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From: "Lars Wendler" <>
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Message-ID: <1384429793.a3fe7f339de1d4f4b6c1902d42e66355dde871d8.polynomial-c@gentoo>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] proj/mozilla:master commit in: dev-libs/nss/
X-VCS-Repository: proj/mozilla
X-VCS-Files: dev-libs/nss/Manifest dev-libs/nss/nss-3.15.3.ebuild
X-VCS-Directories: dev-libs/nss/
X-VCS-Committer: polynomial-c
X-VCS-Committer-Name: Lars Wendler
X-VCS-Revision: a3fe7f339de1d4f4b6c1902d42e66355dde871d8
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Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 11:50:10 +0000 (UTC)
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commit:     a3fe7f339de1d4f4b6c1902d42e66355dde871d8
Author:     Lars Wendler <polynomial-c <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Thu Nov 14 11:49:53 2013 +0000
Commit:     Lars Wendler <polynomial-c <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Thu Nov 14 11:49:53 2013 +0000

Security bump (bug #491234)

 dev-libs/nss/Manifest          |   1 +
 dev-libs/nss/nss-3.15.3.ebuild | 264 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 265 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dev-libs/nss/Manifest b/dev-libs/nss/Manifest
index 890178b..d073853 100644
--- a/dev-libs/nss/Manifest
+++ b/dev-libs/nss/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 DIST nss-3.14.1-add_spi+cacerts_ca_certs.patch 25018 SHA256 82ca25982828fd7153ad15fc6e81408c115476eeeb4045d3a71469380b56824b SHA512 2aafbd972b073061bfd66a66a4b50060691957f2910f716f7a69d22d655c499f186f05db2101bea5248a00949f339327ba8bfffec024c61c8ee908766201ae00 WHIRLPOOL c9fe397e316dac7983b187acf7227078ebd8f8da5df53f77f2564489e85f123c4d2afb88d56e8dc14b9ebfffe8a71ade4724b3c1ea683c5c4c487cb3a64eda43
 DIST nss-3.15-pem-support-20130617.patch.xz 27800 SHA256 01885877f12b0460798760617c9b0a1f8ed05ad0130e924211bd73fc344535cc SHA512 ebf0633e1683b3b9efe340d1117e02f1ced7e8381c7e867fff77efc3c41df1a32f017b18816ae6a04b35b5006c83e557c47a13ae576f50a84f9770c321dfa34b WHIRLPOOL 88f5edc621ca7862dc2e433836e11caa60752dc8f95bc7f49bcf07cdd0b3d8f2d7642ee02b018b8429a3e358e252ecdf3de40a1b12fab1f0fa13ca360e02a53c
 DIST nss-3.15.2.tar.gz 6288669 SHA256 7b2c80d18c49581edbdb509cbf7afd61d8c53658f2a38ff20e224c1909faeddc SHA512 f19889115ebd9f3214ee4faef11764d30936522c55aebe31bbed22073a39ca025559aa90ed96c973384b4f404c7179cffd212a63406e79f50213c0c991bb1c9e WHIRLPOOL 4464f0e56415871f22d89bd9c97c750088066d454d4d643f8475379e6372fa4f3a0839f49949d4024babfe1500250ef60d40358fca52e5133ee45ddc02bc2efd
+DIST nss-3.15.3.tar.gz 6288990 SHA256 ec5f01f7d9f42cf8ad3f95c7f8921bde583df9297c83dc9062930462e3717a18 SHA512 54ad1ab7c589a7a9f866a8e6d9ef2827321a03959f9ea28c6a931d17594f433e951cc253950f205bc19dde457562ccd91e6c412fa02fb6a96611b392341f87ba WHIRLPOOL 4d5336d8a745587f70249a06958f56787ec731dc1eab7ba6db57b177cb51eae3c2028f2094b98cecdfbd789e6e80e43ffba8f2d2c20dbbbb5066fd2636d5c6d1

diff --git a/dev-libs/nss/nss-3.15.3.ebuild b/dev-libs/nss/nss-3.15.3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..199e4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-libs/nss/nss-3.15.3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/nss/nss-3.15.3.ebuild,v 1.1 2013/11/14 11:45:36 polynomial-c Exp $
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="Mozilla's Network Security Services library that implements PKI support"
+LICENSE="|| ( MPL-2.0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x86-macos ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+	>=dev-libs/nspr-${NSPR_VER}"
+	>=dev-db/sqlite-3.5
+	sys-libs/zlib"
+src_setup() {
+	export LC_ALL="C"
+src_prepare() {
+	# Custom changes for gentoo
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.15-gentoo-fixups.patch"
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.15-gentoo-fixup-warnings.patch"
+	epatch "${DISTDIR}/${PN}-3.14.1-add_spi+cacerts_ca_certs.patch"
+	epatch "${DISTDIR}/${PN}-3.15-pem-support-20130617.patch.xz"
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.15-x32.patch"
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.15.1-fipstest-warnings.patch"
+	cd coreconf
+	# hack nspr paths
+	echo 'INCLUDES += -I$(DIST)/include/dbm' \
+		>> || die "failed to append include"
+	# modify install path
+	sed -e 's:SOURCE_PREFIX = $(CORE_DEPTH)/\.\./dist:SOURCE_PREFIX = $(CORE_DEPTH)/dist:' \
+		-i
+	# Respect LDFLAGS
+	sed -i -e 's/\$(MKSHLIB) -o/\$(MKSHLIB) \$(LDFLAGS) -o/g'
+	# Ensure we stay multilib aware
+	sed -i -e "/@libdir@/ s:lib64:$(get_libdir):" "${S}"/config/Makefile
+	# Fix pkgconfig file for Prefix
+	sed -i -e "/^PREFIX =/s:= /usr:= ${EPREFIX}/usr:" \
+		"${S}"/config/Makefile
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}/nss-3.14.2-solaris-gcc.patch"
+	# use host shlibsign if need be #436216
+	if tc-is-cross-compiler ; then
+		sed -i \
+			-e 's:"${2}"/shlibsign:shlibsign:' \
+			"${S}"/cmd/shlibsign/
+	fi
+	# dirty hack
+	cd "${S}"
+	sed -i -e "/CRYPTOLIB/s:\$(SOFTOKEN_LIB_DIR):../freebl/\$(OBJDIR):" \
+		lib/ssl/
+	sed -i -e "/CRYPTOLIB/s:\$(SOFTOKEN_LIB_DIR):../../lib/freebl/\$(OBJDIR):" \
+		cmd/
+nssarch() {
+	# Most of the arches are the same as $ARCH
+	local t=${1:-${CHOST}}
+	case ${t} in
+	hppa*)   echo "parisc";;
+	i?86*)   echo "i686";;
+	x86_64*) echo "x86_64";;
+	*)       tc-arch ${t};;
+	esac
+nssbits() {
+	local cc="${1}CC" cppflags="${1}CPPFLAGS" cflags="${1}CFLAGS"
+	echo > "${T}"/test.c || die
+	${!cc} ${!cppflags} ${!cflags} -c "${T}"/test.c -o "${T}"/test.o || die
+	case $(file "${T}"/test.o) in
+	*32-bit*x86-64*) echo USE_x32=1;;
+	*64-bit*|*ppc64*|*x86_64*) echo USE_64=1;;
+	*32-bit*|*ppc*|*i386*) ;;
+	*) die "Failed to detect whether your arch is 64bits or 32bits, disable distcc if you're using it, please";;
+	esac
+src_compile() {
+	strip-flags
+	local makeargs=(
+		CC="${CC}"
+		AR="${AR} rc \$@"
+		$(nssbits)
+	)
+	# Take care of nspr settings #436216
+	append-cppflags $(${PKG_CONFIG} nspr --cflags)
+	append-ldflags $(${PKG_CONFIG} nspr --libs-only-L)
+	export NSPR_LIB_DIR=${T}/fake-dir
+	# Do not let `uname` be used.
+	if use kernel_linux ; then
+		makeargs+=(
+			OS_TARGET=Linux
+			OS_RELEASE=2.6
+			OS_TEST="$(nssarch)"
+		)
+	fi
+	export BUILD_OPT=1
+	export NSDISTMODE=copy
+	export NSS_ENABLE_ECC=1
+	export ASFLAGS=""
+	local d
+	# Build the host tools first.
+	emake -j1 -C coreconf \
+		CC="${BUILD_CC}" \
+		$(nssbits BUILD_) \
+		|| die
+	makeargs+=( NSINSTALL="${PWD}/$(find -type f -name nsinstall)" )
+	# Then build the target tools.
+	for d in . lib/dbm ; do
+		emake -j1 "${makeargs[@]}" -C ${d} || die "${d} make failed"
+	done
+# Altering these 3 libraries breaks the CHK verification.
+# All of the following cause it to break:
+# - stripping
+# - prelink
+# - ELF signing
+# Either we have to NOT strip them, or we have to forcibly resign after
+# stripping.
+#export STRIP_MASK="
+#	*/${local_libdir}/*
+#	*/${local_libdir}/*
+#	*/${local_libdir}/*"
+export NSS_CHK_SIGN_LIBS="freebl3 nssdbm3 softokn3"
+generate_chk() {
+	local shlibsign="$1"
+	local libdir="$2"
+	einfo "Resigning core NSS libraries for FIPS validation"
+	shift 2
+	local i
+	for i in ${NSS_CHK_SIGN_LIBS} ; do
+		local libname=lib${i}.so
+		local chkname=lib${i}.chk
+		"${shlibsign}" \
+			-i "${libdir}"/${libname} \
+			-o "${libdir}"/${chkname}.tmp \
+		&& mv -f \
+			"${libdir}"/${chkname}.tmp \
+			"${libdir}"/${chkname} \
+		|| die "Failed to sign ${libname}"
+	done
+cleanup_chk() {
+	local libdir="$1"
+	shift 1
+	local i
+	for i in ${NSS_CHK_SIGN_LIBS} ; do
+		local libfname="${libdir}/lib${i}.so"
+		# If the major version has changed, then we have old chk files.
+		[ ! -f "${libfname}" -a -f "${libfname}.chk" ] \
+			&& rm -f "${libfname}.chk"
+	done
+src_install() {
+	cd "${S}"/dist
+	dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)
+	cp -L */lib/*$(get_libname) "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir) || die "copying shared libs failed"
+	# We generate these after stripping the libraries, else they don't match.
+	#cp -L */lib/*.chk "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir) || die "copying chk files failed"
+	cp -L */lib/libcrmf.a "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir) || die "copying libs failed"
+	# Install nss-config and pkgconfig file
+	dodir /usr/bin
+	cp -L */bin/nss-config "${ED}"/usr/bin
+	dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
+	cp -L */lib/pkgconfig/nss.pc "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
+	# all the include files
+	insinto /usr/include/nss
+	doins public/nss/*.h
+	local f nssutils
+	# Always enabled because we need it for chk generation.
+	nssutils="shlibsign"
+	if use utils; then
+		# The tests we do not need to install.
+		#nssutils_test="bltest crmftest dbtest dertimetest
+		#fipstest remtest sdrtest"
+		nssutils="addbuiltin atob baddbdir btoa certcgi certutil checkcert
+		cmsutil conflict crlutil derdump digest makepqg mangle modutil multinit
+		nonspr10 ocspclnt oidcalc p7content p7env p7sign p7verify pk11mode
+		pk12util pp rsaperf selfserv shlibsign signtool signver ssltap strsclnt
+		symkeyutil tstclnt vfychain vfyserv"
+	fi
+	cd "${S}"/dist/*/bin/
+	for f in ${nssutils}; do
+		dobin ${f}
+	done
+	# Prelink breaks the CHK files. We don't have any reliable way to run
+	# shlibsign after prelink.
+	local l libs=() liblist
+	for l in ${NSS_CHK_SIGN_LIBS} ; do
+		libs+=("${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/lib${l}.so")
+	done
+	liblist=$(printf '%s:' "${libs[@]}")
+	echo -e "PRELINK_PATH_MASK=${liblist%:}" > "${T}/90nss"
+	doenvd "${T}/90nss"
+pkg_postinst() {
+	# We must re-sign the libraries AFTER they are stripped.
+	local shlibsign="${EROOT}/usr/bin/shlibsign"
+	# See if we can execute it (cross-compiling & such). #436216
+	"${shlibsign}" -h >&/dev/null
+	if [[ $? -gt 1 ]] ; then
+		shlibsign="shlibsign"
+	fi
+	generate_chk "${shlibsign}" "${EROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir)
+pkg_postrm() {
+	cleanup_chk "${EROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir)