From: "Andreas Sturmlechner" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: games-fps/urbanterror/
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2018 22:27:27 +0000 (UTC) [thread overview]
Message-ID: <1521152822.ed2fcc0d0f6d238d0862b33bbd8f9e46c8894516.asturm@gentoo> (raw)
commit: ed2fcc0d0f6d238d0862b33bbd8f9e46c8894516
Author: Nils Freydank <holgersson <AT> posteo <DOT> de>
AuthorDate: Wed Mar 14 21:44:41 2018 +0000
Commit: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Thu Mar 15 22:27:02 2018 +0000
games-fps/urbanterror: Drop old versions (4.3.2)
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.24, Repoman-2.3.6
games-fps/urbanterror/Manifest | 2 -
.../urbanterror/urbanterror-4.3.2_p20180216.ebuild | 165 ---------------------
.../urbanterror/urbanterror-4.3.2_p20180218.ebuild | 165 ---------------------
3 files changed, 332 deletions(-)
diff --git a/games-fps/urbanterror/Manifest b/games-fps/urbanterror/Manifest
index 2fd75ae2d2b..d5ee8bfb49d 100644
--- a/games-fps/urbanterror/Manifest
+++ b/games-fps/urbanterror/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-DIST urbanterror-4.3.2_p20180216.tar.gz 10070633 BLAKE2B 38724030fc87e0800b9d6d1814efafc244584832e9fe78df060f2603040d72ee38602e300c3c765dfab4f803c9ae0e63116daf01601e571357a914509a6a8672 SHA512 88aa12a492f1d94e956ab4a8a1caeec259081043706b160d87fffe91b502399c0ddc34a4566463f336ae1b133cf250920ccd718647ac13d2eb48ddf9e6bb5517
-DIST urbanterror-4.3.2_p20180218.tar.gz 10069644 BLAKE2B ef711eee61f18cf2bc15974806d1b0b74c2a2094fbca5a07d70307289ae9eca53d2704b1cabc754c70984133761ff6daa55e00613668c0f0cc2b9a3ad5dac624 SHA512 e7f433b9971f5992efedee96123fe7c7665b6c7fa4a516df281e1f3635a9d56a653310e38f326a8e53640ed0a7d8e3bf6b44c08d70b8378d1ccdd75c05b31dc8
DIST urbanterror-4.3.3_p20180218.tar.gz 10069644 BLAKE2B ef711eee61f18cf2bc15974806d1b0b74c2a2094fbca5a07d70307289ae9eca53d2704b1cabc754c70984133761ff6daa55e00613668c0f0cc2b9a3ad5dac624 SHA512 e7f433b9971f5992efedee96123fe7c7665b6c7fa4a516df281e1f3635a9d56a653310e38f326a8e53640ed0a7d8e3bf6b44c08d70b8378d1ccdd75c05b31dc8
diff --git a/games-fps/urbanterror/urbanterror-4.3.2_p20180216.ebuild b/games-fps/urbanterror/urbanterror-4.3.2_p20180216.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index a82be5ecbcb..00000000000
--- a/games-fps/urbanterror/urbanterror-4.3.2_p20180216.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eapi7-ver flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs xdg-utils
-DESCRIPTION="Hollywood tactical shooter based on the ioquake3 engine"
-if [[ ${PV} == *9999 ]]; then
- inherit git-r3
- COMMIT_ID="1042e6b80f6fe50c46c8242b1e0bf3de80c676ef"
- SRC_URI="${COMMIT_ID}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
- S="${WORKDIR}/ioq3-${COMMIT_ID}"
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="+altgamma +client +curl debug mumble openal +opus server +skeetshootmod voip vorbis"
-REQUIRED_USE=" || ( client server )"
-DOCS=( ChangeLog md4-readme.txt )
-PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.3-fix-build_system.patch )
- client? (
- media-libs/libsdl2:=[X,sound,joystick,opengl,video]
- mumble? ( media-sound/mumble:= )
- openal? ( media-libs/openal:= )
- opus? ( media-libs/opusfile:= )
- vorbis? (
- media-libs/libogg:=
- media-libs/libvorbis:=
- )
- )
- curl? ( net-misc/curl )
- ~games-fps/urbanterror-data-4.3.2
- sys-libs/zlib:=[minizip]
- virtual/jpeg:0
-pkg_pretend() {
- if use client; then
- if ! use openal && ! use opus && ! use vorbis; then
- ewarn
- ewarn "No sound implementation selected. Enable 'openal', 'opus' or 'vorbis' USE flag to get sound!"
- fi
- fi
-src_configure() {
- default
- tc-export CC
-src_compile() {
- # Workaround for used zlib macro, which got renamed in Gentoo
- # wrt bug #449510
- append-cppflags "-DOF=_Z_OF"
- local my_arch=$(usex amd64 "x86_64" "i386")
- emake \
- ARCH=${my_arch} \
- DEFAULT_BASEDIR="/usr/share/urbanterror" \
- BUILD_CLIENT=$(usex "client" 1 0) \
- BUILD_SERVER=$(usex "server" 1 0) \
- SERVERBIN="Quake3-UrT-Ded" \
- CLIENTBIN="Quake3-UrT" \
- USE_YACC=0 \
- BASEGAME="q3ut4"\
- USE_OPENAL=$(usex "openal" 1 0) \
- USE_OPENAL_DLOPEN=$(usex "openal" 1 0) \
- USE_CURL=$(usex "curl" 1 0) \
- USE_CURL_DLOPEN=$(usex "curl" 1 0) \
- USE_CODEC_VORBIS=$(usex "vorbis" 1 0) \
- USE_CODEC_OPUS=$(usex "opus" 1 0) \
- USE_MUMBLE=$(usex "mumble" 1 0) \
- USE_SKEETMOD=$(usex "skeetshootmod" 1 0) \
- USE_VOIP=$(usex "mumble" 1 0) \
- USE_ALTGAMMA=$(usex "altgamma" 1 0)
-src_install() {
- local my_arch=$(usex amd64 "x86_64" "i386")
- if use client; then
- newbin build/$(usex debug "debug" "release")-linux-${my_arch}/Quake3-UrT.${my_arch} ${PN}
- # Shooter as defined in
- make_desktop_entry ${PN} "UrbanTerror" ${PN}
- fi
- if use server && ! use client; then
- # dedicated server only
- newbin build/$(usex debug "debug" "release")-linux-${my_arch}/Quake3-UrT-Ded.${my_arch} ${PN}-ded
- fi
- einstalldocs
-pkg_postinst() {
- use client && xdg_desktop_database_update
- if [[ -z "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]]; then
- # ^this is a new installation, so:
- if use openal; then
- elog ""
- elog "You might need to set:"
- elog " seta s_useopenal \"1\""
- elog "in your ~/.q3a/q3ut4/q3config.cfg for openal to work."
- fi
- if use altgamma; then
- elog ""
- elog "You might need to set:"
- elog " seta r_altgamma \"1\""
- elog "in your ~/.q3a/q3ut4/q3config.cfg for altgamma to work."
- elog "Be aware that altgamme works on a global scale, so external"
- elog "applications like redshift can cause trouble. Disabling"
- elog "these while playing is a usable workaround."
- fi
- if ! use altgamma; then
- elog ""
- elog "If you are using a modesetting graphics driver you might"
- elog "consider setting USE=\"altgamma\"."
- elog "For details take a look at:"
- elog ""
- fi
- if ! use client; then
- elog ""
- elog "You disabled client support. You won't be able to connect"
- elog "to any servers and play. If you want to do so, enable"
- elog "USE=\"client\"."
- fi
- if use skeetshootmod; then
- elog ""
- elog "You might need to set:"
- elog " seta sv_skeetshoot \"1\""
- elog "in your ~/.q3a/q3ut4/q3config.cfg to use the skeetshoot mod."
- fi
- fi
-pkg_postrm() {
- use client && xdg_desktop_database_update
diff --git a/games-fps/urbanterror/urbanterror-4.3.2_p20180218.ebuild b/games-fps/urbanterror/urbanterror-4.3.2_p20180218.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index dddefea6111..00000000000
--- a/games-fps/urbanterror/urbanterror-4.3.2_p20180218.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eapi7-ver flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs xdg-utils
-DESCRIPTION="Hollywood tactical shooter based on the ioquake3 engine"
-if [[ ${PV} == *9999 ]]; then
- inherit git-r3
- COMMIT_ID="d93f05de38a6cae60fbf0f073aace64b3adc7aaf"
- SRC_URI="${COMMIT_ID}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
- S="${WORKDIR}/ioq3-${COMMIT_ID}"
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="+altgamma +client +curl debug mumble openal +opus server +skeetshootmod voip vorbis"
-REQUIRED_USE=" || ( client server )"
-DOCS=( ChangeLog md4-readme.txt )
-PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.3-fix-build_system.patch )
- client? (
- media-libs/libsdl2:=[X,sound,joystick,opengl,video]
- mumble? ( media-sound/mumble:= )
- openal? ( media-libs/openal:= )
- opus? ( media-libs/opusfile:= )
- vorbis? (
- media-libs/libogg:=
- media-libs/libvorbis:=
- )
- )
- curl? ( net-misc/curl )
- ~games-fps/urbanterror-data-4.3.2
- sys-libs/zlib:=[minizip]
- virtual/jpeg:0
-pkg_pretend() {
- if use client; then
- if ! use openal && ! use opus && ! use vorbis; then
- ewarn
- ewarn "No sound implementation selected. Enable 'openal', 'opus' or 'vorbis' USE flag to get sound!"
- fi
- fi
-src_configure() {
- default
- tc-export CC
-src_compile() {
- # Workaround for used zlib macro, which got renamed in Gentoo
- # wrt bug #449510
- append-cppflags "-DOF=_Z_OF"
- local my_arch=$(usex amd64 "x86_64" "i386")
- emake \
- ARCH=${my_arch} \
- DEFAULT_BASEDIR="/usr/share/urbanterror" \
- BUILD_CLIENT=$(usex "client" 1 0) \
- BUILD_SERVER=$(usex "server" 1 0) \
- SERVERBIN="Quake3-UrT-Ded" \
- CLIENTBIN="Quake3-UrT" \
- USE_YACC=0 \
- BASEGAME="q3ut4"\
- USE_OPENAL=$(usex "openal" 1 0) \
- USE_OPENAL_DLOPEN=$(usex "openal" 1 0) \
- USE_CURL=$(usex "curl" 1 0) \
- USE_CURL_DLOPEN=$(usex "curl" 1 0) \
- USE_CODEC_VORBIS=$(usex "vorbis" 1 0) \
- USE_CODEC_OPUS=$(usex "opus" 1 0) \
- USE_MUMBLE=$(usex "mumble" 1 0) \
- USE_SKEETMOD=$(usex "skeetshootmod" 1 0) \
- USE_VOIP=$(usex "mumble" 1 0) \
- USE_ALTGAMMA=$(usex "altgamma" 1 0)
-src_install() {
- local my_arch=$(usex amd64 "x86_64" "i386")
- if use client; then
- newbin build/$(usex debug "debug" "release")-linux-${my_arch}/Quake3-UrT.${my_arch} ${PN}
- # Shooter as defined in
- make_desktop_entry ${PN} "UrbanTerror" ${PN}
- fi
- if use server && ! use client; then
- # dedicated server only
- newbin build/$(usex debug "debug" "release")-linux-${my_arch}/Quake3-UrT-Ded.${my_arch} ${PN}-ded
- fi
- einstalldocs
-pkg_postinst() {
- use client && xdg_desktop_database_update
- if [[ -z "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]]; then
- # ^this is a new installation, so:
- if use openal; then
- elog ""
- elog "You might need to set:"
- elog " seta s_useopenal \"1\""
- elog "in your ~/.q3a/q3ut4/q3config.cfg for openal to work."
- fi
- if use altgamma; then
- elog ""
- elog "You might need to set:"
- elog " seta r_altgamma \"1\""
- elog "in your ~/.q3a/q3ut4/q3config.cfg for altgamma to work."
- elog "Be aware that altgamme works on a global scale, so external"
- elog "applications like redshift can cause trouble. Disabling"
- elog "these while playing is a usable workaround."
- fi
- if ! use altgamma; then
- elog ""
- elog "If you are using a modesetting graphics driver you might"
- elog "consider setting USE=\"altgamma\"."
- elog "For details take a look at:"
- elog ""
- fi
- if ! use client; then
- elog ""
- elog "You disabled client support. You won't be able to connect"
- elog "to any servers and play. If you want to do so, enable"
- elog "USE=\"client\"."
- fi
- if use skeetshootmod; then
- elog ""
- elog "You might need to set:"
- elog " seta sv_skeetshoot \"1\""
- elog "in your ~/.q3a/q3ut4/q3config.cfg to use the skeetshoot mod."
- fi
- fi
-pkg_postrm() {
- use client && xdg_desktop_database_update
next reply other threads:[~2018-03-15 22:27 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 29+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2018-03-15 22:27 Andreas Sturmlechner [this message]
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2024-05-20 21:41 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: games-fps/urbanterror/ James Le Cuirot
2023-09-29 10:33 Sam James
2022-06-30 0:40 Kenton Groombridge
2021-03-09 9:26 Joonas Niilola
2021-03-09 9:26 Joonas Niilola
2020-07-19 12:06 James Le Cuirot
2020-07-19 12:06 James Le Cuirot
2018-07-06 21:48 Andreas Sturmlechner
2018-07-06 21:48 Andreas Sturmlechner
2018-05-09 11:15 Michał Górny
2018-03-03 12:08 Michał Górny
2018-02-18 0:05 Patrice Clement
2018-02-18 0:05 Patrice Clement
2018-02-13 16:01 Michał Górny
2018-02-13 16:01 Michał Górny
2018-02-07 19:19 Michał Górny
2018-02-07 19:19 Michał Górny
2018-01-09 11:26 Patrice Clement
2017-12-10 20:42 James Le Cuirot
2017-10-25 17:43 Craig Andrews
2017-10-02 22:25 Patrice Clement
2017-08-30 6:26 David Seifert
2017-07-16 21:02 Thomas Deutschmann
2017-06-09 10:34 Thomas Deutschmann
2017-06-09 10:19 Agostino Sarubbo
2017-06-08 10:16 Agostino Sarubbo
2017-05-10 20:14 Thomas Deutschmann
2016-03-19 23:02 Michael Sterrett
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