files/sample_mailfiler.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index a258f4890de..00000000000
--- a/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/files/sample_mailfiler.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# spamc.sh
-# Simple filter to plug SpamAssassin only
-# into the Postfix MTA, using the spamc / spamd
-# daemon version of SpamAssassin.
-# (Should result in higher performance on busy servers)
-# NOTE: spamd must be running before using this script!
-# For use with:
-# Postfix 20010228 or later
-# SpamAssassin 2.42 or later
-# ---------
-# File locations
-SENDMAIL="/usr/lib/sendmail -i"
-# Messages
-UNABLE_TO_CD_INSPECTDIR="Impossible to change to ${INSPECT_DIR}"
-MSG_CONTENT_REJECTED="Message content rejected"
-# Exit codes from <sysexits.h>
-# Users that execute different filters
-export ANOMY
-# ----
-cd ${INSPECT_DIR} || { echo ${UNABLE_TO_CD_INSPECTDIR} ; exit ${EX_TEMPFAIL}; }
-# sanitizer only
-#${CAT} \
-# | ${SENDMAIL} "$@" || \
-# sanitizer and SpamAssassin
-${CAT} \
- | ${SPAMC} -f -u ${SPAMC_USER} 2>${SPAMC_LOG} \
- | ${SENDMAIL} "$@" || \
-# SpamAssassin only
-#${CAT} \
-# | ${SPAMC} -f -u ${SPAMC_USER} 2>${SPAMC_LOG} \
-# | ${SENDMAIL} "$@" || \
-exit 0
diff --git a/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/metadata.xml b/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f49eba8f49..00000000000
--- a/mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
-<!-- maintainer-needed -->
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2018-04-21 10:39 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/files/, mail-filter/anomy-sanitizer/ Mikle Kolyada
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