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From: "Ian Delaney" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] proj/virtualization:master commit in: app-emulation/xen-tools/
Date: Sun,  4 Aug 2013 13:48:41 +0000 (UTC)	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <1375624079.36ea245dc4a9538efc4409a8767f6e734dacdf29.idella4@gentoo> (raw)

commit:     36ea245dc4a9538efc4409a8767f6e734dacdf29
Author:     Ian Delaney <della5 <AT> iinet <DOT> com <DOT> au>
AuthorDate: Sun Aug  4 13:47:59 2013 +0000
Commit:     Ian Delaney <della5 <AT> iinet <DOT> com <DOT> au>
CommitDate: Sun Aug  4 13:47:59 2013 +0000

radical upgrade of live ebuild made git-2 capable, contribution by Dennis Lan

Package-Manager: portage-

 app-emulation/xen-tools/Manifest               |   3 +-
 app-emulation/xen-tools/xen-tools-4.3.0.ebuild | 381 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 app-emulation/xen-tools/xen-tools-9999.ebuild  | 246 ++++++++++------
 3 files changed, 534 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app-emulation/xen-tools/Manifest b/app-emulation/xen-tools/Manifest
index 39f4dba..c7c17da 100644
--- a/app-emulation/xen-tools/Manifest
+++ b/app-emulation/xen-tools/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-DIST ipxe-git-9a93db3f0947484e30e753bbd61a10b17336e20e.tar.gz 2888480 SHA256 ea2a52a999afab7fefa6300e0f1b38409c170a7503a51d8b572d790e71f2d0f0 SHA512 02314727af850bdf51c1963e8da258a65868f3ef116e9833918c770b8737cd1501891d4dc90d787702a1f34e35198e57373d730b7e2e6671e5fa93ece7c2f073 WHIRLPOOL 9a232852c3dee266dcbd27fae6814497814a0f65123484c37196a99c6cc746a348cf38c77ba084e62e052c64e950b34aa2f152a154e99c0366746f97941b23d7
 DIST ipxe.tar.gz 2867999 SHA256 632ce8c193ccacc3012bd354bdb733a4be126f7c098e111930aa41dad537405c SHA512 c5cb1cdff40d2d71fd3e692a9d0efadf2aa17290daf5195391a1c81ddd9dfc913a8e44d5be2b12be85b2a5565ea31631c99c7053564f2fb2225c80ea0bb0e4a4 WHIRLPOOL 58b7459aaf7323968e2f4d1cdcb563a04a0ee40d7d0e8fc600495baf6914127fbbbcddfb66199cd9f462eb59565b3d1ae90a05b3c771b8f13c2d2dcb6070eebc
 DIST seabios-0-20121121.tar.bz2 2199282 SHA256 f7f67181c6c0b4cea3a9db48e2569fdcbbc81b732a2f672079c42fb44153ee62 SHA512 4f886088ebaa911590b8cb19db5c5dbc8f1384d2d5a7c4bf04df083e177513b3123b1839dad744171670eded8b69ce092a774288aec1804d00aa32b1b6778599 WHIRLPOOL f2e62682d7213ee5eaecbc2590637ef36d9c86f746840c0ee758c0c153139f485032ea2cd098c87bb8a2b5f17f91375b8fb65599e3b71b45b1645df85a88887f
+DIST seabios-dir-remote-20130720.tar.gz 3201017 SHA256 0cf06b54e8ae1cfc25f2942eea1490a9e7e01f478541577025f6eef76e0c76de SHA512 e9ebe3711e3f678d3632f8e8e645f8be4fb65608aff04aeeb0e1152521bf571bc4d879f136d23bb0aa8bd4c4ec20f294b472cf54dc70916e52d330328aadd357 WHIRLPOOL 6138271f72fd96fabe3cffc07a6efcb9c0e195ed96f4ad708d00e85e0a84a03900dc41389cd4f26d533a3aa42142a9e17708d7b87d722f1c9348f61a5db3e59d
 DIST xen-4.2.2.tar.gz 15602746 SHA256 c9bfe91a5e72f8545acebad9889d64368020359bfe18044c0e683133e55ae005 SHA512 4943b18016ed8c2b194a3b55e6655b3b734b39ffb8cb7ee0a0580f2f4460a1d0e92e1de8ac23f5186272914fad1650586af51fd7c3644d0310eb16f2e11c5e80 WHIRLPOOL 519eb87cb2da694696cbc3e72070a0a3bdb07c46fa266d855d8379eec3a92adfa4d434af3ac01c37834ce4a9174081a6c40030b185a70902329b185cb8d0bbea
+DIST xen-4.3.0.tar.gz 16425975 SHA256 e1e9faabe4886e2227aacdbde74410653b233d66642ca1972a860cbec6439961 SHA512 e6b8f64e15e48704ea5cee5585cd6151fe6a5a62bc4670caf0b762c1aa71c9598db236c637ac34c42c92c6e8a5001acdd3d9d4b9305401a26273279358f481d6 WHIRLPOOL a91f14bc6535127ab17d3867b92fb3e008089453d5ba7996fd1d0b5c6d32a881c07df320f018c928e919f28de7b4ab4757c6bdb020e0cdb7d67960d4cab9dda0

diff --git a/app-emulation/xen-tools/xen-tools-4.3.0.ebuild b/app-emulation/xen-tools/xen-tools-4.3.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7da7f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/xen-tools/xen-tools-4.3.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/xen-tools/xen-tools-4.3.0.ebuild,v 1.17 2013/08/01 08:16:07 idella4 Exp $
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_6,2_7} )
+if [[ $PV == *9999 ]]; then
+	REPO="xen-unstable.hg"
+	S="${WORKDIR}/${REPO}"
+	live_eclass="mercurial"
+	KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+	SRC_URI="${PV}/xen-${PV}.tar.gz
+	S="${WORKDIR}/xen-${PV}"
+inherit bash-completion-r1 eutils flag-o-matic multilib python-single-r1 toolchain-funcs udev ${live_eclass}
+DESCRIPTION="Xend daemon and tools"
+DOCS=( README docs/README.xen-bugtool )
+IUSE="api custom-cflags debug doc flask hvm qemu ocaml python pygrub screen static-libs xend"
+REQUIRED_USE="hvm? ( qemu )"
+	dev-libs/yajl
+	dev-python/lxml[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+	dev-python/pypam[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+	sys-libs/zlib
+	sys-power/iasl
+	dev-ml/findlib
+	hvm? ( media-libs/libsdl )
+	api? ( dev-libs/libxml2
+		net-misc/curl )
+	pygrub? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS//${PYTHON_REQ_USE}/ncurses} )"
+	sys-devel/bin86
+	sys-devel/dev86
+	dev-lang/perl
+	app-misc/pax-utils
+	dev-python/markdown
+	doc? (
+		app-doc/doxygen
+		dev-tex/latex2html[png,gif]
+		media-gfx/graphviz
+		dev-tex/xcolor
+		media-gfx/transfig
+		dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra
+		virtual/latex-base
+		dev-tex/latexmk
+		dev-texlive/texlive-latex
+		dev-texlive/texlive-pictures
+		dev-texlive/texlive-latexrecommended
+	)
+	hvm? ( x11-proto/xproto
+		!net-libs/libiscsi )
+	qemu? ( x11-libs/pixman )"
+	sys-apps/iproute2
+	net-misc/bridge-utils
+	ocaml? ( >=dev-lang/ocaml-4 )
+	screen? (
+		app-misc/screen
+		app-admin/logrotate
+	)
+	virtual/udev"
+# hvmloader is used to bootstrap a fully virtualized kernel
+# Approved by QA team in bug #144032
+pkg_setup() {
+	python-single-r1_pkg_setup
+	export "CONFIG_LOMOUNT=y"
+	if has_version dev-libs/libgcrypt; then
+		export "CONFIG_GCRYPT=y"
+	fi
+	if use qemu; then
+		export "CONFIG_IOEMU=y"
+	else
+		export "CONFIG_IOEMU=n"
+	fi
+	if ! use x86 && ! has x86 $(get_all_abis) && use hvm; then
+		eerror "HVM (VT-x and AMD-v) cannot be built on this system. An x86 or"
+		eerror "an amd64 multilib profile is required. Remove the hvm use flag"
+		eerror "to build xen-tools on your current profile."
+		die "USE=hvm is unsupported on this system."
+	fi
+	if [[ -z ${XEN_TARGET_ARCH} ]] ; then
+		if use x86 && use amd64; then
+			die "Confusion! Both x86 and amd64 are set in your use flags!"
+		elif use x86; then
+			export XEN_TARGET_ARCH="x86_32"
+		elif use amd64 ; then
+			export XEN_TARGET_ARCH="x86_64"
+		else
+			die "Unsupported architecture!"
+		fi
+	fi
+src_prepare() {
+	# Drop .config, fixes to gcc-4.6
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN/-tools/}-4.3-fix_dotconfig-gcc.patch
+	# Xend
+	if ! use xend; then
+		sed -e 's:xm xen-bugtool xen-python-path xend:xen-bugtool xen-python-path:' \
+			-i tools/misc/Makefile || die "Disabling xend failed"
+		sed -e 's:^XEND_INITD:#XEND_INITD:' \
+			-i tools/examples/Makefile || die "Disabling xend failed"
+	fi
+	# if the user *really* wants to use their own custom-cflags, let them
+	if use custom-cflags; then
+		einfo "User wants their own CFLAGS - removing defaults"
+		# try and remove all the default cflags
+		find "${S}" \( -name Makefile -o -name -o -name \) \
+			-exec sed \
+				-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-O3\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2\3/' \
+				-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-march=i686\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2\3/' \
+				-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-fomit-frame-pointer\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2\3/' \
+				-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-g3*\s\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2 \3/' \
+				-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-O2\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2\3/' \
+				-i {} + || die "failed to re-set custom-cflags"
+	fi
+	if ! use pygrub; then
+		sed -e '/^SUBDIRS-y += pygrub/d' -i tools/Makefile || die
+	fi
+	if ! use python; then
+		sed -e '/^SUBDIRS-y += python$/d' -i tools/Makefile || die
+	fi
+	# Disable hvm support on systems that don't support x86_32 binaries.
+	if ! use hvm; then
+		sed -e '/^CONFIG_IOEMU := y$/d' -i config/*.mk || die
+		sed -e '/SUBDIRS-$(CONFIG_X86) += firmware/d' -i tools/Makefile || die
+	fi
+	# Don't bother with qemu, only needed for fully virtualised guests
+	if ! use qemu; then
+		sed -e "/^CONFIG_IOEMU := y$/d" -i config/*.mk || die
+		sed -e "s:install-tools\: tools/ioemu-dir:install-tools\: :g" -i Makefile || die
+	fi
+	# Fix texi2html build error with new texi2html, qemu.doc.html
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4-docfix.patch \
+		"${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4-qemu-xen-doc.patch
+	# Fix network broadcast on bridged networks
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.4.0-network-bridge-broadcast.patch"
+	# Prevent the downloading of ipxe, seabios
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P/-tools/}-anti-download.patch
+	cp "${DISTDIR}"/ipxe.tar.gz tools/firmware/etherboot/ || die
+	mv ../seabios-dir-remote tools/firmware/ || die
+	pushd tools/firmware/ > /dev/null
+	ln -s seabios-dir-remote seabios-dir || die
+	popd > /dev/null
+	# Fix bridge by idella4, bug #362575
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4.1.1-bridge.patch"
+	# Don't build ipxe with pie on hardened, Bug #360805
+	if gcc-specs-pie; then
+		epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ipxe-nopie.patch
+	fi
+	# Prevent double stripping of files at install
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN/-tools/}-4.2.0-nostrip.patch
+	# fix jobserver in Makefile
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN/-tools/}-4.3-jserver.patch
+	# add missing header
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}"/xen-4-ulong.patch
+	# Set dom0-min-mem to kb; Bug #472982
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN/-tools/}-4.2-configsxp.patch
+	#Security patches, currently valid
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}"/xen-4-CVE-2012-6075-XSA-41.patch \
+		"${FILESDIR}"/xen-4-CVE-2013-1922-XSA-48.patch
+	# Bug 472438
+	sed -e 's:^BASH_COMPLETION_DIR ?= $(CONFIG_DIR)/bash_completion.d:BASH_COMPLETION_DIR ?= $(SHARE_DIR)/bash-completion:' \
+		-i || die
+	# Bug 477676
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.3-ar-cc.patch
+	# Prevent file collision with qemu package Bug 478064
+	if use qemu; then
+		epatch "${FILESDIR}"/qemu-bridge.patch
+		mv tools/qemu-xen/qemu-bridge-helper.c tools/qemu-xen/xen-bridge-helper.c || die
+	fi
+	use flask || sed -e "/SUBDIRS-y += flask/d" -i tools/Makefile || die
+	use api   || sed -e "/SUBDIRS-\$(LIBXENAPI_BINDINGS) += libxen/d" -i tools/Makefile || die
+	sed -e 's:$(MAKE) PYTHON=$(PYTHON) subdirs-$@:LC_ALL=C "$(MAKE)" PYTHON=$(PYTHON) subdirs-$@:' -i tools/firmware/Makefile || die
+	epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+	econf --prefix=/usr --disable-werror
+src_compile() {
+	export VARTEXFONTS="${T}/fonts"
+	local myopt
+	use debug && myopt="${myopt} debug=y"
+	use custom-cflags || unset CFLAGS
+	if test-flag-CC -fno-strict-overflow; then
+		append-flags -fno-strict-overflow
+	fi
+	unset LDFLAGS
+	unset CFLAGS
+	emake V=1 CC="$(tc-getCC)" LD="$(tc-getLD)" AR="$(tc-getAR)" RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)" -C tools ${myopt}
+	use doc && emake -C docs txt html
+	emake -C docs man-pages
+src_install() {
+	# Override auto-detection in the build system, bug #382573
+	export INITD_DIR=/tmp/init.d
+	export CONFIG_LEAF_DIR=../tmp/default
+	# Let the build system compile installed Python modules.
+	emake DESTDIR="${ED}" DOCDIR="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \
+		XEN_PYTHON_NATIVE_INSTALL=y install-tools
+	# Fix the remaining Python shebangs.
+	python_fix_shebang "${D}"
+	# Remove RedHat-specific stuff
+	rm -rf "${D}"tmp || die
+	# uncomment lines in xl.conf
+	sed -e 's:^#autoballoon=1:autoballoon=1:' \
+		-e 's:^#lockfile="/var/lock/xl":lockfile="/var/lock/xl":' \
+		-e 's:^#vifscript="vif-bridge":vifscript="vif-bridge":' \
+		-i tools/examples/xl.conf  || die
+	# Reset bash completion dir; Bug 472438
+	mv "${D}"bash-completion "${D}"usr/share/ || die
+	if use doc; then
+		emake DESTDIR="${D}" DOCDIR="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" install-docs
+		dohtml -r docs/
+		docinto pdf
+		dodoc ${DOCS[@]}
+		[ -d "${D}"/usr/share/doc/xen ] && mv "${D}"/usr/share/doc/xen/* "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
+	fi
+	rm -rf "${D}"/usr/share/doc/xen/
+	doman docs/man?/*
+	if use xend; then
+		newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/xend.initd-r2 xend || die "Couldn't install xen.initd"
+	fi
+	newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/xendomains.confd xendomains
+	newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/xenstored.confd xenstored
+	newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/xenconsoled.confd xenconsoled
+	newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/xendomains.initd-r2 xendomains
+	newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/xenstored.initd xenstored
+	newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/xenconsoled.initd xenconsoled
+	if use screen; then
+		cat "${FILESDIR}"/xendomains-screen.confd >> "${D}"/etc/conf.d/xendomains || die
+		cp "${FILESDIR}"/xen-consoles.logrotate "${D}"/etc/xen/ || die
+		keepdir /var/log/xen-consoles
+	fi
+	# Move files built with use qemu, Bug #477884
+	if [[ "${ARCH}" == 'amd64' ]] && use qemu; then
+		mkdir -p "${D}"usr/$(get_libdir)/xen/bin || die
+		mv "${D}"usr/lib/xen/bin/* "${D}"usr/$(get_libdir)/xen/bin/ || die
+	fi
+	# For -static-libs wrt Bug 384355
+	if ! use static-libs; then
+		rm -f "${D}"usr/$(get_libdir)/*.a "${D}"usr/$(get_libdir)/ocaml/*/*.a
+	fi
+	# xend expects these to exist
+	keepdir /var/run/xenstored /var/lib/xenstored /var/xen/dump /var/lib/xen /var/log/xen
+	# for xendomains
+	keepdir /etc/xen/auto
+	# Temp QA workaround
+	dodir "$(udev_get_udevdir)"
+	mv "${D}"/etc/udev/* "${D}/$(udev_get_udevdir)"
+	rm -rf "${D}"/etc/udev
+	# Remove files failing QA AFTER emake installs them, avoiding seeking absent files
+	find "${D}" \( -name openbios-sparc32 -o -name openbios-sparc64 \
+		-o -name openbios-ppc -o -name palcode-clipper \) -delete || die
+pkg_postinst() {
+	elog "Official Xen Guide and the unoffical wiki page:"
+	elog ""
+	elog ""
+	if [[ "$(scanelf -s __guard -q "${PYTHON}")" ]] ; then
+		echo
+		ewarn "xend may not work when python is built with stack smashing protection (ssp)."
+		ewarn "If 'xm create' fails with '<ProtocolError for /RPC2: -1 >', see bug #141866"
+		ewarn "This problem may be resolved as of Xen 3.0.4, if not post in the bug."
+	fi
+	# TODO: we need to have the current Python slot here.
+	if ! has_version "dev-lang/python[ncurses]"; then
+		echo
+		ewarn "NB: Your dev-lang/python is built without USE=ncurses."
+		ewarn "Please rebuild python with USE=ncurses to make use of"
+	fi
+	if has_version "sys-apps/iproute2[minimal]"; then
+		echo
+		ewarn "Your sys-apps/iproute2 is built with USE=minimal. Networking"
+		ewarn "will not work until you rebuild iproute2 without USE=minimal."
+	fi
+	if ! use hvm; then
+		echo
+		elog "HVM (VT-x and AMD-V) support has been disabled. If you need hvm"
+		elog "support enable the hvm use flag."
+		elog "An x86 or amd64 multilib system is required to build HVM support."
+	fi
+	if use xend; then
+		elog"";elog "xend capability has been enabled and installed"
+	fi
+	if use qemu; then
+		elog "The qemu-bridge-helper is renamed to the xen-bridge-helper in the in source"
+		elog "build of qemu.  This allows for app-emulation/qemu to be emerged concurrently"
+		elog "with the qemu capable xen.  It is up to the user to distinguish between and utilise"
+		elog "the qemu-bridge-helper and the xen-bridge-helper.  File bugs of any issues that arise"
+	fi
+	if grep -qsF XENSV= "${ROOT}/etc/conf.d/xend"; then
+		echo
+		elog "xensv is broken upstream (Gentoo bug #142011)."
+		elog "Please remove '${ROOT%/}/etc/conf.d/xend', as it is no longer needed."
+	fi

diff --git a/app-emulation/xen-tools/xen-tools-9999.ebuild b/app-emulation/xen-tools/xen-tools-9999.ebuild
index 8c70104..a86f0e4 100644
--- a/app-emulation/xen-tools/xen-tools-9999.ebuild
+++ b/app-emulation/xen-tools/xen-tools-9999.ebuild
@@ -1,29 +1,33 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/xen-tools/xen-tools-9999.ebuild,v 1.7 2011/10/23 10:49:29 patrick Exp $
-PYTHON_USE_WITH="xml threads"
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_6,2_7} )
 if [[ $PV == *9999 ]]; then
-	REPO="xen-unstable.hg"
-	IPXE_COMMIT="9a93db3f0947484e30e753bbd61a10b17336e20e"
-	SRC_URI="${IPXE_COMMIT}.tar.gz"
-	S="${WORKDIR}/${REPO}"
-	live_eclass="mercurial"
+	S="${WORKDIR}/xen"
+	live_eclass="git-2"
 	KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-	SRC_URI="${PV}/xen-${PV}.tar.gz \
-	$XEN_EXTFILES_URL/ipxe-git-v1.0.0.tar.gz"
+	SRC_URI="${PV}/xen-${PV}.tar.gz
-inherit flag-o-matic eutils multilib python toolchain-funcs ${live_eclass}
+inherit bash-completion-r1 eutils flag-o-matic multilib python-single-r1 toolchain-funcs udev ${live_eclass}
 DESCRIPTION="Xend daemon and tools"
@@ -31,35 +35,35 @@ DOCS=( README docs/README.xen-bugtool docs/ChangeLog )
-IUSE="api custom-cflags debug doc flask hvm qemu pygrub screen xend"
+IUSE="api custom-cflags debug doc flask hvm qemu ocaml python pygrub screen static-libs xend"
 REQUIRED_USE="hvm? ( qemu )"
-QA_PRESTRIPPED="/usr/share/xen/qemu/openbios-ppc \
-	/usr/share/xen/qemu/openbios-sparc64 \
-	/usr/share/xen/qemu/openbios-sparc32"
-	dev-python/lxml
-	dev-python/pypam
-	dev-python/pyxml
+	dev-libs/yajl
+	dev-python/lxml[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+	dev-python/pypam[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-	hvm? ( media-libs/libsdl
-		sys-power/iasl )
-	api? ( dev-libs/libxml2 net-misc/curl )"
+	sys-power/iasl
+	dev-ml/findlib
+	hvm? ( media-libs/libsdl )
+	api? ( dev-libs/libxml2
+		net-misc/curl )
+	pygrub? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS//${PYTHON_REQ_USE}/ncurses} )"
-	sys-devel/gcc
+	sys-devel/bin86
+	sys-devel/dev86
-	dev-ml/findlib
+	dev-python/markdown
 	doc? (
-		media-gfx/transfig
+		media-gfx/transfig
@@ -67,34 +71,35 @@ DEPEND="${CDEPEND}
-	hvm? (
-		x11-proto/xproto
-		sys-devel/dev86
-	)	pygrub? ( dev-lang/python[ncurses] )
-	"
+	hvm? ( x11-proto/xproto
+		!net-libs/libiscsi )
+	qemu? ( x11-libs/pixman )"
-	>=dev-lang/ocaml-3.12.0
+	ocaml? ( >=dev-lang/ocaml-4 )
 	screen? (
-	|| ( sys-fs/udev sys-apps/hotplug )"
+	virtual/udev"
 # hvmloader is used to bootstrap a fully virtualized kernel
 # Approved by QA team in bug #144032
-	usr/share/xen/qemu/openbios-sparc64"
 pkg_setup() {
-	python_set_active_version 2
-	python_pkg_setup
+	python-single-r1_pkg_setup
+	export "CONFIG_LOMOUNT=y"
 	export "CONFIG_TESTS=n"
+	if has_version dev-libs/libgcrypt; then
+		export "CONFIG_GCRYPT=y"
+	fi
 	if use qemu; then
 		export "CONFIG_IOEMU=y"
@@ -121,11 +126,29 @@ pkg_setup() {
 	use api     && export "LIBXENAPI_BINDINGS=y"
-	use flask   && export "FLASK_ENABLE=y"
+	use flask   && export "FLASK_ENABLE=y" "XSM_ENABLE=y"
+src_unpack() {
+		EGIT_SOURCEDIR=${S} git-2_src_unpack
+		EGIT_SOURCEDIR=${S}/tools/qemu-xen-dir git-2_src_unpack
+		EGIT_SOURCEDIR=${S}/tools/qemu-xen-traditional-dir git-2_src_unpack
+		EGIT_SOURCEDIR=${S}/tools/firmware/seabios-dir \
+		EGIT_COMMIT="1.7.1-stable-xen" \
+		EGIT_BRANCH="1.7.1-stable-xen" git-2_src_unpack
+		EGIT_SOURCEDIR=${S}/tools/firmware/etherboot/ipxe git-2_src_unpack
 src_prepare() {
-	cp "$DISTDIR/ipxe-git-${IPXE_COMMIT}.tar.gz" tools/firmware/etherboot/ipxe.tar.gz
 	sed -e 's/-Wall//' -i || die "Couldn't sanitize CFLAGS"
 	# Drop .config
@@ -133,31 +156,36 @@ src_prepare() {
 	# Xend
 	if ! use xend; then
 		sed -e 's:xm xen-bugtool xen-python-path xend:xen-bugtool xen-python-path:' \
-			-i tools/misc/Makefile || die "Disabling xend failed" || die
+			-i tools/misc/Makefile || die "Disabling xend failed"
 		sed -e 's:^XEND_INITD:#XEND_INITD:' \
-			-i tools/examples/Makefile || "Disabling xend failed" || die
+			-i tools/examples/Makefile || die "Disabling xend failed"
 	# if the user *really* wants to use their own custom-cflags, let them
 	if use custom-cflags; then
 		einfo "User wants their own CFLAGS - removing defaults"
-	# try and remove all the default custom-cflags
-	find "${S}" -name Makefile -o -name -o -name -exec sed \
-		-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-O3\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2\3/' \
-		-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-march=i686\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2\3/' \
-		-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-fomit-frame-pointer\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2\3/' \
-		-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-g3*\s\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2 \3/' \
-		-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-O2\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2\3/' \
-		-i {} \; || die "failed to re-set custom-cflags"
+		# try and remove all the default cflags
+		find "${S}" \( -name Makefile -o -name -o -name \) \
+			-exec sed \
+				-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-O3\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2\3/' \
+				-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-march=i686\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2\3/' \
+				-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-fomit-frame-pointer\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2\3/' \
+				-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-g3*\s\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2 \3/' \
+				-e 's/CFLAGS\(.*\)=\(.*\)-O2\(.*\)/CFLAGS\1=\2\3/' \
+				-i {} + || die "failed to re-set custom-cflags"
 	if ! use pygrub; then
-		sed -e '/^SUBDIRS-$(PYTHON_TOOLS) += pygrub$/d' -i tools/Makefile || die
+		sed -e '/^SUBDIRS-y += pygrub$/d' -i tools/Makefile || die
+	fi
+	if ! use python; then
+		sed -e '/^SUBDIRS-y += python$/d' -i tools/Makefile || die
 	# Disable hvm support on systems that don't support x86_32 binaries.
 	if ! use hvm; then
-		chmod 644 tools/check/check_x11_devel
 		sed -e '/^CONFIG_IOEMU := y$/d' -i config/*.mk || die
 		sed -e '/SUBDIRS-$(CONFIG_X86) += firmware/d' -i tools/Makefile || die
@@ -177,21 +205,23 @@ src_prepare() {
 		sed -e "s:-Werror::g" -i $mf || die
-	# Prevent the downloading of ipxe
-	sed -e 's:^\tif ! wget -O _$T:#\tif ! wget -O _$T:' \
-		-e 's:^\tfi:#\tfi:' -i \
-		-e 's:^\tmv _$T $T:#\tmv _$T $T:' \
-		-i tools/firmware/etherboot/Makefile || die
+	# Bug 472438
+	sed -e 's:^BASH_COMPLETION_DIR ?= $(CONFIG_DIR)/bash_completion.d:BASH_COMPLETION_DIR ?= $(SHARE_DIR)/bash-completion:' \
+		-i || die
+	use flask || sed -e "/SUBDIRS-y += flask/d" -i tools/Makefile || die
+	use api   || sed -e "/SUBDIRS-\$(LIBXENAPI_BINDINGS) += libxen/d" -i tools/Makefile || die
+	# why need LC_ALL=C
+	sed -e 's:$(MAKE) PYTHON=$(PYTHON) subdirs-$@:LC_ALL=C "$(MAKE)" PYTHON=$(PYTHON) subdirs-$@:' -i tools/firmware/Makefile || die
-	# Patch tools/Makefile to build/install qemu & qemu-upstream correctly
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-9999-qemu.patch"
+	epatch_user
 src_configure() {
 	econf \
 		--enable-lomount \
-		BISON=/usr/bin/bison \
-		FLEX=/usr/bin/flex
+		--disable-werror
 src_compile() {
@@ -205,27 +235,31 @@ src_compile() {
 	unset LDFLAGS
-	emake CC=$(tc-getCC) LD=$(tc-getLD) -C tools ${myopt}
-	if use doc; then
-		sh ./docs/check_pkgs || die "package check failed"
-		emake docs
-		emake dev-docs
-	fi
+	unset CFLAGS
+	emake V=1 CC="$(tc-getCC)" LD="$(tc-getLD)" AR="$(tc-getAR)" RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)" -C tools ${myopt}
+	# add figs if media-gfx/transfig enabled
+	use doc && emake -C docs txt html figs
 	emake -C docs man-pages
 src_install() {
 	# Override auto-detection in the build system, bug #382573
-	export INITD_DIR=/etc/init.d
-	export CONFIG_LEAF_DIR=default
+	export INITD_DIR=/tmp/init.d
+	export CONFIG_LEAF_DIR=../tmp/default
+	# Let the build system compile installed Python modules.
+	emake DESTDIR="${D}" DOCDIR="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \
+		XEN_PYTHON_NATIVE_INSTALL=y install-tools
-	emake DESTDIR="${D}" DOCDIR="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" XEN_PYTHON_NATIVE_INSTALL=y install-tools
-	python_convert_shebangs -r 2 "${ED}"
+	# Fix the remaining Python shebangs.
+	python_fix_shebang "${D}"
 	# Remove RedHat-specific stuff
-	rm -rf "${ED}"/etc/init.d/xen* "${ED}"/etc/default || die
+	rm -rf "${D}"/tmp || die
 	# uncomment lines in xl.conf
 	sed -e 's:^#autoballoon=1:autoballoon=1:' \
@@ -233,15 +267,18 @@ src_install() {
 		-e 's:^#vifscript="vif-bridge":vifscript="vif-bridge":' \
 		-i tools/examples/xl.conf  || die
+	# Reset bash completion dir; Bug 472438
+	mv "${D}"bash-completion "${D}"usr/share/ || die
 	if use doc; then
-		emake DESTDIR="${ED}" DOCDIR="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" install-docs
+		emake DESTDIR="${D}" DOCDIR="/usr/share/doc/${PF}" install-docs
-		dohtml -r docs/api/
 		docinto pdf
 		dodoc ${DOCS[@]}
-		[ -d "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/xen ] && mv "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/xen/* "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
+		[ -d "${D}"/usr/share/doc/xen ] && mv "${D}"/usr/share/doc/xen/* "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
-	rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/xen/
+	rm -rf "${D}"/usr/share/doc/xen/
 	doman docs/man?/*
 	if use xend; then
@@ -255,17 +292,36 @@ src_install() {
 	newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/xenconsoled.initd xenconsoled
 	if use screen; then
-		cat "${FILESDIR}"/xendomains-screen.confd >> "${ED}"/etc/conf.d/xendomains || die
-		cp "${FILESDIR}"/xen-consoles.logrotate "${ED}"/etc/xen/ || die
+		cat "${FILESDIR}"/xendomains-screen.confd >> "${D}"/etc/conf.d/xendomains || die
+		cp "${FILESDIR}"/xen-consoles.logrotate "${D}"/etc/xen/ || die
 		keepdir /var/log/xen-consoles
-	python_convert_shebangs -r 2 "${ED}"
+	# Move files built with use qemu, Bug #477884
+	if [[ "${ARCH}" == 'amd64' ]] && use qemu; then
+		mkdir -p "${D}"usr/$(get_libdir)/xen/bin || die
+		mv "${D}"usr/lib/xen/bin/* "${D}"usr/$(get_libdir)/xen/bin/ || die
+	fi
+	# For -static-libs wrt Bug 384355
+	if ! use static-libs; then
+		rm -f "${D}"usr/$(get_libdir)/*.a "${D}"usr/$(get_libdir)/ocaml/*/*.a
+	fi
 	# xend expects these to exist
 	keepdir /var/run/xenstored /var/lib/xenstored /var/xen/dump /var/lib/xen /var/log/xen
 	# for xendomains
 	keepdir /etc/xen/auto
+	# Temp QA workaround
+	dodir "$(udev_get_udevdir)"
+	mv "${D}"/etc/udev/* "${D}/$(udev_get_udevdir)"
+	rm -rf "${D}"/etc/udev
+	# Remove files failing QA AFTER emake installs them, avoiding seeking absent files
+	find "${D}" \( -name openbios-sparc32 -o -name openbios-sparc64 \
+		-o -name openbios-ppc -o -name palcode-clipper \) -delete || die
 pkg_postinst() {
@@ -273,13 +329,14 @@ pkg_postinst() {
 	elog ""
 	elog ""
-	if [[ "$(scanelf -s __guard -q $(type -P python))" ]] ; then
+	if [[ "$(scanelf -s __guard -q "${PYTHON}")" ]] ; then
 		ewarn "xend may not work when python is built with stack smashing protection (ssp)."
 		ewarn "If 'xm create' fails with '<ProtocolError for /RPC2: -1 >', see bug #141866"
-		ewarn "This probablem may be resolved as of Xen 3.0.4, if not post in the bug."
+		ewarn "This problem may be resolved as of Xen 3.0.4, if not post in the bug."
+	# TODO: we need to have the current Python slot here.
 	if ! has_version "dev-lang/python[ncurses]"; then
 		ewarn "NB: Your dev-lang/python is built without USE=ncurses."
@@ -297,13 +354,17 @@ pkg_postinst() {
 		elog "HVM (VT-x and AMD-V) support has been disabled. If you need hvm"
 		elog "support enable the hvm use flag."
 		elog "An x86 or amd64 multilib system is required to build HVM support."
-		echo
-		elog "The qemu use flag has been removed and replaced with hvm."
 	if use xend; then
-		echo
-		elog "xend capability has been enabled and installed"
+		elog"";elog "xend capability has been enabled and installed"
+	fi
+	if use qemu; then
+		elog "The qemu-bridge-helper is renamed to the xen-bridge-helper in the in source"
+		elog "build of qemu.  This allows for app-emulation/qemu to be emerged concurrently"
+		elog "with the qemu capable xen.  It is up to the user to distinguish between and utilise"
+		elog "the qemu-bridge-helper and the xen-bridge-helper.  File bugs of any issues that arise"
 	if grep -qsF XENSV= "${ROOT}/etc/conf.d/xend"; then
@@ -311,9 +372,4 @@ pkg_postinst() {
 		elog "xensv is broken upstream (Gentoo bug #142011)."
 		elog "Please remove '${ROOT%/}/etc/conf.d/xend', as it is no longer needed."
-	python_mod_optimize $(use pygrub && echo grub) xen
-pkg_postrm() {
-	python_mod_cleanup $(use pygrub && echo grub) xen

             reply	other threads:[~2013-08-04 13:48 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 12+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2013-08-04 13:48 Ian Delaney [this message]
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2014-03-23  0:22 [gentoo-commits] proj/virtualization:master commit in: app-emulation/xen-tools/ Lan Yixun
2014-03-23  0:22 Lan Yixun
2014-03-19 22:35 Lan Yixun
2012-10-24 16:35 Misbakh-Soloviev Vadim A.
2012-03-02 13:08 Ian Delaney
2012-03-02 10:20 Ian Delaney
2012-01-12 10:53 Alexey Shvetsov
2012-01-12 10:40 Alexey Shvetsov
2011-12-25 18:15 Alexey Shvetsov
2011-12-25 18:06 Alexey Shvetsov
2011-12-04 10:35 Alexey Shvetsov

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