Hi every body, I use today catalyst to build somes bootables tools on usb key. for that i use target livecd-stage 1 and 2. and i have a script to put the content of the generated iso image on the usb key and make it bootable. it works fine. thank-you for devellopers. I have 2 question : 1) I use today catalyst how can I use catalyst 2.xx ? (emerge -s catalyst can see only the 1.XXXX rev) 2) I need a lot of data for one application Is it possible to build a live-DVD with catalyst ? I saw some where (I can't remember where exactly) that first level cd and DVD boot prcesses are dfférents, is it right? thanks reading me regards cedric --------------------------------- Faites de Yahoo! votre page d'accueil sur le web pour retrouver directement vos services préférés : vérifiez vos nouveaux mails, lancez vos recherches et suivez l'actualité en temps réel. Cliquez ici.