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* [gentoo-commits] proj/R_overlay:master commit in: roverlay/scripts/, bin/py/
@ 2014-01-27 14:47 André Erdmann
  0 siblings, 0 replies; only message in thread
From: André Erdmann @ 2014-01-27 14:47 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-commits

commit:     faa343b43fa644fddfac4f1fa8ab12e61b9107f7
Author:     André Erdmann <dywi <AT> mailerd <DOT> de>
AuthorDate: Mon Jan 27 14:40:41 2014 +0000
Commit:     André Erdmann <dywi <AT> mailerd <DOT> de>
CommitDate: Mon Jan 27 14:40:41 2014 +0000

move query_config code to roverlay/

 bin/py/                       | 345 +--------------------------
 roverlay/scripts/                 |   5 +
 {bin/py => roverlay/scripts}/ |  22 +-
 3 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 352 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/py/ b/bin/py/
index bd13674..2905304 100644
--- a/bin/py/
+++ b/bin/py/
@@ -1,352 +1,17 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# *** TODO: script name ***
+# See roverlay.scripts.query_config for usage
+# or simply run --help.
-# Script for querying roverlay's config / editing template files.
-#  Usage:
-#  * query-config -h
-#  * query-config -l
-#     Lists all known config options.
-#     (Note: it's not possible to query all of these options)
-#  * query-config [-C <config_file>] [-u] [-a|{option[=varname]}]
-#     Prints roverlay's config options in shell usable format (without relying
-#     on roverlay-sh). Prints all options if -a/--all is specified or no
-#     option[=varname] is given. options can be renamed with "=varname".
-#     Usage example:
-#       $ eval $(query-config -C R-overlay.conf.tmp OVERLAY_DIR=OVERLAY OVERLAY_NAME)
-#       $ echo $OVERLAY
-#       $ echo $OVERLAY_NAME
-#  * query-config [-C <config_file>] [-u] -f <infile> [-O <outfile>|-] {-v VAR[=VALUE]}
-#     Replaces occurences of @@VARIABLES@@ in <infile> with values taken
-#     from roverlay's config and writes the result to <outfile> or stdout.
-#     (variables may also be specified with -v VAR=VALUE, which take precedence
-#     over roverlay's config, e.g. "-v SERVER_NAME=roverlay").
-#     Usage example:
-#       $ query-config -C ~roverlay_user/roverlay/R-overlay.conf \
-#          -f -O nginx.conf -v SERVER_ADDR=... -v SERVER_NAME=...
-#     A non-zero exit code indicates that one or more variables could not be
-#     replaced.
-from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
-import argparse
-import logging
-import re
-import os
 import sys
-import roverlay.core
-import roverlay.strutil
-from roverlay.config.entryutil import iter_config_keys
-EX_OK    = os.EX_OK
-EX_ERR   = os.EX_OK^1
-EX_MISS  = os.EX_OK^2
-EX_IRUPT = os.EX_OK^130
-RE_VAR_REF = re.compile ( "@@([a-zA-Z_]+)@@" )
-RE_VARNAME = re.compile ( "^[a-zA-Z_]+$" )
-class VarnameArgumentError ( argparse.ArgumentTypeError ):
-   def __init__ ( self, name ):
-      super ( VarnameArgumentError, self ).__init__ (
-         "invalid variable name: {!r}".format ( name )
-      )
-# --- end of VarnameArgumentError ---
-def get_value_str ( value, list_join_seq=" " ):
-   if value is None:
-      return ""
-   elif hasattr ( value, '__iter__' ) and not isinstance ( value, str ):
-      return list_join_seq.join ( map ( str, value ) )
-   elif isinstance ( value, bool ):
-      return "1" if value else "0"
-   else:
-      return str ( value )
-# --- end of get_value_str (...) ---
-def format_variables ( vardict, append_newline=True ):
-   retstr = "\n".join (
-      "{varname!s}=\"{value!s}\"".format ( varname=k, value=v )
-         for k, v in sorted ( vardict.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[0] )
-   )
-   return ( retstr + "\n" ) if append_newline else retstr
-# --- end of format_variables (...) ---
-def get_parser():
-   def arg_couldbe_file ( value ):
-      if value is None or value == '-':
-         return value
-      elif value:
-         f = os.path.abspath ( value )
-         if not os.path.exists ( f ) or not os.path.isdir ( f ):
-            return f
-      raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError (
-         "{!r} cannot be a file.".format ( value )
-      )
-   # --- end of arg_couldbe_file (...) ---
-   def arg_is_filepath_or_none ( value ):
-      if value:
-         f = os.path.abspath ( value )
-         if os.path.isfile ( f ):
-            return f
-      elif value is None:
-         return value
-      raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError (
-         "{!r} is not a file.".format ( value )
-      )
-   # --- end of arg_is_filepath_or_none (...) ---
-   def arg_is_varname ( value ):
-      if value:
-         vname, sepa, valias = value.partition ( '=' )
-         if not RE_VARNAME.match ( vname ):
-            raise VarnameArgumentError ( vname )
-         elif sepa:
-            if not RE_VARNAME.match ( valias ):
-               raise VarnameArgumentError ( valias )
-            else:
-               return ( vname, valias )
-         else:
-            return vname
-            #return ( vname, vname )
-      else:
-         return None
-   # --- end of arg_is_varname (...) ---
-   def arg_is_variable ( value ):
-      if value:
-         key, sepa, value = value.partition ( "=" )
-         if sepa:
-            return ( key, roverlay.strutil.unquote ( value ) )
-         else:
-            return ( key, "" )
-      raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ( value )
-   # --- end of arg_is_variable (...) ---
-   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser (
-      description = (
-         "query config options and output them in shell-usable format"
-      ),
-      epilog = (
-         'Exit codes:\n'
-         '* {EX_OK}: success\n'
-         '* {EX_ERR}: unspecified error, e.g. invalid config entry map\n'
-         '* {EX_MISS}: one or more config keys could not be found\n'
-      ).format ( EX_OK=EX_OK, EX_MISS=EX_MISS, EX_ERR=EX_ERR ),
-      formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
-   )
-   parser.add_argument (
-      "config_keys", metavar="<config_key>", type=arg_is_varname, nargs="*",
-      help="config key (or <config_key>=<alias_key>)"
-   )
-   parser.add_argument (
-      "-C", "--config-file", metavar="<file>", default=None,
-      type=arg_is_filepath_or_none,
-      help="path to the config file",
-   )
-   parser.add_argument (
-      "-a", "--all", dest="print_all", default=False, action="store_true",
-      help="print all options"
-   )
-   parser.add_argument (
-      "-l", "--list-all", dest="list_all", default=False, action="store_true",
-      help="instead of printing options: list all keys"
-   )
-   parser.add_argument (
-      "-u", "--empty-missing", default=False, action="store_true",
-      help="set missing variables to the empty string"
-   )
-   parser.add_argument (
-      "-f", "--from-file", metavar="<file>", default=None,
-      type=arg_is_filepath_or_none,
-      help="read config keys from <file>"
-   )
-   parser.add_argument (
-      "-O", "--outfile", metavar="<file>", default=None,
-      type=arg_couldbe_file,
-      help=(
-         'in conjunction with --from-file: replace variable references and '
-         'write the resulting text to <file>'
-      )
-   )
-   parser.add_argument (
-      "-v", "--variable", metavar="<key=\"value\">", dest="extra_vars",
-      default=[], action="append", type=arg_is_variable,
-      help="additional variables (only with --outfile)"
-   )
-   return parser
-# --- end of get_parser (...) ---
-def get_all_config_keys():
-   return [ k.upper() for k in iter_config_keys() ]
-# --- end of get_all_config_keys (...) ---
-def get_vardict ( config, argv, keys ):
-   return config.query_by_name (
-      keys, empty_missing=argv.empty_missing, convert_value=get_value_str
-   )
-# --- end of get_vardict (...) ---
-def main__print_variables ( config, argv, stream, config_keys ):
-   num_missing, cvars = get_vardict ( config, argv, config_keys )
-   if cvars:
-      stream.write ( format_variables ( cvars ) )
-   return num_missing
-# --- end of main__print_variables (...) ---
-def main ( is_installed=False ):
-   parser = get_parser()
-   argv   = parser.parse_args()
-   stream = sys.stdout
-   # setup
-   ## logging
-   roverlay.core.force_console_logging ( log_level=logging.WARNING )
-   ## main config
-   if argv.config_file is None:
-      config_file = roverlay.core.locate_config_file ( False )
-   else:
-      config_file = argv.config_file
-   # passing installed=True|False doesn't really matter
-   config = roverlay.core.load_config_file (
-      config_file, extraconf={ 'installed': is_installed, },
-      setup_logger=False, load_main_only=True
-   )
-   # perform actions as requested
-   # --list-all: print all config keys and exit
-   if argv.list_all:
-      stream.write ( "\n".join ( sorted ( get_all_config_keys() ) ) + "\n" )
-      return EX_OK
-   # --all or no config keys specified: print all config options as variables
-   elif argv.print_all or not any (( argv.from_file, argv.config_keys, )):
-      main__print_variables ( config, argv, stream, get_all_config_keys() )
-      # don't return EX_MISS if --all was specified
-      return EX_OK
-   # --from-file with --outfile:
-   #   replace @@VARIABLES@@ in file and write to --outfile (or stdout)
-   elif argv.from_file and argv.outfile:
-      # COULDFIX: exit code when --variable is used
-      #
-      # (a) get_vardict(): return a list of missing vars and compare it
-      #                    to the final cvars
-      # (b) check the resulting str for missing vars (
-      #
-      #  Using (b) for now (and unconditionally, so that the output
-      #  always gets verified).
-      #
-      # list of 2-tuples ( line, set<varnames> )
-      input_lines = list()
-      config_keys = set()
-      with open ( argv.from_file, 'rt' ) as FH:
-         for line in FH.readlines():
-            varnames = set ( RE_VAR_REF.findall ( line ) )
-            input_lines.append ( ( line, varnames ) )
-            config_keys |= varnames
-         # -- end for
-      # -- end with
-      num_missing, cvars = get_vardict ( config, argv, config_keys )
-      del num_missing
-      if argv.extra_vars:
-         for k, v in argv.extra_vars:
-            cvars[k] = v
-      # -- end if extra vars
-      # create a dict<varname => (regex for replacing varname,replacement)>
-      #  where (re_object,replacement) := (re<@@varname@@>,value)
-      re_repl = {
-         k : ( re.compile ( "@@" + k + "@@" ), v ) for k, v in cvars.items()
-      }
-      # iterate through input_lines a second time, replacing @@VARNAMES@@
-      # (COULDFIX: could be done in one loop // create cvars on-the-fly (defaultdict etc))
-      output_lines = []
-      vars_missing = set()
-      for line, varnames in input_lines:
-         # apply replace operations as needed
-         for varname in varnames:
-            try:
-               re_obj, repl = re_repl [varname]
-            except KeyError:
-               # cannot replace varname
-               vars_missing.add ( varname )
-            else:
-               line = re_obj.sub ( repl, line )
-         # -- end for <varname // replace>
-         output_lines.append ( line )
-      # -- end for <input_lines>
-      # write output_lines
-      if argv.outfile == '-':
-         stream.write ( ''.join ( output_lines ) )
-      else:
-         with open ( argv.outfile, 'wt' ) as FH:
-            FH.write ( ''.join ( output_lines ) )
-      # -- end write output_lines
-      return EX_MISS if vars_missing else EX_OK
-   # --from-file (without --outfile): read config keys from file
-   elif argv.from_file:
-      config_keys = set()
-      with open ( argv.from_file, 'rt' ) as FH:
-         for line in FH.readlines():
-            config_keys.update ( RE_VAR_REF.findall ( line ) )
-      # -- end with
-      if main__print_variables ( config, argv, stream, config_keys ):
-         return EX_MISS
-      else:
-         return EX_OK
-   # else filter out False/None values
-   elif main__print_variables (
-      config, argv, stream, [ kx for kx in argv.config_keys if kx ]
-   ):
-      return EX_MISS
-   else:
-      return EX_OK
-# --- end of main (...) ---
+import roverlay.scripts.query_config
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-      sys.exit ( main() )
+      sys.exit ( roverlay.scripts.query_config.query_config_main ( False ) )
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-      sys.exit ( EX_IRUPT )
+      sys.exit ( roverlay.scripts.query_config.EX_IRUPT )
 # -- end __main__

diff --git a/roverlay/scripts/ b/roverlay/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..664940b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roverlay/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# R overlay -- helper scripts package
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 André Erdmann <>
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License;
+# either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

diff --git a/bin/py/ b/roverlay/scripts/
similarity index 96%
copy from bin/py/
copy to roverlay/scripts/
index bd13674..f8a3c6f 100644
--- a/bin/py/
+++ b/roverlay/scripts/
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+# R overlay -- helper scripts package, query-config
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 André Erdmann <>
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License;
+# either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# *** TODO: script name ***
 # Script for querying roverlay's config / editing template files.
@@ -53,6 +55,9 @@ import roverlay.core
 import roverlay.strutil
 from roverlay.config.entryutil import iter_config_keys
+__all__ = [ 'query_config_main', ]
 EX_OK    = os.EX_OK
 EX_ERR   = os.EX_OK^1
 EX_MISS  = os.EX_OK^2
@@ -220,7 +225,7 @@ def main__print_variables ( config, argv, stream, config_keys ):
    return num_missing
 # --- end of main__print_variables (...) ---
-def main ( is_installed=False ):
+def query_config_main ( is_installed ):
    parser = get_parser()
    argv   = parser.parse_args()
    stream = sys.stdout
@@ -231,7 +236,7 @@ def main ( is_installed=False ):
    ## main config
    if argv.config_file is None:
-      config_file = roverlay.core.locate_config_file ( False )
+      config_file = roverlay.core.locate_config_file ( is_installed )
       config_file = argv.config_file
@@ -342,11 +347,4 @@ def main ( is_installed=False ):
       return EX_OK
-# --- end of main (...) ---
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-   try:
-      sys.exit ( main() )
-   except KeyboardInterrupt:
-      sys.exit ( EX_IRUPT )
-# -- end __main__
+# --- end of query_config_main (...) ---

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2014-01-27 14:47 [gentoo-commits] proj/R_overlay:master commit in: roverlay/scripts/, bin/py/ André Erdmann

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