I have a ASUS M4A89TB MB which is AMD's 890FX/SB850 chipset I believe, a quad-core AMD Phenom II, and an ATI FirePro V3700.

Related to the power supply as in this is a hardware issue? Because the hum doesn't start until almost the end of the boot process on the liveCD, and if it were the power supply's fault, wouldn't it start as soon as I booted up the system?

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Peter Stuge <peter@stuge.se> wrote:
Colleen Josephson wrote:
> high-pitched hum coming from the audio jacks
> (occurs on both MB sound and a creative sound card)

What are some of the main system components? Which type CPU and

My guess would be that this is related to the power supply, and that
power management of some hardware couples over to the audio codec.


Colleen Josephson
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Class of 2013