They say at the bugreport that it will be marked stable at 2.1
Let's wait :(
On Wed, 2006-05-10 at 08:07 +0100, Stuart Buckland wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-05-09 at 17:44 -0300, Douglas Campos wrote:
> > I've got a infinite loop when building stage3 target
> >
> > it goes well then starts to emerge everything again (from already
> > built pkg's)
> >
> > does anyone have seen this?
> Funny you should mention this. I haven't used catalyst in over a year
> but came to back to it yesterday in the guise of looking into GNAP.
> Using the supplied GNAP spec files and snapshot everything builds and
> works perfectly. I took a new snapshot, left everything else the same
> and the build got stuck in a infinite loop of emerging the same packages
> again and again.
> Unfortunately I can't offer any help yet as I only discovered it 10
> minutes ago. You're not alone though.
> Stu
> --
> Stuart Buckland <>
Replying to my own message but looks like I've found the problem. It
appears to be a long standing bug in portage.
Looks like it has been resolved in portage-2.0.54-r2 and there is also a
patch available for portage-2.0.54-r1.
I haven't tried either yet as I'm (supposed to be) working. :)
Stuart Buckland <>
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