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From: "Sebastien Fabbro" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] dev/bicatali:master commit in: sci-libs/atlas/
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 17:12:37 +0000 (UTC)	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <05457c4257a0d3e82ad18c72b0efd94b8506d72e.bicatali@gentoo> (raw)

commit:     05457c4257a0d3e82ad18c72b0efd94b8506d72e
Author:     Sébastien Fabbro <bicatali <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Fri Apr 29 17:12:18 2011 +0000
Commit:     Sebastien Fabbro <bicatali <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Fri Apr 29 17:12:18 2011 +0000

atlas revbump for linking

 sci-libs/atlas/ChangeLog                           |    7 +
 sci-libs/atlas/Manifest                            |    4 +-
 ...{atlas-3.9.40.ebuild => atlas-3.9.40-r1.ebuild} |  147 +++++++++++++-------
 3 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sci-libs/atlas/ChangeLog b/sci-libs/atlas/ChangeLog
index a0692cf..44edf90 100644
--- a/sci-libs/atlas/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-libs/atlas/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
 # Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
 # $Header: $
+*atlas-3.9.40-r1 (29 Apr 2011)
+  29 Apr 2011; Sébastien Fabbro <> -atlas-3.9.40.ebuild,
+  +atlas-3.9.40-r1.ebuild:
+  Reworked entirely linking procedure: now explicitely treat each module blas,
+  cblas and lapack separately
 *atlas-3.9.40 (27 Apr 2011)
   27 Apr 2011; Sébastien Fabbro <> -atlas-3.9.39.ebuild,

diff --git a/sci-libs/atlas/Manifest b/sci-libs/atlas/Manifest
index 515ab10..bdd2049 100644
--- a/sci-libs/atlas/Manifest
+++ b/sci-libs/atlas/Manifest
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ DIST atlas3.9.40.tar.bz2 5483901 RMD160 8cb7568a287f063c133a7272593706a38ef20648
 DIST lapack-3.3.0.tgz 6064824 RMD160 cc72e7c93ab13464fd892d684b00b910cbbd3b3e SHA1 4f0b103da52110e7f60d1d7676727103aca9785e SHA256 bc531761287156e17476395c42664a15373723f54a6f80f192cda47771ec1225
 DIST lapack-3.3.1.tgz 4945204 RMD160 5e9d90122110045e07351f3ab30dc4e2b43d52db SHA1 3ce437e05f0e9a3c8148ec41922f6efeef0ebdac SHA256 56821ab51c29369a34e5085728f92c549a9aa926f26acf7eeac87b61eed329e4
 EBUILD atlas-3.8.3.ebuild 6019 RMD160 10c7b3937ec41c2c182f1faecbcf7c2e8901befe SHA1 15ebfd302a3764880fc599a7d1cdc59a214e3a27 SHA256 cc3139e44d2da073767df95280be90413fe39f5e02e0ce5243ff2267891d3e16
-EBUILD atlas-3.9.40.ebuild 5980 RMD160 07bcffe734a77fa77c919913a4f3fb316a6f03a1 SHA1 1e4bdf4de8efaa303851025845bf7e80074c0d39 SHA256 4af07f31c40b2b4cfc3a84e7c26a727d6e37c3860d84f5b67d278a6bba395531
-MISC ChangeLog 933 RMD160 2191f3230749b57509cbd157b8f979455b247a9d SHA1 84302b19a83b696ca715985901f6ba0bcde11ef2 SHA256 f604d3e15cfbc0fcab74a35f0941e6cf36241b275f256e6d53a9282f895b5c9b
+EBUILD atlas-3.9.40-r1.ebuild 7282 RMD160 3f9462c3b30be41e1737d0d87093dbb4410ba300 SHA1 01e4e5a2e101576fd6c1ee83f15d488ce5975948 SHA256 0619a7228d59941e98a284ca8a2514a9640e31bd6c78fb9f0cdd86e8a16662a6
+MISC ChangeLog 1179 RMD160 bd748f26de8ce3a28b374f008f24c24fecab200f SHA1 6ea21403379496bde2477272992dca40facba1c0 SHA256 a404d161ebfce79c60171fe6cfc1016c1d51a90b631b40521e9aab8bf5b51353
 MISC metadata.xml 726 RMD160 e43f5ea9c594bbe2174f6640bbfdccd8b17d4a68 SHA1 0ab8c05e7925b4716d8c94acd952bf3ab85165cb SHA256 27ef4eee7e645ad923644830d057db45d32342ad250ad903ff10915a9ca068fd

diff --git a/sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.40.ebuild b/sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.40-r1.ebuild
similarity index 58%
rename from sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.40.ebuild
rename to sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.40-r1.ebuild
index be179e9..d39ec99 100644
--- a/sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.40.ebuild
+++ b/sci-libs/atlas/atlas-3.9.40-r1.ebuild
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/math-atlas/${PN}${PV}.tar.bz2
 KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="fortran doc lapack openmp static-libs threads"
+IUSE="fortran doc lapack static-libs threads"
 RDEPEND="fortran? ( virtual/fortran )"
@@ -39,11 +39,9 @@ atlas_configure() {
 	# OpenMP shown to decreased performance over POSIX threads
 	# (at least in 3.9.39, see atlas-dev mailing list)
 	if use threads; then
-		myconf+=( "-t -1" )
-	elif use openmp; then
-		myconf+=( "-Si omp 2" )
+		myconf+=( "-t -1" "-Si omp 0" )
-		myconf+=( "-t 0" "-Si omp 0" )
+		myconf+=( "-t  0" "-Si omp 0" )
 	if use amd64 || use ppc64 || use sparc; then
@@ -97,67 +95,42 @@ atlas_compile() {
 # transform a static archive into a shared library and install them
-# atlas_install_libs <mylib.a> linking libraries
+# atlas_install_libs <mylib.a> [extra link flags]
 atlas_install_libs() {
 	local libname=$(basename ${1%.*})
 	einfo "Installing ${libname}"
 	local soname=${libname}.so.$(get_major_version)
 	pushd "${S}_shared"/lib > /dev/null
-	$(tc-getCC) ${LDFLAGS} -shared -Wl,-soname=${soname} \
+	${LINK:-$(tc-getCC)} ${LDFLAGS} -shared -Wl,-soname=${soname} \
 		-Wl,--whole-archive ${libname}.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive \
 		"$@" -o ${soname} || die "Creating ${soname} failed" ${soname}
+	ln -s ${soname} ${soname%.*}
 	dosym ${soname} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${soname%.*}
 	popd > /dev/null
 	use static-libs && dolib.a "${S}_static"/lib/${libname}.a
-# atlas_install_profile <lib>
-atlas_install_profile() {
-	local libname=$(basename ${1%.*})
-	local modname=$(echo ${libname} | sed -r -e 's/lib(pt|f77|ptf77|)//')
-	local profname=${PN}-${modname}
-	[[ ${libname} =~ pt ]] && profname=${profname}-threads
-	# avoid conflict with other implementations
-	if [[ ${libname} == lib${modname} ]]; then
-		mv ${libname}.a ${libname/lib/libatl}.a
-		libname=${libname/lib/libatl}
-	fi
-	atlas_install_libs ${libname} -L. -latlas ${PTLIBS}
-	cat <<-EOF > ${profname}.pc
+# create and install a pkgconfig file
+# atlas_install_pc <libname> <pkg name> [extra link flags]
+atlas_install_pc() {
+	local libname=${1} ; shift
+	local pcname=${1} ; shift
+	cat <<-EOF > ${pcname}.pc
-		Name: ${profname}
-		Description: ${PN} ${profname}
+		Name: ${pcname}
+		Description: ${PN} ${pcname}
 		Version: ${PV}
-		Libs: -L\${libdir} -l${libname#lib} -latlas ${PTLIBS}
-		Private: -lm
+		Libs: -L\${libdir} -l${libname} "$@"
+		Cflags: -I\${includedir}/${PN}
+		${PCREQ}
-	if [[ ${modname} == clapack ]]; then
-		echo "Cflags: -I\${includedir}/${PN}" >> ${profname}.pc
-		echo "Requires: cblas" >> ${profname}.pc
-	elif [[ ${modname} == cblas ]]; then
-		echo "Cflags: -I\${includedir}/${PN}" >> ${profname}.pc
-	elif [[ ${modname} == lapack ]]; then
-		echo "Requires: cblas blas" >> ${profname}.pc
-	fi
 	insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
-	doins ${profname}.pc
-	[[ ${modname} == clapack ]] && return
-	if [[ ${modname} == cblas ]]; then
-		alternatives_for ${modname} ${profname} 0 \
-			/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/${modname}.pc ${profname}.pc \
-			/usr/include/cblas.h ${PN}/cblas.h
-	else
-		alternatives_for ${modname} ${profname} 0 \
-			/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/${modname}.pc ${profname}.pc
-	fi
+	doins ${pcname}.pc
 pkg_setup() {
@@ -198,19 +171,91 @@ src_compile() {
 src_test() {
 	cd "${S}_shared"
-	emake -j1 check || die "emake check failed"
-	emake -j1 time || die "emake time failed"
+	emake -j1 check
+	emake -j1 time
 src_install() {
 	cd "${S}_shared/lib"
-	[[ -e libptcblas.a ]] && PTLIBS="-lpthread"
-	atlas_install_libs libatlas.a -lm ${PTLIBS}
+	# rename to avoid collision with other packages
 	local l
-	for l in lib*{blas,lapack}.a; do
-		atlas_install_profile ${l}
+	for l in lib{,c}blas.a lib{,c}lapack.a ; do
+		if [[ -e ${l} ]]; then
+			mv ${l} ${l/lib/libatl}
+			use static-libs && mv "${S}"_static/lib/{${l},${l/lib/libatl}}
+		fi
+	[[ -e libptcblas.a ]] && PTLIBS="-lpthread"
+	# atlas
+	atlas_install_libs libatlas.a -lm ${PTLIBS}
+	# cblas
+	atlas_install_libs libatlcblas.a -lm -L. -latlas
+	atlas_install_pc atlcblas atlas-cblas -lm -latlas
+	alternatives_for cblas atlas 0 \
+		/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/cblas.pc atlas-cblas.pc \
+		/usr/include/cblas.h atlas/cblas.h
+	# cblas threaded
+	if [[ -e libptcblas.a ]]; then
+		atlas_install_libs libptcblas.a -lm -L. -latlas ${PTLIBS}
+		atlas_install_pc ptcblas atlas-cblas-threads -lm -latlas ${PTLIBS}
+		alternatives_for cblas atlas-threads 0 \
+			/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/cblas.pc atlas-cblas-threads.pc \
+			/usr/include/cblas.h atlas/cblas.h
+	fi
+	if use lapack; then
+		PCREQ="Requires: cblas"
+		# clapack
+		atlas_install_libs libatlclapack.a -lm -L. -latlas -latlcblas
+		atlas_install_pc atlclapack atlas-clapack -lm -latlas
+		# clapack threaded
+		if [[ -e libptclapack.a ]]; then
+			atlas_install_libs libptclapack.a -lm -L. -latlas -lptcblas ${PTLIBS}
+			atlas_install_pc ptclapack atlas-clapack-threads -lm -latlas ${PTLIBS}
+		fi
+	fi
+	if use fortran; then
+		LINK=$(tc-getF77)
+		# blas
+		atlas_install_libs libf77blas.a -lm -L. -latlas
+		atlas_install_pc f77blas atlas-blas -lm -latlas
+		alternatives_for blas atlas 0 \
+			/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/blas.pc atlas-blas.pc
+		# blas threaded
+		if [[ -e libptf77blas.a ]]; then
+			atlas_install_libs libptf77blas.a -lm -L. -latlas ${PTLIBS}
+			atlas_install_pc ptf77blas atlas-blas-threads -lm -latlas ${PTLIBS}
+			alternatives_for blas atlas-threads 0 \
+				/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/blas.pc atlas-blas-threads.pc
+		fi
+		if use lapack; then
+			PCREQ="Requires: blas cblas"
+			# lapack
+			atlas_install_libs libatllapack.a \
+				-lm -L. -latlas -latlcblas -lf77blas
+			atlas_install_pc atllapack atlas-lapack -lm -latlas
+			alternatives_for lapack atlas 0 \
+				/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/lapack.pc atlas-lapack.pc
+			# lapack threaded
+			if [[ -e libptlapack.a ]]; then
+				atlas_install_libs libptlapack.a \
+					-lm -L. -latlas -lptcblas -lptf77blas ${PTLIBS}
+				atlas_install_pc ptlapack atlas-lapack-threads \
+					-lm -latlas ${PTLIBS}
+				alternatives_for lapack atlas-threads 0 \
+					/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/lapack.pc atlas-lapack-threads.pc
+			fi
+		fi
+	fi
 	cd "${S}"
 	insinto /usr/include/${PN}
 	doins include/*.h

             reply	other threads:[~2011-04-29 17:12 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 13+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2011-04-29 17:12 Sebastien Fabbro [this message]
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2011-08-05 18:40 [gentoo-commits] dev/bicatali:master commit in: sci-libs/atlas/ Sebastien Fabbro
2011-07-25 16:54 Sebastien Fabbro
2011-05-23 18:44 Sebastien Fabbro
2011-05-23 18:44 Sebastien Fabbro
2011-05-17 17:16 Sebastien Fabbro
2011-04-29 17:28 Sebastien Fabbro
2011-04-27 20:38 Sebastien Fabbro
2011-03-24 21:57 Sebastien Fabbro
2011-03-24 19:12 Sebastien Fabbro
2011-03-22 16:46 Sebastien Fabbro
2011-03-22  4:10 Sebastien Fabbro
2011-03-21 23:03 Sebastien Fabbro

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