Subject: [gentoo-binhost-autobuilds] [binhost amd64-default-17.1] Update succeeded
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2022 10:20:22 +0000 (UTC) [thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
Binhost amd64-default-17.1 update succeeded
Required packages: 1414
Number removed: 0
>>> Building file list for packages cleaning...
>>> Cleaning binary packages...
[ 1.2 M ] app-admin/system-config-printer-1.5.15
[ 1.2 M ] app-admin/system-config-printer-1.5.15
[ 916.3 K ] app-arch/file-roller-3.40.0
[ 1.4 M ] app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.19.2-r2
[ 2.7 M ] app-editors/gedit-40.1
[ 9.6 M ] app-i18n/ibus-1.5.25-r1
[ 197.4 K ] app-misc/geoclue-2.5.7
[ 1.2 M ] app-misc/tracker-2.3.6-r1
[ 929.3 K ] app-misc/tracker-3.1.2-r1
[ 141.0 M ] app-office/libreoffice-
[ 141.2 M ] app-office/libreoffice-
[ 257.8 K ] app-text/asciidoc-9.1.0
[ 5.3 M ] app-text/iso-codes-4.7.0
[ 53.8 K ] app-text/yelp-tools-40.0
[ 158.8 K ] dev-cpp/atkmm-2.28.2
[ 1.3 M ] dev-cpp/glibmm-2.66.1
[ 1.9 M ] dev-cpp/gtkmm-3.24.5
[ 1.9 M ] dev-cpp/gtkmm-3.24.5
[ 153.1 K ] dev-cpp/pangomm-2.42.2-r1
[ 26.9 M ] dev-lang/python-3.10.0_p1-r1
[ 26.0 M ] dev-lang/python-3.9.9-r1
[ 85.5 M ] dev-lang/rust-1.56.1
[ 10.0 M ] dev-lang/spidermonkey-78.15.0
[ 734.9 K ] dev-libs/folks-0.15.3
[ 3.4 M ] dev-libs/glib-2.68.4
[ 3.4 M ] dev-libs/glib-2.68.4
[ 1.5 M ] dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.68.0
[ 12.8 M ] dev-libs/icu-69.1-r1
[ 93.5 K ] dev-libs/libevdev-1.11.0
[ 81.9 K ] dev-libs/libgusb-0.3.7-r1
[ 5.6 M ] dev-libs/libgweather-40.0
[ 173.3 K ] dev-libs/libpeas-1.30.0
[ 1.8 M ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.9.12-r5
[ 159.8 K ] dev-libs/newt-0.52.21-r1
[ 101.2 K ] dev-python/charset_normalizer-2.0.9
[ 3.1 M ] dev-python/cython-0.29.25
[ 162.5 K ] dev-python/dbus-python-1.2.18
[ 2.6 M ] dev-python/docutils-0.18
[ 1.5 M ] dev-python/lxml-4.6.5
[ 8.6 M ] dev-python/numpy-1.21.4-r2
[ 90.1 K ] dev-python/packaging-21.3-r1
[ 3.0 M ] dev-python/pygments-2.10.0
[ 340.8 K ] dev-python/pyparsing-3.0.6
[ 129.0 K ] dev-python/requests-2.26.0
[ 1.6 M ] dev-python/setuptools-59.8.0
[ 86.7 K ] dev-python/setuptools_scm-6.3.2
[ 52.1 K ] dev-python/tomli-1.2.2-r1
[ 261.7 K ] dev-python/urllib3-1.26.7
[ 6.3 M ] dev-qt/qtdeclarative-5.15.2-r14
[ 112.7 K ] dev-util/gdbus-codegen-2.68.4
[ 55.3 K ] dev-util/glib-utils-2.68.4
[ 58.1 K ] dev-util/itstool-2.0.6-r1
[ 1.8 M ] dev-util/meson-0.59.4
[ 707.6 K ] games-board/gnome-chess-40.1
[ 286.6 K ] games-board/gnome-mines-40.0
[ 1.6 M ] games-board/tali-40.3
[ 391.8 K ] games-puzzle/gnome-sudoku-40.2
[ 1.2 M ] games-puzzle/gnome-tetravex-3.38.2
[ 1.2 M ] gnome-base/gconf-3.2.6-r5
[ 1.2 M ] gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon-40.0.1-r1
[ 1.9 M ] gnome-base/gnome-shell-40.4-r1
[ 902.0 K ] gnome-base/gsettings-desktop-schemas-40.0
[ 46.6 K ] gnome-extra/chrome-gnome-shell-10-r4
[ 1.3 M ] gnome-extra/gnome-calculator-40.1
[ 438.1 K ] gnome-extra/gnome-contacts-40.0
[ 330.7 K ] gnome-extra/gnome-tweaks-40.0
[ 2.1 M ] gnome-extra/gucharmap-13.0.8
[ 5.9 M ] kde-frameworks/breeze-icons-5.88.0
[ 3.6 M ] kde-frameworks/ki18n-5.88.0
[ 271.7 K ] kde-plasma/breeze-gtk-5.23.4
[ 484.3 K ] kde-plasma/plasma-firewall-5.23.4
[ 403.1 K ] mail-filter/bogofilter-1.2.5-r1
[ 33.3 M ] media-gfx/inkscape-1.1-r1
[ 87.9 M ] media-gfx/krita-4.4.8-r1
[ 2.9 M ] media-libs/gegl-0.4.32
[ 3.0 M ] media-libs/gegl-0.4.32
[ 138.0 K ] media-libs/graphene-1.10.6
[ 300.9 K ] media-libs/grilo-0.3.13
[ 3.0 M ] media-libs/gst-plugins-bad-1.18.4-r2
[ 1.0 M ] media-libs/harfbuzz-3.1.1
[ 584.7 K ] media-libs/libglvnd-1.3.4
[ 274.1 K ] media-libs/libmypaint-1.6.1-r1
[ 10.6 M ] media-libs/mesa-21.2.6
[ 13.9 M ] media-libs/opencv-4.5.4
[ 603.4 K ] media-sound/gnome-music-40.1.1
[ 2.3 M ] media-video/pipewire-0.3.36
[ 1.6 M ] media-video/totem-3.38.1
[ 332.6 K ] net-firewall/ufw-0.36
[ 254.4 K ] net-fs/cifs-utils-6.13-r1
[ 8.3 M ] net-fs/samba-4.14.10-r2
[ 354.1 K ] net-im/telepathy-mission-control-5.16.6
[ 232.2 K ] net-libs/gtk-vnc-1.2.0
[ 152.0 K ] net-libs/gupnp-1.2.7
[ 507.7 K ] net-libs/libmbim-1.26.0
[ 11.2 M ] net-libs/nodejs-14.17.6
[ 1.9 M ] net-libs/telepathy-glib-0.24.2
[ 26.2 M ] net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.34.3
[ 50.0 M ] sci-electronics/klayout-0.27
[ 1.7 M ] sci-libs/gsl-2.7.1-r1
[ 2.3 M ] sci-libs/libqalculate-3.22.0
[ 345.8 K ] sys-apps/baobab-40.0
[ 2.9 M ] sys-apps/portage-3.0.28-r1
[ 7.6 M ] sys-apps/systemd-249.7
[ 30.9 K ] sys-auth/pambase-20210201.1
[ 47.8 M ] sys-devel/clang-13.0.0
[ 4.8 M ] sys-devel/gdb-11.1
[ 44.5 M ] sys-devel/llvm-13.0.0
[ 902.1 K ] sys-fs/cryfs-0.10.3-r1
[ 82.1 K ] sys-libs/compiler-rt-13.0.0
[ 7.4 M ] sys-libs/compiler-rt-sanitizers-13.0.0
[ 19.9 M ] sys-libs/glibc-2.33-r7
[ 220.4 K ] sys-libs/ldb-2.3.2
[ 185.0 K ] sys-libs/libblockdev-2.25
[ 246.0 K ] sys-libs/libblockdev-2.25
[ 115.1 K ] sys-libs/libcap-2.62
[ 78.7 K ] sys-libs/talloc-2.3.2
[ 94.8 K ] sys-libs/tdb-1.4.5
[ 75.9 K ] sys-libs/tevent-0.10.2
[ 150.0 K ] x11-base/xcb-proto-1.14.1
[ 304.4 K ] x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.107
[ 484.3 K ] x11-libs/libxcb-1.14
[ 390.3 K ] x11-libs/vte-0.64.2
[ 950.1 K ] x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.34
\rEmaint: fix binhost [<=> ]\rEmaint: fix binhost 100% [============================================>]\rEmaint: fix binhost 100% [============================================>]
[ 242.0 K ] Packages Index
[ 949.2 M ] Total space from 117 files were freed in the packages directory
Container binhost-amd64-x86-64 exited successfully.
Spawning container binhost-amd64-x86-64-gnome on /var/lib/machines/binhost-amd64-x86-64-gnome.
Press ^] three times within 1s to kill container.
rsync: [Receiver] safe_read failed to read 1 bytes: Connection reset by peer (104)
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(276) [Receiver=3.2.3]
>>> Retrying...
>>> Starting retry 1 of 3 with rsync://[2a01:90:200:10::1a]/gentoo-portage
* IMPORTANT: 17 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
* Use eselect news read to view new items.
Calculating dependencies
* IMPORTANT: 17 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
* Use eselect news read to view new items.
.. . .... done!
>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Jobs: 0 of 2 complete, 1 running Load avg: 0.87, 0.40, 0.16
>>> Emerging binary (1 of 2) sys-libs/libcap-2.63::gentoo
>>> Jobs: 0 of 2 complete, 1 running Load avg: 0.87, 0.40, 0.16
>>> Jobs: 0 of 2 complete Load avg: 0.87, 0.40, 0.16
>>> Installing (1 of 2) sys-libs/libcap-2.63::gentoo
>>> Jobs: 0 of 2 complete Load avg: 0.87, 0.40, 0.16
>>> Jobs: 1 of 2 complete Load avg: 0.88, 0.41, 0.16
>>> Jobs: 1 of 2 complete, 1 running Load avg: 0.88, 0.41, 0.16
>>> Emerging (2 of 2) dev-libs/libmanette-0.2.6::gentoo
>>> Jobs: 1 of 2 complete, 1 running Load avg: 0.88, 0.41, 0.16
>>> Installing (2 of 2) dev-libs/libmanette-0.2.6::gentoo
>>> Jobs: 1 of 2 complete, 1 running Load avg: 0.97, 0.44, 0.17
>>> Jobs: 1 of 2 complete Load avg: 0.97, 0.44, 0.17
>>> Jobs: 2 of 2 complete Load avg: 0.97, 0.45, 0.18
>>> Auto-cleaning packages...
>>> No outdated packages were found on your system.
* GNU info directory index is up-to-date.
* After world updates, it is important to remove obsolete packages with
* emerge --depclean. Refer to `man emerge` for more information.
* IMPORTANT: 17 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
* Use eselect news read to view new items.
* Always study the list of packages to be cleaned for any obvious
* mistakes. Packages that are part of the world set will always
* be kept. They can be manually added to this set with
* `emerge --noreplace <atom>`. Packages that are listed in
* package.provided (see portage(5)) will be removed by
* depclean, even if they are part of the world set.
* As a safety measure, depclean will not remove any packages
* unless *all* required dependencies have been resolved. As a
* consequence of this, it often becomes necessary to run
* `emerge --update --newuse --deep @world` prior to depclean.
Calculating dependencies .\b\b... done!
>>> No packages selected for removal by depclean
>>> To see reverse dependencies, use --verbose
Packages installed: 1118
Packages in world: 27
Packages in system: 43
Required packages: 1118
Number removed: 0
Container binhost-amd64-x86-64-gnome exited successfully.
Full build log at /root/.tmp-binhost-amd64-default-17.1-update-1646993821
next reply other threads:[~2022-03-11 10:20 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 526+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2022-03-11 10:20 binhost [this message]
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2023-08-05 10:19 [gentoo-binhost-autobuilds] [binhost amd64-default-17.1] Update succeeded binhost
2023-08-04 10:37 binhost
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2023-04-11 10:21 binhost
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2023-04-03 10:20 binhost
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2023-04-01 10:24 binhost
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2022-12-31 23:38 binhost
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2022-09-03 10:24 binhost
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2022-08-19 10:20 binhost
2022-08-18 10:21 binhost
2022-08-17 10:49 binhost
2022-08-16 11:27 binhost
2022-08-15 10:20 binhost
2022-08-14 10:20 binhost
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2022-08-07 10:31 binhost
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2022-02-18 11:28 binhost
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2022-02-16 10:19 binhost
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2022-01-30 10:22 binhost
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2022-01-22 21:38 binhost
2022-01-22 10:26 binhost
2022-01-21 11:10 binhost
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2022-01-19 10:51 binhost
2022-01-18 10:20 binhost
2022-01-17 10:22 binhost
2022-01-16 10:22 binhost
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2022-01-11 10:20 binhost
2022-01-10 10:21 binhost
2022-01-09 14:37 binhost
2022-01-08 10:29 binhost
2022-01-07 11:02 binhost
2022-01-06 10:22 binhost
2022-01-05 10:41 binhost
2022-01-04 10:27 binhost
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2022-01-01 10:28 binhost
2021-12-31 10:26 binhost
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2021-12-29 10:22 binhost
2021-12-28 10:22 binhost
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2021-12-09 10:20 binhost
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