From: "Justin Lecher" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] proj/sci:master commit in: profiles/
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2015 09:27:54 +0000 (UTC) [thread overview]
Message-ID: <1441358867.4fc6905a6afd491dbc046bde99c2a65c21df606b.jlec@gentoo> (raw)
commit: 4fc6905a6afd491dbc046bde99c2a65c21df606b
Author: Justin Lecher <jlec <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Fri Sep 4 09:27:36 2015 +0000
Commit: Justin Lecher <jlec <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Fri Sep 4 09:27:47 2015 +0000
Update USE description
Signed-off-by: Justin Lecher <jlec <AT>>
profiles/use.local.desc | 387 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 301 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)
diff --git a/profiles/use.local.desc b/profiles/use.local.desc
index 3193225..855f59c 100644
--- a/profiles/use.local.desc
+++ b/profiles/use.local.desc
@@ -2,82 +2,193 @@
# your descriptions to your package's metadata.xml ONLY.
# * generated automatically using egencache *
-dev-cpp/eigen:adolc - Enable use for automatic differentiation using sci-libs/adolc
+app-doc/root-docs:api - Generate html API documentation
+app-doc/root-docs:http - Build HttpServer documentation
+app-doc/root-docs:math - Provide all math related documentation
+app-doc/root-docs:metric - Default to A4 paper size and metric measurement. Letter will be used otherwise
+dev-cpp/eigen:adolc - Enable automatic differentiation using sci-libs/adolc
+dev-cpp/eigen:metis - Enable matrix partitioning using sci-libs/metis
+dev-cpp/eigen:mkl - Use propertary intel blas/lapack implementation through sci-libs/mkl
+dev-cpp/eigen:pastix - Enable large scale direct solver with using sci-libs/pastix
dev-cpp/eigen:sparse - Enable use for extra sparse matrix with sci-libs/umfpack, sci-libs/cholmod, sci-libs/superlu and dev-cpp/sparsehash
dev-java/hdf-java:hdf - Add support for the Hierarchical Data Format v.4 (sci-libs/hdf)
dev-java/hdf-java:hdfview - Build a GUI viewer for all files supported in dev-java/hdf-java
dev-java/jogl:cg - Enable NVidia Cg binding.
-dev-lang/icc:eclipse - Install the dev-util/eclipse-sdk plugins
-dev-lang/idb:eclipse - Install the dev-util/eclipse-sdk plugins
+dev-lang/berkeley_upc:mpi-compat - Enable interoperability with MPI
+dev-lang/berkeley_upc:pshm - Build UPC Runtime/GASNet with Process-SHared Memory enabled
+dev-lang/berkeley_upc:segment-fast - Select GASNet's FAST segments (default), for the fastest remote access with a possible cost in max shared memory size
+dev-lang/berkeley_upc:segment-large - Select GASNet's LARGE segments, for the largest possible shared memory size, at a possible cost in remote access time
+dev-lang/berkeley_upc:single - Support running over smp loopback (no network)
+dev-lang/berkeley_upc:sptr-packed - Use the more efficient 'packed' shared pointer representation
+dev-lang/berkeley_upc:sptr-struct - Use the 'struct' shared pointer representation
+dev-lang/berkeley_upc:sptr-symmetric - Enable 'symmetric' pointer variant where available (64-bit smp and shmem)
+dev-lang/berkeley_upc:udp - Support running over UDP
+dev-lang/conceptual:gui - Build the Java base graphical interface
+dev-lang/julia:int64 - Build with 64 bits integer blas and lapack (needs sci-libs/openblas and sci-libs/lapack-reference)
dev-lang/path64:assembler - Build PathAS assembler
dev-lang/path64:debugger - Build PathDB debugger
dev-lang/path64:native - Use EKOPath/Path64 for bootstraping
dev-lang/path64:valgrind - Support compiler debugging with dev-util/valgrind
-dev-libs/intel-common:compiler - Install the libraries needed for the icc and ifort compilers
-dev-ml/mlgmpidl:mpfr - add support for mpfr, the library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with exact rounding
-dev-ml/zarith:mpir - Use mpir library instead of gmp
+dev-lang/pgi:acml - Install AMD's core math library.
+dev-lang/pgi:cuda - Install PGI's CUDA components (e.g. for OpenACC)
+dev-lang/pgi:java - Install a PGI-tuned JRE.
+dev-libs/boost:context - Build and install the Boost.Context library and all other Boostlibraries that depends on it
+dev-libs/boost:debug - Build and install only the debug version of the Boost libraries. Only enable this flag if you're developing against boost.
+dev-libs/boost:doc - Install the full API documentation documentation. This takes over 200MB of extra disk space.
+dev-libs/boost:nls - Build libboost_locale. This library requires compatible C library interfaces, which might not be provided by uClibc or other embedded libraries.
+dev-libs/boost:threads - Build multi-thread-compatible libraries instead of single-threaded only.
+dev-libs/boost:tools - Build and install the boost tools (bcp, quickbook, inspect, wave)
+dev-libs/libflatarray:cuda - Enables plugins for NVIDIA GPUs (e.g. CUDAAllocator)
+dev-ml/mlgmpidl:mpfr - Add support for dev-libs/mpfr
+dev-ml/zarith:mpir - Use sci-libs/mpir for arbitrary precision integer arithmetic
dev-python/ffnet:matplotlib - Use matplotlib for drawing
+dev-python/ipython:matplotlib - Add support for dev-python/matplotlib
+dev-python/ipython:mongodb - Enable support for MongoDB via dev-python/pymongo
+dev-python/ipython:nbconvert - Enable support for converting notebooks to various formats using app-text/pandoc
+dev-python/ipython:notebook - Install requirements for the web notebook based on www-servers/tornado
dev-python/pyhdf:szip - Allow to use sci-libs/szip for SZIP compression method in SDsetcompress()
-dev-util/nvidia-cuda-sdk:cuda - Build CUDA binaries
-dev-util/nvidia-cuda-sdk:opencl - Build OpenCL binaries
-dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit:debugger - Installs the NVIDIA CUDA debugger
-dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit:profiler - Installs the NVIDIA CUDA visual profiler
+dev-python/ufl:scipy - Adds support for evaluating Bessel functions using dev-python/scipy
+dev-tex/pythontex:highlighting - PLEASE FIX MY DESCRIPTION
+dev-util/VampirTrace:cuda - Enable tracing of CUDA calls and GPU kernels.
+dev-util/amdapp:examples - Build the OpenCL example programs
+dev-util/nvidia-cuda-gdk:healthmon - Install nvidia-healthmon.
+dev-util/nvidia-cuda-gdk:nvml - Install the NVIDIA Managment Library.
+dev-util/nvidia-cuda-gdk:nvvs - Install the NVIDIA Validation Suite.
+dev-util/nvidia-cuda-sdk:cuda - Build CUDA binaries.
+dev-util/nvidia-cuda-sdk:opencl - Build OpenCL binaries.
+dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit:debugger - Installs the CUDA debugger.
+dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit:eclipse - Install the dev-util/eclipse-sdk plugins
+dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit:profiler - Installs the NVIDIA CUDA visual profiler.
media-gfx/brlcad:benchmarks - Run benchmarks during test phase (need test option enabled)
-net-fs/cvmfs:client - Install the cvmfs client programs and init script
-net-fs/cvmfs:server - Install the cvmfsd program and init script
-net-misc/dhcp:client - Install the dhclient program
-net-misc/dhcp:server - Install the dhcpd and dhcrelay programs
+media-gfx/librecad:3d - Require all 2D coordinates stored as 3D
+media-gfx/librecad:tools - Build additional tool programs: tff2lff
+sci-astronomy/astrometry:extra - Add extra tools, specifically for plots
+sci-astronomy/mosstack:opencl - Enables OpenCL support and pulls in pyopencl. This makes some operations much faster but requires specific hardware and drivers.
+sci-astronomy/mosstack:qt4 - Pulls in PyQt4. Program works on command line interface without it but for GUI the library is required.
sci-astronomy/psfex:plplot - Build with sci-libs/plplot to allow diagnostic plots during processing
sci-astronomy/scamp:plplot - Build with sci-libs/plplot to allow diagnostic plots during processing
sci-astronomy/sextractor:modelfit - Enable profile model fitting, needs sci-libs/atlas and sci-libs/fftw
sci-astronomy/zpeg:gdl - Install GDL/IDL plotting routines
-sci-chemistry/avogadro:glsl - Enable glsl features via GLEW.
+sci-biology/discrover:cairo - Use Cairo for sequence logo plotting capabilities
+sci-biology/discrover:dreme - Enable usage of DREME from the MEME package for seeding
+sci-biology/discrover:lto - Compile with link-time optimization (LTO)
+sci-biology/discrover:misc_scripts - Install miscellaneous scripts
+sci-biology/discrover:rmathlib - Link to the standalone Rmathlib for statistical routines
+sci-biology/estscan:icc - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/estscan:ifc - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/exonerate-gff3:utils - Unknown
+sci-biology/ncbi-blast+:boost - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-blast+:cppunit - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-blast+:freetype - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-blast+:mesa - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-blast+:muparser - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-blast+:sablotron - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-blast+:sqlite3 - Add support for dev-db/sqlite:3
+sci-biology/ncbi-blast+:xalan - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-blast+:xerces - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-blast+:xslt - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-tools++:boost - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-tools++:cppunit - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-tools++:freetype - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-tools++:mesa - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-tools++:muparser - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-tools++:sablotron - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-tools++:sqlite3 - Add support for dev-db/sqlite:3
+sci-biology/ncbi-tools++:xalan - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-tools++:xerces - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/ncbi-tools++:xslt - Undocumented USE
+sci-biology/sga:jemalloc - Use dev-libs/jemalloc
+sci-biology/tophat:bam - Compile support for the BAM format
+sci-chemistry/avogadro2:rpc - Enable RPC server
sci-chemistry/ball:cuda - Include cuda support
sci-chemistry/ball:sql - Include SQL database support
-sci-chemistry/ball:webkit - Uses x11-libs/qt-webkit for drawing
-sci-chemistry/gromacs:avx128fma - Enable 128bit avx with fma (e.g. AMD BullDozer)
-sci-chemistry/gromacs:avx256 - Enable 256bit avx (e.g. Intel Sandy Bridge)
+sci-chemistry/ball:webkit - Uses dev-qt/qt-webkit for drawing
+sci-chemistry/gamess:neo - Enable NEO for nuclear basis support
+sci-chemistry/gamess:pax_kernel - Make this package work on PAX kernels
+sci-chemistry/gamess:qmmm-tinker - Enable tinker qmmm code
+sci-chemistry/gnome-chemistry-utils:gnumeric - Build pluging for gnumeric
+sci-chemistry/gromacs:boost - Enable external boost library
sci-chemistry/gromacs:cuda - Enable cuda non-bonded kernels
sci-chemistry/gromacs:double-precision - More precise calculations at the expense of speed
-sci-chemistry/gromacs:fkernels - Enable building of Fortran Kernels for platforms that dont have assembly loops
-sci-chemistry/gromacs:hybrid - Enable hybrid acceleration kernels
-sci-chemistry/gromacs:power6 - Enable Power6 optimizations
+sci-chemistry/gromacs:make-symlinks - Create symbolic links for pre-5.0 binary names
+sci-chemistry/gromacs:mkl - Use sci-libs/mkl for fft, blas, lapack routines
+sci-chemistry/gromacs:offensive - Enable gromacs partly offensive quotes
sci-chemistry/gromacs:single-precision - Single precision version of gromacs (default)
-sci-chemistry/gromacs:sse41 - Enable sse4.1 acceleration
-sci-chemistry/jmol:client-only - Install the viewer only, no applet files for httpd
+sci-chemistry/gromacs:tng - Enable new trajectory format - tng
+sci-chemistry/mdsctk:R - Install dev-lang/R scripts as well
+sci-chemistry/nwchem:blas - Use external BLAS library instead of the internal routines
+sci-chemistry/nwchem:cuda - Enable CUDA GPU support for the Tensor Contraction Engine generated methods (CI, MBPT, CC)
+sci-chemistry/nwchem:int64 - Use 64 bits integers
+sci-chemistry/nwchem:lapack - Use external LAPACK library instead of the internal routines
+sci-chemistry/nwchem:mrcc - Compile the routines for Multi Reference Coupled Clusters theory
+sci-chemistry/nwchem:nwchem-tests - Install qa tests data
+sci-chemistry/nwchem:scalapack - Use external SCALAPACK library
+sci-chemistry/openbabel:doc - Install API dicumentation.
+sci-chemistry/openbabel:java - Install Java bindings.
+sci-chemistry/openbabel:openmp - Enable parallelization using OpenMP.
+sci-chemistry/openbabel:perl - Install Perl bindings.
+sci-chemistry/openbabel:python - Install Python bindings and PyBel.
+sci-chemistry/openbabel:ruby - Install Ruby bindings.
+sci-chemistry/openbabel:wxwidgets - Build Open Babel GUI.
sci-chemistry/pymol:apbs - Pymol supprt for sci-chemistry/apbs
-sci-chemistry/pymol:numpy - Enable numpy support for Pymol
-sci-chemistry/pymol:vmd - Builds molfile plugin support
sci-chemistry/pymol:web - Install Pymodule needed for web app support
sci-chemistry/rosetta:boinc - compile rosetta as a rosetta@home client
sci-chemistry/rosetta:boost - compile rosetta with boost supported code
+sci-chemistry/rosetta:float - Build with floats rather than doubles
+sci-chemistry/rosetta:lange - Apply patches from
+sci-chemistry/shiftx2:debug - Enables debug output in the shiftx2 java part
sci-chemistry/votca-csg:extras - Pull in extra applications from sci-chemistry/votca-csg-apps
sci-chemistry/votca-csg:gromacs - Add support for gromacs file formats through sci-chemistry/gromacs
sci-electronics/player:boost - Automatically generated description for boost
sci-electronics/player:festival - Automatically generated description for festival
sci-electronics/player:openssl - Automatically generated description for openssl
sci-electronics/player:sphinx2 - Automatically generated description for sphinx2
-sci-geosciences/libtcd:non-commercial - Allows the use of a tide constituent database that is available for non-commercial use only.
sci-geosciences/qgis:grass - Add support for sci-geosciences/grass
-sci-geosciences/xtide:non-commercial - Allows the use of a tide constituent database that is available for non-commercial use only.
sci-libs/acml:gfortran - Fetch and install acml compiled with GNU FORTRAN compiler
sci-libs/acml:ifort - Fetch and install acml compiled with the Intel FORTRAN compiler
sci-libs/acml:int64 - Install the 64 bits integer library
-sci-libs/acml:nag - Fetch and install acml compiled with the NAG FORTRAN compiler
sci-libs/acml:open64 - Fetch and install acml compiled with the Open64 FORTRAN Compiler
sci-libs/acml:pgi - Fetch and install acml compiled with the Portland Group FORTRAN compiler
-sci-libs/armadillo:atlas - Link with ATLAS libraries for cblas and clapack (needs sci-libs/lapack-atlas)
+sci-libs/armadillo:arpack - Link with sci-libs/arpack libraries for eigen decomposition
+sci-libs/armadillo:atlas - Link with sci-libs/atlas libraries for cblas and clapack
+sci-libs/armadillo:mkl - Use matrix allocation from the Intel MKL sci-libs/mkl
+sci-libs/armadillo:superlu - Use SuperLU for sparse linear equation solving sci-libs/superlu
+sci-libs/armadillo:tbb - Use matrix allocation from the Threads Building Blocks dev-cpp/tbb
+sci-libs/arrayfire:cpu - Enable CPU Build.
+sci-libs/arrayfire:cuda - Enable CUDA Build.
+sci-libs/arrayfire:opencl - Enable OpenCL Build.
+sci-libs/asl:matio - Matlab support with sci-libs/matio
sci-libs/atlas:generic - Build atlas assuming a fairly generic architecture (sse2 for x86, core2 for amd64)
-sci-libs/bigdft:cuda - Add cuda support
+sci-libs/bigdft-abi:cuda - Enable support for nVidia CUDA
+sci-libs/bigdft-abi:etsf_io - Enable support for reading and writing the European Theoretical Spectroscopy facility (ETSF) file format
+sci-libs/bigdft-abi:glib - Compile with GLib Object System support
+sci-libs/bigdft-abi:opencl - Enable support for OpenCL GPU acceleration
+sci-libs/bigdft-abi:scalapack - Use ScaLAPACK, a subset of LAPACK routines redesigned for heterogenous computing
+sci-libs/blas-reference:int64 - Build the 64 bits integer library
sci-libs/calculix-ccx:arpack - Add sparse eigen value support via sci-libs/arpack
-sci-libs/coinor-clp:glpk - Enable GNU Linear Programming Kit sci-mathematics/glpk support
-sci-libs/coinor-clp:metis - Enable partitioning with sci-libs/metis
-sci-libs/coinor-clp:mumps - Enable sci-libs/mumps support
-sci-libs/coinor-clp:sparse - Enable support for sparse matrix with sci-libs/cholmod
-sci-libs/coinor-osi:glpk - Enable GNU Linear Programming Kit sci-mathematics/glpk support
-sci-libs/coinor-symphony:glpk - Enable GNU Linear Programming Kit sci-mathematics/glpk support
-sci-libs/coinor-utils:glpk - Enable GNU Linear Programming Kit sci-mathematics/glpk support
+sci-libs/cblas-reference:int64 - Build the 64 bits integer library
+sci-libs/clblas:client - Build a command line clBLAS client program.
+sci-libs/clblas:ktest - A command line tool for testing single clBLAS kernel.
+sci-libs/clblas:performance - Copy performance scripts that can measure and graph performance.
+sci-libs/clrng:client - Build a command line clRNG client program.
+sci-libs/dealii:arpack - Adds support for ARPACK (sci-libs/arpack)
+sci-libs/dealii:c++11 - Compile the library with -std=c++11
+sci-libs/dealii:debug - Build an additional debug library with extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see <>
+sci-libs/dealii:mesh_converter - Build and install the mesh_converter executable
+sci-libs/dealii:metis - Add support for metis (sci-libs/metis)
+sci-libs/dealii:mumps - Add support for mumps (sci-libs/mumps)
+sci-libs/dealii:muparser - Add support for muparser (dev-cpp/muParser)
+sci-libs/dealii:opencascade - Add support for opencascade (sci-libs/opencascade)
+sci-libs/dealii:p4est - Add support for p4est (sci-mathematics/p4est)
+sci-libs/dealii:parameter_gui - Build and install the parameter_gui executable
+sci-libs/dealii:petsc - Add support for petsc (sci-libs/petsc)
+sci-libs/dealii:sparse - Add support for suitesparse (sci-libs/suitesparse)
+sci-libs/dealii:tbb - Add threading support with the help of the tbb library (dev-cpp/tbb)
+sci-libs/dealii:trilinos - Add support for trilinos (sci-libs/trilinos)
+sci-libs/etsf_io:pic - Compile Position Independent Code
sci-libs/factory:singular - Enable support for sci-mathematics/singular
+sci-libs/fftw:quad - Build quadruple precision lib
+sci-libs/fftw:zbus - Adds support for ZBus cycle-counter of mips
sci-libs/fox:dom - Compile the W3C document object model module
sci-libs/fox:fast - Compile with best known optimization flags
sci-libs/fox:sax - Compile the streaming, validating parser based on java's Simple API for XML
@@ -96,62 +207,117 @@ sci-libs/gmsh:tetgen - Enable 3D delauny triangulation using tetgen lib
sci-libs/gotoblas2:dynamic - Build dynamic architecture detection at run time (for multi targets)
sci-libs/gotoblas2:incblas - Build the CBLAS interface
sci-libs/gotoblas2:int64 - Build the 64 bits integer library
-sci-libs/ipopt:mumps - Enable sci-libs/mumps support
+sci-libs/gsl:cblas-external - Link gsl with external cblas provided by (virtual/cblas) instead of shipped internal version
+sci-libs/itk:itkv3compat - Enable compatibility with ITK version 3
+sci-libs/itk:review - Enable compilation of methods under review
+sci-libs/itk:vtkglue - PLEASE FIX MY DESCRIPTION
+sci-libs/lapack-reference:int64 - Build the 64 bits integer library
sci-libs/lapack-reference:xblas - Build LAPACK with extra precision (needs sci-libs/xblas)
+sci-libs/lapacke-reference:tmg - Build LAPACKE with a Test Matrix Generator library
sci-libs/lapacke-reference:xblas - Build LAPACKE with extra precision (needs sci-libs/xblas)
-sci-libs/levmar:plasma - Use the multi-threaded sci-libs/plasma library for linear algebra
sci-libs/libfac:singular - Automatically generated description for singular
+sci-libs/libgeodecomp:cuda - Enables plugins for NVIDIA GPUs (e.g. CUDASimulator and CUDAStepper)
+sci-libs/libgeodecomp:hpx - Activates the HPX backend as an alternative to the usual MPI backends.
+sci-libs/libgeodecomp:opencl - Builds those plugins which can offload to OpenCL devices.
+sci-libs/libgeodecomp:opencv - Some input components can read from cameras etc. via OpenCV
+sci-libs/libgeodecomp:qt4 - Adds the QTWidgetWriter, which allows in situ visualization of a running simulation.
+sci-libs/libgeodecomp:scotch - Optinally use Scotch for domain decomposition.
+sci-libs/libgeodecomp:visit - Add in situ visualization for big simulations via VisIt.
+sci-libs/libsc:romio - Build with support for the ROMIO MPI-IO component
sci-libs/lwpr:octave - Add sci-mathematics/octave support
-sci-libs/magma:fermi - Compile for GPU NVIDIA Fermi family (2.x cards)
-sci-libs/magma:tesla - Compile for GPU NVIDIA Tesla family (1.x cards)>
-sci-libs/mumps:metis - Enable ordering with METIS (sci-libs/metis, sci-libs/parmetis)
-sci-libs/mumps:scotch - Enable ordering with sci-libs/scotch
+sci-libs/nexus:cbf - Support for Crystallographic Binary Format files with sci-libs/cbflib
+sci-libs/nexus:doc - Generate library documentation with app-doc/doxygen
+sci-libs/nexus:fortran - Build the Fortran bindings
+sci-libs/nexus:guile - Build the Scheme bindings
+sci-libs/nexus:java - Build the Java bindings
+sci-libs/nexus:python - Build the Python bindings
+sci-libs/nexus:swig - Generate bindings with dev-lang/swig
+sci-libs/nexus:tcl - Build the TCL bindings
+sci-libs/nexus:xml - Allow using the verbose XML representation of NeXus data
+sci-libs/nibabel:dicom - Adds limited read support for the DICOM imaging format.
sci-libs/oasa:cairo - Add support for Cairo graphics library using dev-python/pycairo
sci-libs/openblas:dynamic - Build dynamic architecture detection at run time (for multi targets)
-sci-libs/openblas:incblas - Build the CBLAS interface
sci-libs/openblas:int64 - Build the 64 bits integer library
+sci-libs/p4est:romio - Build with support for the ROMIO MPI-IO component
+sci-libs/p4est:vtk-binary - Enable binary vtk output. If disabled vtk files will be written in ASCII text format.
sci-libs/pagmo:kepler - Automatically generated description for kepler
sci-libs/pagmo:nlopt - Automatically generated description for nlopt
sci-libs/parmetis:double-precision - Floating-point operation done as double precision
sci-libs/parmetis:int64 - Build the 64 bits integer library (needed for > 2^31 vertices)
-sci-mathematics/Macaulay2:optimization - Accept upstream's choices for -O option, i.e. -O3 almost everywhere.
-sci-mathematics/algae:intel - Use icc as c compiler
-sci-mathematics/apron:ppl - Enable optional interface to the Parma Polyhedra Library
+sci-libs/pastix:int64 - Build the 64 bits integer library
+sci-libs/pastix:starpu - Build and link with dev-libs/starpu
+sci-libs/scikits_image:freeimage - Enable support for image i/o via media-libs/freeimage
+sci-libs/trilinos:adolc - Add support for adolc (sci-libs/adolc)
+sci-libs/trilinos:arprec - Add support for arprec (sci-libs/arprec)
+sci-libs/trilinos:boost - Add support for boost (dev-libs/boost)
+sci-libs/trilinos:clp - Add support for clp (sci-libs/coinor-clp)
+sci-libs/trilinos:cppunit - Add support for ()
+sci-libs/trilinos:cuda - Add support for cuda (dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit)
+sci-libs/trilinos:eigen - Add support for eigen (dev-cpp/eigen)
+sci-libs/trilinos:glpk - Add support for ()
+sci-libs/trilinos:gtest - Add support for gtest (dev-cpp/gtest)
+sci-libs/trilinos:hdf5 - Add support for hdf5 (sci-libs/hdf5)
+sci-libs/trilinos:hwloc - Add support for hwloc (sys-apps/hwloc)
+sci-libs/trilinos:hypre - Add support for hypre (sci-libs/hypre)
+sci-libs/trilinos:matio - Add support for matio (sci-libs/matio)
+sci-libs/trilinos:metis - Add support for metis (sci-libs/(par)metis)
+sci-libs/trilinos:mkl - Add support for mkl (sci/libs/mkl)
+sci-libs/trilinos:mumps - Add support for mumps (sci-libs/mumps)
+sci-libs/trilinos:netcdf - Add support for netcdf (sci-libs/netcdf)
+sci-libs/trilinos:petsc - Add support for petsc (sci-mathematics/petsc)
+sci-libs/trilinos:qd - Add support for qd (sci-libs/qd)
+sci-libs/trilinos:scalapack - Add support for scalapack (virtual/scalapack)
+sci-libs/trilinos:scotch - Add support for scotch (sci-libs/scotch)
+sci-libs/trilinos:sparse - Add support for sparse matrix solvers (sci-libs/umfpack)
+sci-libs/trilinos:superlu - Add support for superlu (sci-libs/superlu)
+sci-libs/trilinos:taucs - Add support for taucs (sci-libs/taucs)
+sci-libs/trilinos:tbb - Add support for threading building blocks library (dev-cpp/tbb)
+sci-libs/trilinos:tvmet - Add support for tvmet (dev-libs/tvmet)
+sci-libs/trilinos:umfpack - Add support for umfpack (sci-libs/umfpack)
+sci-libs/trilinos:yaml - Add support for yaml (dev-cpp-yaml)
+sci-libs/xblas:int64 - Build the 64 bits integer library
+sci-mathematics/Macaulay2:optimization - Disable to build with -O0 for debugging.
+sci-mathematics/acl2:books - build community books, the canonical collection of open-source libraries
+sci-mathematics/apron:ppl - Add support for dev-libs/ppl
sci-mathematics/dolfin:cgal - Adds support for geometric algorithms with sci-mathematics/cgal
sci-mathematics/dolfin:cholmod - Adds support for sparse Cholesky factorization with sci-libs/cholmod
sci-mathematics/dolfin:parmetis - Adds support for parallel graph partitioning with sci-libs/parmetis
sci-mathematics/dolfin:scotch - Adds support for graph partitioning with sci-libs/scotch
sci-mathematics/dolfin:umfpack - Adds support for sparse solving with sci-libs/umfpack
-sci-mathematics/frama-c:apron - ?apron?
-sci-mathematics/frama-c:gtk - ?gtk?
-sci-mathematics/frama-c:why - ?why?
sci-mathematics/gambit:X - Enable gui support using wxWidgets.
sci-mathematics/gap:xtom - Automatically generated description for xtom
-sci-mathematics/giac:fltk - ?fltk?
sci-mathematics/htk:hdecode - Install HDecode, a large vocabulary word recogniser
sci-mathematics/htk:hlmtools - Install the tools for manipulation of language models
sci-mathematics/htk:hslab - Install HSLab a label editor for speech label manipulation
sci-mathematics/htk:htkbook - Build the HTK documentation (HTK Book)
sci-mathematics/netgen:opencascade - Enable OpenCASCADE support
sci-mathematics/petsc:afterimage - Use Afterstep image library (media-libs/libafterimage)
+sci-mathematics/petsc:boost - Use boost (dev-libs/boost)
sci-mathematics/petsc:complex-scalars - Make scalars complex
sci-mathematics/petsc:hypre - Use HYPRE (sci-mathematics/hypre) and for preconditioning
-sci-mathematics/petsc:metis - Use METIS (sci-libs/parmetis) for partitioning
+sci-mathematics/petsc:mumps - PLEASE FIX MY DESCRIPTION
+sci-mathematics/petsc:scotch - PLEASE FIX MY DESCRIPTION
sci-mathematics/petsc:sparse - Use suitesparse (sci-libs/suitesparse) including cholmod (sci-libs/cholmod) for sparse factorization
sci-mathematics/petsc:superlu - Use superlu (sci-libs/superlu) for preconditioning
-sci-mathematics/polymake:libpolymake - Build the polymake library to build applications using the C++ interface.
-sci-mathematics/rstudio:desktop - Build the QT4 desktop interface
-sci-mathematics/rstudio:server - Build and install the RStudio server
+sci-mathematics/scilab:emf - Add suport for exporting to emf files
sci-mathematics/scilab:gui - Build the Java base graphical interface
sci-mathematics/scilab:matio - Enable support for MATLAB file through sci-libs/matio
sci-mathematics/scilab:umfpack - Adds support for sparse solving with sci-libs/umfpack
sci-mathematics/scilab:xcos - Enable building hybrid dynamic systems modeler and simulator Xcos
-sci-mathematics/why:apron - ?apron?
-sci-mathematics/why:coq - ?coq?
-sci-mathematics/why:gappa - ?gappa?
-sci-mathematics/why:gtk - ?gtk?
-sci-mathematics/why:jessie - ?jessie?
-sci-mathematics/why:pff - ?pff?
+sci-mathematics/why:apron - Use sci-mathematics/apron library for abstract interpretation
+sci-mathematics/why:coq - Add sci-mathematics/coq support
+sci-mathematics/why:float - Add sci-mathematics/flocq support
+sci-mathematics/why:frama-c - Add sci-mathematics/frama-c support
+sci-mathematics/why:gappa - Add sci-mathematics/gappalib-coq support
+sci-mathematics/why:pff - Add sci-mathematics/pff support
+sci-mathematics/why:why3 - Add sci-mathematics/why3 support
+sci-mathematics/why3:float - Add sci-mathematics/flocq support
+sci-mathematics/why3:frama-c - Enable Frama-C plugin
+sci-misc/elmer-gui:bundled_netgen - Use bundled version of sci-mathematics/netgen
+sci-misc/elmer-gui:matc - Enables sci-libs/matc support
+sci-misc/elmer-gui:opencascade - Enable sci-libs/opencascade support
+sci-misc/elmer-gui:qwt - Enables x11-libs/qwt support
+sci-misc/elmer-gui:vtk - Enables sci-libs/vtk support
sci-misc/hfst:foma - Add optional support for foma backend library (sci-misc/foma)
sci-misc/hfst:glib - Parse UTF-8 and collate unicode using glib instead of homebrewn methods
sci-misc/hfst:openfst - Add optional support for openfst backend library (sci-misc/openfst)
@@ -161,58 +327,107 @@ sci-misc/opennlp-tools:models - Automatically generated description for models
sci-misc/salome-kernel:numpy - Enable support for dev-python/numpy
sci-misc/salome-med:metis - Add support for metis
sci-misc/salome-med:scotch - Add support for scotch
+sci-physics/abinit:atompaw - Enable support for atompaw, a Projector Augmented Waves atomic data generator
+sci-physics/abinit:bigdft - Enable support for BigDFT, DFT package using wavelet basis set
sci-physics/abinit:cuda - Enable support for nVidia CUDA
sci-physics/abinit:cuda-double - Enable support for double precision nVidia CUDA
-sci-physics/abinit:fftw-threads - Use the threaded version of sci-libs/fftw
+sci-physics/abinit:etsf_io - Enable support for reading and writing the European Theoretical Spectroscopy facility (ETSF) file format.
+sci-physics/abinit:fftw-mpi - Use the MPI version of sci-libs/fftw (always with either openMP or pthreads too)
+sci-physics/abinit:fftw-threads - Use the threaded (openMP or pthreads) version of sci-libs/fftw
sci-physics/abinit:fox - Enable support for FoX Fortran XML library
-sci-physics/abinit:gui - Build the abinit GUI (requires java)
+sci-physics/abinit:levmar - Enable support for sci-libs/levmar, the Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares optimisation
sci-physics/abinit:libabinit - Build the libabinit used by sci-libs/bigdft (usage not tested yet, circular dependency not resolved)
-sci-physics/abinit:vdwxc - Activate van der Waals exchange-correlation
-sci-physics/atompaw:libxc - Use libxc for something
+sci-physics/abinit:libxc - Enable support for libxc, an exchange-correlation potentials library
+sci-physics/abinit:lotf - Activate the Learn on The Fly method (LOTF) for Molecular Dynamics
+sci-physics/abinit:scalapack - Use ScaLAPACK, a subset of LAPACK routines redesigned for heterogenous computing
+sci-physics/abinit:scripts - Install helper scripts, mostly Python
+sci-physics/abinit:vdwxc - Activate van der Waals exchange-correlation correction. Since 7.4.0 no longer optional
+sci-physics/abinit:wannier - Enable support for wannier90, a maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) calculator
+sci-physics/atompaw:libxc - Enable support for libxc, an exchange-correlation potentials library
+sci-physics/atompaw:longplot - Patch the sources to plot functions all over the space considered, not just up to the matching radius plus 50 grid points. May be useless or even harmful.
+sci-physics/bigdft:cuda - Enable support for nVidia CUDA GPU acceleration
+sci-physics/bigdft:etsf_io - Enable support for reading and writing the European Theoretical Spectroscopy facility (ETSF) file format.
+sci-physics/bigdft:glib - Compile with GLib Object System support
+sci-physics/bigdft:opencl - Enable support for OpenCL GPU acceleration
+sci-physics/bigdft:scalapack - Use ScaLAPACK, a subset of LAPACK routines redesigned for heterogenous computing
sci-physics/elk:libxc - Use sci-libs/libxc library of exchange-correlation functionals by ETSF.
+sci-physics/elk:perl - Install perl scripts.
+sci-physics/elk:python - Install python scripts.
+sci-physics/espresso:cuda - Enable cuda support
sci-physics/espresso:examples - Installs the examples
sci-physics/espresso:packages - Installs extra subpackages
-sci-physics/root:c++0x - Build ROOT using the C++11 standard. Not supported, requires sys-devel/gcc>=4.7.0
+sci-physics/geant-vmc:g4root - Build G4Root (interface for GEANT4 simulation with a ROOT geometry)
+sci-physics/geant-vmc:geant3 - Build with Geant4 G3toG4 library
+sci-physics/geant-vmc:mtroot - Build MTRoot (provides ROOT IO manager classes with multi-threading support)
+sci-physics/geant-vmc:vgm - Enable the Virtual Geometry Model (sci-physics/vgm)
+sci-physics/herwig++:c++11 - Build Herwig++ using the C++11 standard. Experimental feature, not for production use.
+sci-physics/herwig++:fastjet - Adds support for sci-physics/fastjet
+sci-physics/hoomd-blue:cuda - Enable cuda non-bonded kernels
+sci-physics/mc-tester:hepmc - Compile sci-physics/hepmc interface
sci-physics/root:fits - Support for images and data from FITS files with sci-libs/cfitsio
sci-physics/root:geocad - Enable ROOT-CAD interface using sci-libs/opencascade
-sci-physics/root:htmldoc - Generate html documentation
-sci-physics/root:llvm - Build the new cling interactive interpreter based on sys-devel/llvm
+sci-physics/root:http - Enable http server support including but not limited to fastcgi support
sci-physics/root:math - Build all math related libraries plugins, needs sci-libs/gsl
sci-physics/root:pythia6 - Build the interface for sci-physics/pythia version 6.x
sci-physics/root:pythia8 - Build the interface for sci-physics/pythia version 8.x
-sci-physics/root:reflex - Build the reflection database for the C++ interpreter
sci-physics/root:xrootd - Build the interface for net-libs/xrootd
+sci-physics/tauola:hepmc - Compile sci-physics/hepmc interface
+sci-physics/tauola:tau-spinner - Compile with TauSpinner library
+sci-physics/thepeg:fastjet - Adds support for sci-physics/fastjet
+sci-physics/thepeg:hepmc - Adds support for High Energy Physics Monte Carlo Generators sci-physics/hepmc
+sci-physics/thepeg:lhapdf - Adds support for sci-physics/lhapdf
+sci-physics/thepeg:rivet - Adds support for sci-physics/rivet
+sci-physics/vgm:geant4 - Enable interaction with Geant4(sci-physics/geant:4)
+sci-physics/vgm:root - Enable interactions with ROOT (sci-physics/root)
+sci-physics/yoda:root - Adds support for sci-physics/root
sci-visualization/gnuplot:bitmap - Enable dot-matrix printers and pbm terminal
+sci-visualization/gnuplot:compat - Enable backwards compatibility with version 4 syntax
sci-visualization/gnuplot:gd - Add support for media-libs/gd. Needed for GIF, JPEG, and PNG image output.
-sci-visualization/gnuplot:thin-splines - Enable thin plate splines
+sci-visualization/gnuplot:libcerf - Enable special functions from sci-libs/libcerf
+sci-visualization/mantid:doc - Generate documentation with app-doc/doxygen, QT Assistant etc
+sci-visualization/mantid:opencascade - Use OpenCascade to show 3D models of instruments
+sci-visualization/mantid:opencl - Use OpenCL to accelerate calculations
+sci-visualization/mantid:paraview - Enable the Visualisation and Analysis Toolkit ExtensionS (VATES)
+sci-visualization/mantid:tcmalloc - Use thread-caching malloc
sci-visualization/nodemon:pbs - Enable support for the Portable Batch System.
-sci-visualization/paraview:adaptive - Enable the adaptive paraview application
-sci-visualization/paraview:boost - Add support for boost
-sci-visualization/paraview:cg - Add support for nvidia's cg shaders
-sci-visualization/paraview:coprocessing - Enable the coprocessing infrastructure which is mainly useful in the context of clusters
-sci-visualization/paraview:gui - Build paraview's gui not just the server
-sci-visualization/paraview:mysql - Build support for MySQL data item in the XDMF format
-sci-visualization/paraview:nvcontrol - Add NVCONTROL support for OpenGL options
-sci-visualization/paraview:plugins - Build and install additional plugins
-sci-visualization/paraview:streaming - Enable streaming paraview application
-sci-visualization/paraview:webkit - Built support for qt-webkit in vtk
sci-visualization/v_sim:abinit - Add support for ABINIT file formats sci-physics/abinit
sci-visualization/v_sim:cube - Add support plug-in support for Cube files (densities and structures)
sci-visualization/v_sim:openbabel - Add support for ABINIT file formats sci-chemistry/openbabel
sci-visualization/v_sim:xsf - plug-in support for files that follow the XCrysDen format for structural positions and densities
-sys-cluster/condor:classads - Enable the Condor's classified advertisement language
-sys-cluster/condor:drmaa - Enable the Distributed Resource Management Application API
-sys-cluster/condor:gcb - Enable condor to communicate over firewall/NAT
-sys-cluster/condor:kbdd - Enable the Condor Keyboard Daemon to monitor logged in X users for activity
+sys-cluster/hpx:jemalloc - Use dev-libs/jemalloc for memory allocation
+sys-cluster/hpx:papi - Use dev-libs/papi for NaCl
+sys-cluster/hpx:perftools - Use dev-util/google-perftools for memory allocation
+sys-cluster/hpx:tbb - Use dev-cpp/tbb for memory allocation
+sys-cluster/htcondor:X - Enable the HTCondor Keyboard Daemon to monitor logged in X users for activity
+sys-cluster/htcondor:boinc - Enable backfill with BOINC jobs when the cluster is not being used
+sys-cluster/htcondor:cgroup - Use dev-libs/libcgroup for kernel control groups
+sys-cluster/htcondor:contrib - Build contrib modules
+sys-cluster/htcondor:dmtcp - Use sys-apps/dmtcp for checkpointing
+sys-cluster/htcondor:libvirt - Use app-emulation/libvirt for virtualisation
+sys-cluster/htcondor:management - Use net-libs/qmf for management
+sys-cluster/htcondor:minimal - Don't support standard universe jobs
+sys-cluster/lustre:client - Enable kernel client modules
+sys-cluster/lustre:liblustre - Enable building of liblustre
+sys-cluster/lustre:server - Enable kernels server modules
+sys-cluster/lustre:tests - Enable installation of tests
+sys-cluster/lustre:urandom - Enable use of urandom
+sys-cluster/lustre:utils - Enable lustre utils
+sys-cluster/mpich:mpi-threads - Enable MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE
+sys-cluster/mpich:romio - Build the ROMIO MPI-IO component
sys-cluster/mpich2:mpi-threads - Enable MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE
sys-cluster/mpich2:romio - Build the ROMIO MPI-IO component
sys-cluster/mvapich2:large-cluster - Automatically generated description for large-cluster
sys-cluster/mvapich2:medium-cluster - Automatically generated description for medium-cluster
sys-cluster/mvapich2:romio - Automatically generated description for romio
+sys-cluster/openmpi:cma - Enable the CMA (Cross Memory Attach) MCA
+sys-cluster/openmpi:cuda - Add GPU direct support
sys-cluster/openmpi:heterogeneous - Enable features required for heterogeneous platform support
-sys-cluster/openmpi:infiniband - Enable infiniband support
sys-cluster/openmpi:mpi-threads - Enable MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE
-sys-cluster/openmpi:pbs - Add support for the Portable Batch System (PBS)
+sys-cluster/openmpi:numa - Enable numactl to allow binding processes to CPUs
sys-cluster/openmpi:romio - Build the ROMIO MPI-IO component
sys-cluster/openmpi:vt - Enable bundled VampirTrace support
+virtual/blas:int64 - Add eselect module for blas libraries built with 64 bits integer ABI
+virtual/cblas:int64 - Add eselect module for cblas libraries built with 64 bits integer ABI
+virtual/lapack:int64 - Add eselect module for lapack libraries built with 64 bits integer ABI
virtual/mpi:romio - Enable romio, a high-performance portable MPI-IO
+x11-libs/agg:gpc - Enable gpc polygon clipper library
next reply other threads:[~2015-09-04 10:05 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 302+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2015-09-04 9:27 Justin Lecher [this message]
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2025-01-10 14:43 [gentoo-commits] proj/sci:master commit in: profiles/ Alexander Puck Neuwirth
2024-11-09 7:54 Alexander Puck Neuwirth
2024-10-30 8:29 Andrew Ammerlaan
2024-07-18 11:28 Andrew Ammerlaan
2024-05-09 23:02 Horea Christian
2024-05-09 23:02 Horea Christian
2024-04-24 9:35 Andrew Ammerlaan
2024-03-22 21:34 Horea Christian
2024-03-21 22:15 Horea Christian
2024-03-15 11:28 Andrew Ammerlaan
2024-03-15 11:26 Andrew Ammerlaan
2024-02-27 14:40 Andrew Ammerlaan
2024-01-22 14:42 Horea Christian
2024-01-22 14:42 Horea Christian
2024-01-22 14:42 Horea Christian
2023-12-29 10:05 Andrew Ammerlaan
2023-12-29 9:54 Andrew Ammerlaan
2023-12-18 15:33 Andrew Ammerlaan
2023-12-01 15:04 Horea Christian
2023-10-24 7:53 Andrew Ammerlaan
2023-06-26 17:55 Andrew Ammerlaan
2023-05-02 12:35 Andrew Ammerlaan
2023-03-29 5:04 Horea Christian
2023-03-29 4:08 Horea Christian
2023-03-25 5:16 Horea Christian
2023-03-25 4:46 Horea Christian
2023-03-17 14:06 Andrew Ammerlaan
2023-03-17 14:03 Andrew Ammerlaan
2023-02-10 13:36 Andrew Ammerlaan
2023-02-10 13:29 Andrew Ammerlaan
2023-01-16 0:46 Horea Christian
2023-01-15 20:24 Horea Christian
2023-01-15 17:51 Horea Christian
2023-01-14 11:51 Horea Christian
2023-01-14 10:32 Horea Christian
2023-01-13 23:39 Horea Christian
2023-01-13 22:00 Horea Christian
2023-01-13 20:22 Horea Christian
2023-01-13 19:29 Horea Christian
2023-01-13 8:59 Horea Christian
2023-01-13 7:43 Horea Christian
2023-01-13 7:16 Horea Christian
2023-01-13 7:01 Horea Christian
2023-01-13 6:55 Horea Christian
2023-01-12 23:54 Horea Christian
2023-01-12 22:19 Horea Christian
2023-01-12 12:20 Andrew Ammerlaan
2023-01-12 12:18 Andrew Ammerlaan
2023-01-12 12:18 Andrew Ammerlaan
2023-01-12 11:59 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-12-01 21:58 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-08-23 10:58 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-08-22 15:15 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-08-22 15:12 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-08-07 9:07 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-07-20 9:55 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-07-20 9:50 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-07-20 9:45 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-05-15 12:31 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-03-15 19:13 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-01-21 14:10 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-01-16 9:55 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-01-15 14:10 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-01-15 11:58 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-01-14 10:14 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-01-13 15:50 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-01-13 15:47 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-01-13 15:24 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-01-13 15:16 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-01-11 19:36 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-01-11 19:24 Andrew Ammerlaan
2022-01-11 19:20 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-12-26 10:38 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-11-04 9:08 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-08-02 13:26 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-08-02 13:22 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-05-24 9:17 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-05-08 12:56 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-03-06 16:01 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-03-06 15:01 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-03-06 13:59 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-03-06 13:25 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-03-06 11:28 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-03-06 11:14 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-03-06 10:51 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-03-06 10:42 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-03-05 21:49 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-03-05 15:29 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-03-05 8:42 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-03-04 15:01 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-03-04 14:22 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-02-13 11:31 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-02-12 21:44 Sam James
2021-01-24 8:11 Benda XU
2021-01-19 14:33 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-19 14:33 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-19 14:11 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-19 13:55 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-19 13:13 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-19 12:33 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-19 12:18 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-19 9:48 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 13:48 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 13:31 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 13:19 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 12:57 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 12:53 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 12:42 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 12:26 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 12:14 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 12:06 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 11:55 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 11:33 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 10:45 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 10:41 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 10:11 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 9:47 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 9:21 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 9:01 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-18 8:18 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-16 21:29 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-16 21:12 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-16 20:54 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-16 10:54 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-16 10:49 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-16 10:43 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-16 10:28 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-15 20:05 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-15 19:24 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-10 19:39 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-10 18:40 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-10 12:39 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-10 12:27 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-05 16:16 Andrew Ammerlaan
2021-01-05 6:08 Horea Christian
2021-01-03 22:14 Horea Christian
2020-12-31 17:26 Aisha Tammy
2020-12-31 16:34 Aisha Tammy
2020-12-30 17:44 Aisha Tammy
2020-12-29 18:37 Aisha Tammy
2020-12-29 18:37 Aisha Tammy
2020-12-27 2:16 Benda XU
2020-12-25 20:25 Horea Christian
2020-12-20 23:29 Aisha Tammy
2020-11-28 9:13 Horea Christian
2020-11-22 1:17 Aisha Tammy
2020-11-22 0:52 Aisha Tammy
2020-11-22 0:49 Aisha Tammy
2020-10-20 17:13 Horea Christian
2020-10-19 22:07 Horea Christian
2020-10-14 22:32 Aisha Tammy
2020-03-30 4:48 Horea Christian
2020-03-30 3:15 Horea Christian
2019-11-25 18:33 Horea Christian
2018-06-26 14:05 Horea Christian
2018-04-02 11:20 Justin Lecher
2018-01-27 20:39 Justin Lecher
2017-10-14 19:41 David Seifert
2017-09-07 20:58 David Seifert
2017-07-09 13:59 Justin Lecher
2017-04-30 7:47 Justin Lecher
2017-04-14 19:17 Justin Lecher
2017-04-14 11:17 Justin Lecher
2017-03-26 8:37 Justin Lecher
2017-03-26 8:18 Justin Lecher
2017-03-21 19:18 Justin Lecher
2017-03-18 21:09 Justin Lecher
2017-02-26 8:57 Justin Lecher
2017-02-25 19:18 Justin Lecher
2017-02-01 19:37 Justin Lecher
2017-01-12 19:07 Justin Lecher
2017-01-04 10:35 Justin Lecher
2016-11-26 11:09 Justin Lecher
2016-10-30 18:33 Justin Lecher
2016-10-28 13:46 Justin Lecher
2016-09-21 1:26 Christoph Junghans
2016-09-06 0:18 Christoph Junghans
2016-07-22 19:22 Christoph Junghans
2016-06-02 17:49 Andrew Savchenko
2016-05-30 20:58 Christoph Junghans
2016-04-26 19:06 Justin Lecher
2016-04-24 7:50 Justin Lecher
2016-04-24 7:38 Justin Lecher
2016-04-24 7:29 Justin Lecher
2016-04-24 7:29 Justin Lecher
2016-03-29 17:21 Justin Lecher
2016-02-22 13:25 Justin Lecher
2016-02-19 9:27 Justin Lecher
2016-02-12 9:26 Justin Lecher
2016-02-11 7:58 Justin Lecher
2016-02-09 13:27 Justin Lecher
2016-01-14 9:54 Justin Lecher
2016-01-11 12:00 Justin Lecher
2016-01-06 11:37 Justin Lecher
2016-01-01 17:30 Christoph Junghans
2015-12-29 19:08 Justin Lecher
2015-12-29 10:46 Justin Lecher
2015-12-28 16:11 Justin Lecher
2015-12-21 10:38 Justin Lecher
2015-12-18 17:27 Justin Lecher
2015-12-13 12:28 Justin Lecher
2015-12-04 7:02 Justin Lecher
2015-12-03 7:41 Justin Lecher
2015-12-01 9:37 Justin Lecher
2015-11-29 10:17 Justin Lecher
2015-11-21 15:15 Christoph Junghans
2015-11-16 6:45 Justin Lecher
2015-11-13 9:38 Justin Lecher
2015-11-10 10:52 Justin Lecher
2015-10-17 7:44 Justin Lecher
2015-10-15 17:10 Justin Lecher
2015-10-10 14:11 Justin Lecher
2015-09-25 16:28 Justin Lecher
2015-09-23 10:19 Justin Lecher
2015-09-22 8:19 Justin Lecher
2015-09-21 19:06 Justin Lecher
2015-09-21 15:48 Justin Lecher
2015-09-14 8:19 Justin Lecher
2015-09-09 8:11 Justin Lecher
2015-06-03 10:21 Justin Lecher
2015-02-28 4:47 Andrew Savchenko
2015-02-18 9:40 Justin Lecher
2015-02-18 9:09 Justin Lecher
2015-02-12 8:51 Justin Lecher
2015-02-04 8:54 Justin Lecher
2015-01-27 16:00 Christoph Junghans
2014-11-24 21:41 Christoph Junghans
2014-11-15 0:59 Christoph Junghans
2014-11-01 17:19 Andreas Hüttel
2014-09-16 13:15 Justin Lecher
2014-09-15 6:32 Justin Lecher
2014-09-13 12:47 Jauhien Piatlicki
2014-09-12 17:22 Christoph Junghans
2014-09-09 13:32 Jauhien Piatlicki
2014-04-22 23:48 Guillaume Horel
2014-01-21 19:38 Reinis Danne
2014-01-06 19:57 Justin Lecher
2014-01-04 12:08 Justin Lecher
2013-12-17 21:49 Nicolas Bock
2013-12-17 21:47 Nicolas Bock
2013-11-26 22:30 Sebastien Fabbro
2013-11-05 23:43 Christoph Junghans
2013-10-28 4:29 Guillaume Horel
2013-10-24 18:01 Nicolas Bock
2013-09-17 17:33 Nicolas Bock
2013-09-01 19:50 Christoph Junghans
2013-07-06 0:46 Christoph Junghans
2013-06-17 5:54 Justin Lecher
2013-06-12 20:04 Justin Lecher
2013-03-03 17:52 Justin Lecher
2013-02-02 0:50 Christoph Junghans
2013-01-29 3:51 Guillaume Horel
2012-12-27 21:44 Christoph Junghans
2012-11-30 21:18 Christoph Junghans
2012-11-27 5:43 Christoph Junghans
2012-10-09 13:08 Christoph Junghans
2012-10-07 9:18 Justin Lecher
2012-10-04 14:39 Christoph Junghans
2012-08-31 7:42 Justin Lecher
2012-08-30 8:44 Justin Lecher
2012-07-25 1:25 Christoph Junghans
2012-07-09 23:47 Sebastien Fabbro
2012-07-05 20:23 Nicolas Bock
2012-07-04 22:42 Sebastien Fabbro
2012-06-14 18:31 Christoph Junghans
2012-06-14 12:11 Justin Lecher
2012-06-08 12:51 Justin Lecher
2012-05-22 19:43 Justin Lecher
2012-05-19 8:43 Justin Lecher
2012-05-17 22:52 Sebastien Fabbro
2012-04-28 7:01 Justin Lecher
2012-04-21 23:53 Andrea Arteaga
2012-04-08 0:54 Andrea Arteaga
2012-03-12 16:44 Sebastien Fabbro
2012-02-27 8:03 Justin Lecher
2012-02-27 8:01 Justin Lecher
2012-02-27 7:58 Justin Lecher
2012-02-20 14:50 Justin Lecher
2012-02-20 14:30 Justin Lecher
2012-01-27 3:22 Christoph Junghans
2011-12-09 16:48 Martin Mokrejs
2011-11-05 3:57 Christoph Junghans
2011-10-31 13:11 Justin Lecher
2011-09-28 7:32 Christoph Junghans
2011-09-11 12:13 Justin Lecher
2011-08-26 16:01 Justin Lecher
2011-08-20 10:29 Christoph Junghans
2011-08-12 16:32 Kacper Kowalik
2011-08-12 16:27 Kacper Kowalik
2011-07-29 8:45 Alexey Shvetsov
2011-07-23 17:29 Kacper Kowalik
2011-07-17 13:14 Christoph Junghans
2011-07-17 12:38 Christoph Junghans
2011-06-24 17:09 Justin Lecher
2011-06-24 17:09 Justin Lecher
2011-06-24 17:09 Justin Lecher
2011-06-24 17:09 Justin Lecher
2011-04-20 13:37 Christoph Junghans
2011-04-17 7:52 Justin Lecher
2011-03-10 19:51 Christoph Junghans
2011-02-19 17:03 Christoph Junghans
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