On 2007-06-14 LarryT wrote: > > > If you use vanilla-sources, you cannot use squashfs. > > > > Just to let you know I use 2 patches to have squashfs with lzma. > But since i am not able to make it from gentoo-sources, I use vanilla > + patch2gentoo-sources = gentoo-sources + patch2squashfs-lzma = > gentoo-sources-squash-lzma > > If needed have a look at svn : > http://gparted.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/gparted/livecd/ > Okay this is turning out to be more difficult the more i get to know.. I'll tell you my problem in cleartext and see if anyone has a solution for me. Basicly what I need is a LiveCD with linux-2.6.22_rc4 with the dmraid patch I've attached to this mail. Cause I'm going to install linux on a fakeraid. But apperantly I also need some Squashfs patches to make it work with the LiveCD. So is there a solution to my problem?