be happy to... I'm building various livecd's I came to gentoo catalyst because I had dependancy issues with other livecds. I would like wifi enabled as much as possible on the cd to but I feel ethernet is a priority.

On 8/8/06, Luca Casagrande <> wrote:
Hi Caleb!
I am building a livecd focus on support for as much as network device..If you
(or anyone else..), wanna work togheter, we can write our experience on the


Alle 16:19, martedì 08 agosto 2006, Caleb Cushing ha scritto:
> I made a cd and it works to some degree... but It doesn't seem to be
> autoloading the appropriate network modules on multiple machines.

"Chiunque può simpatizzare col dolore di un amico, ma solo chi ha un animo
nobile riesce a simpatizzare col successo di un amico (Oscar Wilde)"

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