From: "Anthony G. Basile" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: net-misc/electrum/
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2017 20:45:22 +0000 (UTC) [thread overview]
Message-ID: <1483735510.d4669aeb1463c85c60404bed05231d7e9077f429.blueness@gentoo> (raw)
commit: d4669aeb1463c85c60404bed05231d7e9077f429
Author: Anthony G. Basile <blueness <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Fri Jan 6 20:45:10 2017 +0000
Commit: Anthony G. Basile <blueness <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Fri Jan 6 20:45:10 2017 +0000
net-misc/electrum: remove older unstable versions
Package-Manager: portage-2.3.0
net-misc/electrum/Manifest | 2 -
net-misc/electrum/electrum-2.3.3.ebuild | 144 ------------------------------
net-misc/electrum/electrum-2.5.4.ebuild | 152 --------------------------------
3 files changed, 298 deletions(-)
diff --git a/net-misc/electrum/Manifest b/net-misc/electrum/Manifest
index 117d6d3..6d7ae71 100644
--- a/net-misc/electrum/Manifest
+++ b/net-misc/electrum/Manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
DIST Electrum-2.1.1.tar.gz 1778994 SHA256 958c7113072aa4a00a7e58a6e325d952fc35896a8678952cf6487636f74164e0 SHA512 06277a810a6533cc800c6813f874a0a6e3a7e598bdd47b73a6edb440bc5efefc56edacc44c15349e3d0c72d350700c67025f43e5478b4ae838af57acc1c91f52 WHIRLPOOL 2bf9392ebbd6e7b63e4e1e12cf72356dae1e1605a3c543c3a174229247fbb280412df5fac37a195b815018b8425d88618be54d4f3b58e37273ba40776f6b3765
-DIST Electrum-2.3.3.tar.gz 1971994 SHA256 72bac30a4d82c8fbc453fab2d1fa391af690884e1727088aa969d25891a9fc0d SHA512 26c2d3eaece738a67546168d82a89c7bd5c71a146c678d186514626027d6edac4e985f08e5d6ce34217b91cefa88be0174f5f45e8caba5da4c50911780e37f1b WHIRLPOOL e10bf9d10c64e1950dd2bb48ce1fca2950acdeefd99483825751acbbf29806494cbb629ac1d51f24978a8a6a2df2ce73de2910380f8e26e4a0884bcc1f116406
-DIST Electrum-2.5.4.tar.gz 2114549 SHA256 c0b00f440884fe3f087e842c44914e1c5f1139d0288ecb74ba6e1ff0b2504aa3 SHA512 52ee11aa2265fea5b6302fb85724d27e47c049f81743854aeb7c2fe517f2b68628b67e1b44f543e64671b4b40731c532d45097f1d25954a6876bc3ee43cdb847 WHIRLPOOL 7322ca5c54ca99c42e2df118e5e792e3f0fee1359d0445a430ffa016b1edb890b81664f11b9532fe403c0c057212afc0057e3af455aff79b8e40f23aa11605ad
DIST Electrum-2.6.4.tar.gz 5717600 SHA256 2ab53b434206ed8ae72e9cadb22d44ef9ba720a7d052abe102f5d55cafbef866 SHA512 7ae2bf70497b073d74232fd90e0677148b1697803183cc32ed10a34d3098d7228ed988e9c0708086410949f0d2cc1fd408d7f2ce62594e325ec9b84e42ff03b2 WHIRLPOOL 368c1d3c41dd9170451fa48261f557fd0b9f2b3ab30396b5177aa9c4632813ad2225eb4ce2982d290dc63296434a369dca2d01f28add52e11f4b77d76f129e4f
DIST Electrum-2.7.15.tar.gz 1967697 SHA256 1f237b394079ec5ced34ae09dc6b50472e51233dd1dfef580127168e293b9652 SHA512 2f4f5181dcf0b98ce34348c296e50383b677db1fd14fa0052a0168a7c880d18d04ebb9a91dbb7316e09adeda275cc87b5457c8f0925b3635a1c769c81f31165c WHIRLPOOL b7a85fd9a4f7fdf5f64dc1182630b9d5b1bb033e49ebb00f1dd421d93c02f8fab8a0679de9a2fae074fdda5932fbfd261d5c8a2d6be3940821f18f82d46f2e28
diff --git a/net-misc/electrum/electrum-2.3.3.ebuild b/net-misc/electrum/electrum-2.3.3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f1acf8..00000000
--- a/net-misc/electrum/electrum-2.3.3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit eutils distutils-r1 gnome2-utils
-DESCRIPTION="User friendly Bitcoin client"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-LINGUAS="ar_SA cs_CZ da_DK de_DE el_GR eo_UY es_ES fr_FR hu_HU hy_AM id_ID it_IT ja_JP ky_KG lv_LV nl_NL pl_PL pt_BR pt_PT ro_RO ru_RU sk_SK sl_SI ta_IN th_TH vi_VN zh_CN"
-IUSE="cli cosign +fiat greenaddress_it gtk3 ncurses qrcode +qt4 sync trustedcoin_com vkb"
-for lingua in ${LINGUAS}; do
- IUSE+=" linguas_${lingua}"
- || ( cli gtk3 ncurses qt4 )
- cosign? ( qt4 )
- fiat? ( qt4 )
- greenaddress_it? ( qt4 )
- qrcode? ( qt4 )
- sync? ( qt4 )
- trustedcoin_com? ( qt4 )
- vkb? ( qt4 )
- dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- >=dev-python/ecdsa-0.9[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/slowaes[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/pbkdf2[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/requests[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/pyasn1[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/pyasn1-modules[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/tlslite[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/qrcode[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/PySocks[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-libs/protobuf[python,${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/six[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- gtk3? (
- dev-python/pygobject:3[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- x11-libs/gtk+:3[introspection]
- )
- qrcode? ( media-gfx/zbar[python,v4l,${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )
- qt4? (
- dev-python/PyQt4[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- )
- ncurses? ( dev-lang/python )
-src_prepare() {
- # Don't advise using PIP
- sed -i "s/On Linux, try 'sudo pip install zbar'/Re-emerge Electrum with the qrcode USE flag/" lib/ || die
- # Prevent icon from being installed in the wrong location
- sed -i '/icons/d' || die
- validate_desktop_entries
- # Remove unrequested localization files:
- for lang in ${LINGUAS}; do
- use "linguas_${lang}" && continue
- rm -r "lib/locale/${lang}" || die
- done
- local wordlist=
- # french is unfinished
- for wordlist in \
- $(usex linguas_es_ES '' spanish) \
- $(usex linguas_pt_BR '' $(usex linguas_pt_PT '' portuguese)) \
- french \
- $(usex linguas_ja_JP '' japanese) \
- ; do
- rm "lib/wordlist/${wordlist}.txt" || die
- sed -i "/${wordlist}\\.txt/d" lib/ || die
- done
- # Remove unrequested GUI implementations:
- local gui
- for gui in \
- $(usex cli '' stdio) \
- $(usex gtk3 '' gtk ) \
- $(usex qt4 '' qt ) \
- $(usex ncurses '' text ) \
- ; do
- rm gui/"${gui}"* -r || die
- done
- if ! use qt4; then
- sed -i "s/'electrum_gui\\.qt',//;/\"qt\\/themes/d" || die
- local bestgui=$(usex gtk3 gtk $(usex ncurses text stdio))
- sed -i "s/\(config.get('gui', \?\)'classic'/\1'${bestgui}'/" electrum || die
- fi
- local plugin
- # btchipwallet requires python btchip module (and dev-python/pyusb)
- # trezor requires python trezorlib module
- for plugin in \
- $(usex cosign '' cosigner_pool ) \
- $(usex fiat '' exchange_rate ) \
- $(usex greenaddress_it '' greenaddress_instant) \
- $(usex sync '' labels ) \
- trezor \
- $(usex trustedcoin_com '' trustedcoin ) \
- $(usex vkb '' virtualkeyboard ) \
- ; do
- rm plugins/"${plugin}"* || die
- done
- distutils-r1_src_prepare
-src_install() {
- doicon -s 128 icons/${PN}.png
- distutils-r1_src_install
-pkg_preinst() {
- gnome2_icon_savelist
-pkg_postinst() {
- gnome2_icon_cache_update
-pkg_postrm() {
- gnome2_icon_cache_update
diff --git a/net-misc/electrum/electrum-2.5.4.ebuild b/net-misc/electrum/electrum-2.5.4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index bf3822e..00000000
--- a/net-misc/electrum/electrum-2.5.4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit eutils distutils-r1 gnome2-utils
-DESCRIPTION="User friendly Bitcoin client"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-LINGUAS="ar_SA cs_CZ de_DE eo_UY fr_FR hy_AM it_IT ky_KG nb_NO no_NO pt_BR ro_RO sk_SK ta_IN vi_VN bg_BG da_DK el_GR es_ES hu_HU id_ID ja_JP lv_LV nl_NL pl_PL pt_PT ru_RU sl_SI th_TH zh_CN"
-IUSE="cli cosign email +fiat greenaddress_it gtk3 ncurses qrcode +qt4 sync trustedcoin_com vkb"
-for lingua in ${LINGUAS}; do
- IUSE+=" linguas_${lingua}"
- || ( cli gtk3 ncurses qt4 )
- cosign? ( qt4 )
- email? ( qt4 )
- fiat? ( qt4 )
- greenaddress_it? ( qt4 )
- qrcode? ( qt4 )
- sync? ( qt4 )
- trustedcoin_com? ( qt4 )
- vkb? ( qt4 )
- dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/ecdsa[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/pbkdf2[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/pyasn1[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/pyasn1-modules[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/qrcode[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/requests[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/slowaes[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/six[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/PySocks[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/tlslite[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-libs/protobuf[python,${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- virtual/python-dnspython[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- qrcode? ( media-gfx/zbar[python,v4l,${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )
- gtk3? (
- dev-python/pygobject:3[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- x11-libs/gtk+:3[introspection]
- )
- qt4? (
- dev-python/PyQt4[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- )
- ncurses? ( dev-lang/python )
-src_prepare() {
- # Don't advise using PIP
- sed -i "s/On Linux, try 'sudo pip install zbar'/Re-emerge Electrum with the qrcode USE flag/" lib/ || die
- # Prevent icon from being installed in the wrong location
- sed -i '/icons/d' || die
- validate_desktop_entries
- # Remove unrequested localization files:
- for lang in ${LINGUAS}; do
- use "linguas_${lang}" && continue
- rm -r "lib/locale/${lang}" || die
- done
- local wordlist=
- for wordlist in \
- $(usex linguas_ja_JP '' japanese) \
- $(usex linguas_pt_BR '' portuguese) \
- $(usex linguas_pt_PT '' portuguese) \
- $(usex linguas_es_ES '' spanish) \
- $(usex linguas_zh_CN '' chinese_simplified) \
- ; do
- rm -f "lib/wordlist/${wordlist}.txt" || die
- sed -i "/${wordlist}\\.txt/d" lib/ || die
- done
- # Remove unrequested GUI implementations:
- rm -rf gui/android*
- rm -rf gui/jsonrpc*
- rm -rf gui/kivy*
- local gui
- for gui in \
- $(usex cli '' stdio) \
- $(usex gtk3 '' gtk ) \
- $(usex qt4 '' qt ) \
- $(usex ncurses '' text ) \
- ; do
- rm gui/"${gui}"* -r || die
- done
- if ! use qt4; then
- sed -i "s/'electrum_gui\\.qt',//" || die
- local bestgui=$(usex gtk3 gtk $(usex ncurses text stdio))
- sed -i "s/\(config.get('gui', \?\)'classic'/\1'${bestgui}'/" electrum || die
- fi
- local plugin
- # btchipwallet requires python btchip module (and dev-python/pyusb)
- # trezor requires python trezorlib module
- # keepkey requires trezor
- for plugin in \
- $(usex cosign '' cosigner_pool ) \
- $(usex email '' email_requests ) \
- $(usex fiat '' exchange_rate ) \
- $(usex greenaddress_it '' greenaddress_instant) \
- keepkey \
- $(usex sync '' labels ) \
- trezor \
- $(usex trustedcoin_com '' trustedcoin ) \
- $(usex vkb '' virtualkeyboard ) \
- ; do
- rm -r plugins/"${plugin}"* || die
- done
- distutils-r1_src_prepare
-src_install() {
- doicon -s 128 icons/${PN}.png
- distutils-r1_src_install
-pkg_preinst() {
- gnome2_icon_savelist
-pkg_postinst() {
- gnome2_icon_cache_update
-pkg_postrm() {
- gnome2_icon_cache_update
next reply other threads:[~2017-01-06 20:45 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 152+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2017-01-06 20:45 Anthony G. Basile [this message]
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2025-02-01 11:58 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: net-misc/electrum/ Michał Górny
2025-01-17 4:33 Michał Górny
2025-01-01 7:11 Michał Górny
2025-01-01 7:11 Michał Górny
2024-11-09 10:05 Michał Górny
2024-11-09 9:57 Arthur Zamarin
2024-10-23 6:16 Michał Górny
2024-10-22 14:49 Florian Schmaus
2024-10-21 17:33 Florian Schmaus
2024-10-16 4:54 Michał Górny
2024-06-15 9:46 Michał Górny
2024-06-15 8:50 Arthur Zamarin
2024-05-30 4:03 Michał Górny
2024-03-30 14:14 Michał Górny
2024-03-30 13:59 Michał Górny
2024-03-17 19:29 Arthur Zamarin
2024-03-17 16:59 Michał Górny
2024-03-14 11:44 Michał Górny
2024-02-23 3:40 Michał Górny
2024-02-09 3:38 Michał Górny
2024-02-09 1:04 Sam James
2024-01-20 7:09 Michał Górny
2024-01-19 5:28 Michał Górny
2024-01-12 4:57 Michał Górny
2023-10-06 16:04 Sam James
2023-08-17 18:55 Michał Górny
2023-07-24 11:06 Michał Górny
2023-07-24 10:05 Jakov Smolić
2023-06-20 5:38 Michał Górny
2023-06-05 18:35 Michał Górny
2023-06-01 17:23 Michał Górny
2023-06-01 17:22 Arthur Zamarin
2023-06-01 4:07 Michał Górny
2023-05-11 17:58 Michał Górny
2023-05-09 15:53 Michał Górny
2023-05-05 5:21 Michał Górny
2023-04-27 17:24 Michał Górny
2023-04-19 6:16 Michał Górny
2023-04-09 6:08 Michał Górny
2023-04-08 18:47 Michał Górny
2023-04-08 17:37 Arthur Zamarin
2023-04-08 14:00 Michał Górny
2023-01-27 10:52 Michał Górny
2023-01-27 10:52 Michał Górny
2023-01-03 6:23 Michał Górny
2022-12-31 13:31 Michał Górny
2022-12-31 13:31 Michał Górny
2022-12-31 13:01 Sam James
2022-09-27 2:04 Michał Górny
2022-09-22 8:05 Jakov Smolić
2022-08-30 5:45 Michał Górny
2022-08-07 8:11 Michał Górny
2022-06-19 5:06 Michał Górny
2022-06-18 20:25 Sam James
2022-05-28 5:00 Michał Górny
2022-05-21 9:09 Michał Górny
2022-04-27 20:17 Michał Górny
2022-04-27 20:17 Michał Górny
2022-04-27 18:20 Sam James
2022-03-25 0:02 Michał Górny
2022-03-15 18:24 Michał Górny
2021-08-02 5:44 Michał Górny
2021-07-20 9:08 Michał Górny
2021-06-17 19:47 Michał Górny
2021-06-16 19:33 Michał Górny
2021-06-01 20:35 Michał Górny
2021-06-01 10:39 Sam James
2021-04-29 12:04 Michał Górny
2021-04-29 11:59 Michał Górny
2021-04-29 11:48 Michał Górny
2021-04-18 20:37 Michał Górny
2021-04-08 22:46 Michał Górny
2021-04-02 23:42 Michał Górny
2021-04-01 7:43 Michał Górny
2021-03-30 17:09 Thomas Deutschmann
2021-02-03 23:23 Michał Górny
2021-01-24 10:15 Michał Górny
2021-01-11 9:21 Michał Górny
2021-01-11 8:01 Sam James
2020-12-19 8:59 Michał Górny
2020-12-17 23:17 Michał Górny
2020-12-10 10:15 Michał Górny
2020-12-06 9:14 Michał Górny
2020-11-19 0:40 Michał Górny
2020-11-18 9:12 Michał Górny
2020-11-17 19:17 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-11-16 0:20 Michał Górny
2020-11-16 0:20 Michał Górny
2020-10-16 7:42 Michał Górny
2020-10-13 10:01 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-10-09 11:12 Agostino Sarubbo
2020-09-25 7:22 Michał Górny
2020-09-12 4:01 Michał Górny
2020-07-20 8:55 Michał Górny
2019-09-09 5:54 Agostino Sarubbo
2019-08-01 18:21 Michał Górny
2019-08-01 18:21 Michał Górny
2019-08-01 18:21 Michał Górny
2019-08-01 18:21 Michał Górny
2019-08-01 18:21 Michał Górny
2019-08-01 18:21 Michał Górny
2019-08-01 18:21 Michał Górny
2019-07-31 14:32 Mikle Kolyada
2019-07-31 12:48 Michał Górny
2019-07-31 12:24 Michał Górny
2019-07-31 3:03 Michał Górny
2019-07-31 3:03 Michał Górny
2019-07-31 3:03 Michał Górny
2019-07-31 3:03 Michał Górny
2019-07-30 6:05 Michał Górny
2019-07-30 6:00 Michał Górny
2019-06-20 20:17 Anthony G. Basile
2019-06-17 13:15 Anthony G. Basile
2019-05-23 16:32 Anthony G. Basile
2019-05-23 16:30 Anthony G. Basile
2019-03-15 12:56 Anthony G. Basile
2019-01-30 23:20 Anthony G. Basile
2019-01-30 21:33 Anthony G. Basile
2019-01-30 20:54 Anthony G. Basile
2019-01-09 2:20 Anthony G. Basile
2018-06-30 10:04 Pacho Ramos
2018-06-24 9:49 Pacho Ramos
2018-04-30 15:58 Mike Gilbert
2018-04-03 21:34 Jonas Stein
2018-02-18 7:44 Anthony G. Basile
2018-01-26 21:48 Patrice Clement
2018-01-11 20:02 Anthony G. Basile
2018-01-11 20:02 Anthony G. Basile
2018-01-11 2:04 Anthony G. Basile
2018-01-11 2:04 Anthony G. Basile
2018-01-08 22:04 Ulrich Müller
2017-12-17 4:40 Anthony G. Basile
2017-12-17 4:07 Zac Medico
2017-09-21 21:06 Mike Gilbert
2017-08-17 1:29 Anthony G. Basile
2017-06-22 17:21 Anthony G. Basile
2017-03-26 22:11 Anthony G. Basile
2017-03-18 14:09 Anthony G. Basile
2017-03-12 15:35 Anthony G. Basile
2017-03-12 15:35 Anthony G. Basile
2017-03-11 14:20 Anthony G. Basile
2017-03-11 14:20 Anthony G. Basile
2016-06-13 3:04 Mike Gilbert
2016-05-11 7:04 Anthony G. Basile
2016-05-10 21:43 Anthony G. Basile
2016-04-03 12:53 Ian Delaney
2016-01-04 7:30 Anthony G. Basile
2016-01-04 7:30 Anthony G. Basile
2016-01-04 7:30 Anthony G. Basile
2015-10-30 12:03 Justin Lecher
2015-10-24 11:04 Anthony G. Basile
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