messages from 2007-04-24 15:55:15 to 2008-03-03 21:39:54 UTC [more...]
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200803-07 ] Paramiko: Information disclosure
2008-03-03 22:11 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200803-06 ] SWORD: Shell command injection
2008-03-03 22:00 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200803-05 ] SplitVT: Privilege escalation
2008-03-03 21:48 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200803-04 ] Mantis: Cross-Site Scripting
2008-03-03 21:42 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200803-03 ] Audacity: Insecure temporary file creation
2008-03-03 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200803-02 ] Firebird: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-03-03 0:11 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200803-01 ] Adobe Acrobat Reader: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-03-03 0:01 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200802-12 ] xine-lib: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2008-02-26 22:55 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200802-11 ] Asterisk: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-02-26 23:04 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200802-10 ] Python: PCRE Integer overflow
2008-02-23 19:04 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200802-09 ] ClamAV: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-02-21 22:52 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200802-08 ] Boost: Denial of Service
2008-02-14 22:40 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200802-07 ] Pulseaudio: Privilege escalation
2008-02-13 22:54 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200802-06 ] scponly: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-02-12 21:05 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200802-05 ] Gnumeric: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2008-02-12 20:40 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200802-04 ] Gallery: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-02-11 23:08 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200802-03 ] Horde IMP: Security bypass
2008-02-11 22:27 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200802-02 ] Doomsday: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-02-06 22:15 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200802-01 ] SDL_image: Two buffer overflow vulnerabilities
2008-02-06 21:56 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-22 ] PeerCast: Buffer overflow
2008-01-30 23:18 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-21 ] Xdg-Utils: Arbitrary command execution
2008-01-30 23:00 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-20 ] libxml2: Denial of Service
2008-01-30 22:48 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-19 ] GOffice: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-01-30 22:43 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-18 ] Kazehakase: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-01-30 22:32 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-17 ] Netkit FTP Server: Denial of Service
2008-01-29 23:09 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-16 ] MaraDNS: CNAME Denial of Service
2008-01-29 22:58 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-15 ] PostgreSQL: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-01-29 9:41 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-14 ] Blam: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2008-01-27 17:08 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-13 ] ngIRCd: Denial of Service
2008-01-27 16:50 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-12 ] xine-lib: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2008-01-27 16:37 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-11 ] CherryPy: Directory traversal vulnerability
2008-01-27 16:25 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-10 ] TikiWiki: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-01-23 23:48 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-09 ] X.Org X server and Xfont library: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-01-20 21:40 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-08 ] libcdio: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2008-01-20 0:42 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-07 ] Adobe Flash Player: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-01-20 0:32 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-06 ] Xfce: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-01-09 23:26 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-05 ] Squid: Denial of Service
2008-01-09 22:17 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-04 ] OpenAFS: Denial of Service
2008-01-09 22:00 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-03 ] Claws Mail: Insecure temporary file creation
2008-01-09 21:48 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-02 ] R: Multiple vulnerabilities
2008-01-09 20:21 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200801-01 ] unp: Arbitrary command execution
2008-01-09 0:47 UTC
[gentoo-announce] ERRATA: [ GLSA 200709-07 ] Eggdrop: Buffer overflow
2008-01-08 22:05 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-25 ] User-assisted arbitrary code execution
2007-12-30 18:30 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-24 ] AMD64 x86 emulation GTK+ library: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2007-12-30 17:53 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-23 ] Wireshark: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-12-30 17:39 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-22 ] Opera: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-12-30 17:17 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-21 ] Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-12-29 16:25 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-20 ] ClamAV: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-12-29 16:12 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-19 ] Syslog-ng: Denial of Service
2007-12-29 15:59 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-18 ] Multi-Threaded DAAP Daemon: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-12-29 14:00 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-17 ] exiftags: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-12-29 13:59 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-16 ] Exiv2: Integer overflow
2007-12-29 13:38 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-15 ] libexif: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-12-29 13:07 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-14 ] CUPS: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-12-18 22:26 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-13 ] E2fsprogs: Multiple buffer overflows
2007-12-18 20:48 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-12 ] IRC Services: Denial of Service
2007-12-13 20:48 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-11 ] Portage: Information disclosure
2007-12-13 20:13 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-10 ] Samba: Execution of arbitrary code
2007-12-10 21:03 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-09 ] Ruby-GNOME2: Format string error
2007-12-09 22:17 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-08 ] AMD64 x86 emulation Qt library: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-12-09 22:04 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-07 ] Lookup: Insecure temporary file creation
2007-12-09 21:42 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-06 ] Firebird: Multiple buffer overflows
2007-12-09 21:27 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-05 ] PEAR::MDB2: Information disclosure
2007-12-09 21:14 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-04 ] Cairo: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2007-12-09 20:16 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-03 ] GNU Emacs: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-12-09 19:54 UTC
[gentoo-announce] UPDATE: [ GLSA 200711-29 ] Samba: Execution of arbitrary code
2007-12-05 23:22 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-02 ] Cacti: SQL injection
2007-12-05 22:42 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200712-01 ] Hugin: Insecure temporary file creation
2007-12-05 22:22 UTC
[gentoo-announce] ERRATA: [ GLSA 200711-20 ] Pioneers: Multiple Denials of Service
2007-11-29 22:00 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-34 ] CSTeX: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-11-25 22:49 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-33 ] nss_ldap: Information disclosure
2007-11-25 21:43 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-32 ] Feynmf: Insecure temporary file creation
2007-11-20 22:32 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-30 ] PCRE: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-11-20 21:44 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-29 ] Samba: Execution of arbitrary code
2007-11-20 21:25 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-27 ] Link Grammar: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2007-11-18 23:10 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-26 ] teTeX: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-11-18 22:30 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-25 ] MySQL: Denial of Service
2007-11-18 21:51 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-24 ] Mozilla Thunderbird: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-11-18 21:33 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-23 ] VMware Workstation and Player: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-11-18 21:12 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-22 ] Poppler, KDE: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2007-11-18 20:55 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-21 ] Bochs: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-11-17 23:58 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-20 ] Pioneers: Denial of Service
2007-11-14 22:11 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-19 ] TikiWiki: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-11-14 22:00 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-18 ] Cpio: Buffer overflow
2007-11-14 21:42 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-17 ] Ruby on Rails: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-11-14 21:14 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-16 ] CUPS: Memory corruption
2007-11-12 21:56 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-15 ] FLAC: Buffer overflow
2007-11-12 21:42 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-14 ] Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, XULRunner: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-11-12 21:16 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-13 ] 3proxy: Denial of Service
2007-11-08 20:41 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-12 ] Tomboy: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2007-11-08 19:46 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-11 ] Nagios Plugins: Two buffer overflows
2007-11-08 19:17 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-10 ] Mono: Buffer overflow
2007-11-07 23:00 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-09 ] MadWifi: Denial of Service
2007-11-07 20:43 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-08 ] libpng: Multiple Denials of Service
2007-11-07 20:15 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-07 ] Python: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2007-11-07 19:45 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-06 ] Apache: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-11-07 19:31 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-05 ] SiteBar: Multiple issues
2007-11-06 22:52 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-04 ] Evolution: User-assisted remote execution of arbitrary code
2007-11-06 21:42 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-03 ] Gallery: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-11-02 0:32 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-02 ] OpenSSH: Security bypass
2007-11-02 0:15 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200711-01 ] gFTP: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-11-01 23:58 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-31 ] Opera: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-10-30 20:53 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-30 ] OpenSSL: Remote execution of arbitrary code
2007-10-30 22:21 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-29 ] Sylpheed, Claws Mail: User-assisted remote execution of arbitrary code
2007-10-25 22:01 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-28 ] Qt: Buffer overflow
2007-10-25 21:46 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-27 ] ImageMagick: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-10-24 22:17 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-26 ] HPLIP: Privilege escalation
2007-10-24 21:59 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-25 ] MLDonkey: Privilege escalation
2007-10-24 21:43 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-24 ] Heap-based buffer overflow
2007-10-23 7:13 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-22 ] TRAMP: Insecure temporary file creation
2007-10-20 20:55 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-21 ] TikiWiki: Arbitrary command execution
2007-10-20 20:36 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-20 ] PDFKit, ImageKits: Buffer overflow
2007-10-18 22:46 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-19 ] The Sleuth Kit: Integer underflow
2007-10-18 21:38 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-18 ] util-linux: Local privilege escalation
2007-10-18 20:06 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-17 ] Balsa: Buffer overflow
2007-10-16 22:27 UTC
[gentoo-announce] Upcoming masking of dev-lang/php-4* and packages depending on it
2007-10-16 21:42 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-16 ] X.Org X server: Composite local privilege escalation
2007-10-14 22:38 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-15 ] KDM: Local privilege escalation
2007-10-14 22:15 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-14 ] DenyHosts: Denial of Service
2007-10-13 11:43 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-13 ] Ampache: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-10-13 11:35 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-12 ] T1Lib: Buffer overflow
2007-10-12 22:08 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-11 ] X Font Server: Multiple Vulnerabilities
2007-10-12 21:30 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-10 ] SKK Tools: Insecure temporary file creation
2007-10-12 20:44 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-09 ] NX 2.1: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2007-10-09 22:25 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-08 ] KOffice, KWord, KPDF, KDE Graphics Libraries: Stack-based buffer overflow
2007-10-09 22:12 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-07 ] Tk: Buffer overflow
2007-10-07 22:06 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-06 ] OpenSSL: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-10-07 21:32 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-05 ] QGit: Insecure temporary file creation
2007-10-07 20:56 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-04 ] libsndfile: Buffer overflow
2007-10-07 20:22 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-03 ] libvorbis: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-10-07 20:07 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-02 ] PHP: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-10-07 9:24 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200710-01 ] RPCSEC_GSS library: Buffer overflow
2007-10-04 21:45 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-18 ] Bugzilla: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-09-30 20:23 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-17 ] teTeX: Multiple buffer overflows
2007-09-27 21:50 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-16 ] Lighttpd: Buffer overflow
2007-09-27 21:01 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-15 ] BEA JRockit: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-09-23 22:03 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-14 ] ClamAV: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-09-20 21:51 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-13 ] rsync: Two buffer overflows
2007-09-20 20:17 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-12 ] Poppler: Two buffer overflow vulnerabilities
2007-09-19 21:48 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-11 ] GDM: Local Denial of Service
2007-09-18 21:33 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-10 ] PhpWiki: Authentication bypass
2007-09-18 21:23 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-09 ] GNU Tar: Directory traversal vulnerability
2007-09-15 22:21 UTC (2+ messages)
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-08 ] id3lib: Insecure temporary file creation
2007-09-15 15:41 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-07 ] Eggdrop: Buffer overflow
2007-09-15 15:30 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-06 ] flac123: Buffer overflow
2007-09-14 21:44 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-05 ] RealPlayer: Buffer overflow
2007-09-14 21:17 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-04 ] po4a: Insecure temporary file creation
2007-09-13 20:18 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-03 ] Streamripper: Buffer overflow
2007-09-13 19:06 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-02 ] KVIrc: Remote arbitrary code execution
2007-09-13 18:56 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200709-01 ] MIT Kerberos 5: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-09-11 19:31 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200707-14 ] tcpdump: Integer overflow
2007-07-28 22:42 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200707-13 ] Fail2ban: Denial of Service
2007-07-28 22:33 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200707-12 ] VLC media player: Format string vulnerabilities
2007-07-28 20:04 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200707-11 ] MIT Kerberos 5: Arbitrary remote code execution
2007-07-25 22:11 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200707-10 ] Festival: Privilege elevation
2007-07-25 21:30 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200707-09 ] GIMP: Multiple integer overflows
2007-07-25 19:23 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200707-08 ] NVClock: Insecure file usage
2007-07-24 22:48 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200707-07 ] MPlayer: Multiple buffer overflows
2007-07-24 22:33 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200707-06 ] XnView: Stack-based buffer overflow
2007-07-11 19:47 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200707-05 ] Webmin, Usermin: Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities
2007-07-05 22:56 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200707-04 ] GNU C Library: Integer overflow
2007-07-03 20:52 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200707-03 ] Evolution: User-assisted remote execution of arbitrary code
2007-07-02 21:30 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200707-02 ] Two buffer overflows
2007-07-02 21:16 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200707-01 ] Firebird: Buffer overflow
2007-07-01 21:41 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200706-08 ] emul-linux-x86-java: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-06-26 21:12 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200706-09 ] libexif: Buffer overflow
2007-06-26 21:22 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200706-07 ] PHProjekt: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-06-19 21:59 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200706-05 ] ClamAV: Multiple Denials of Service
2007-06-15 16:35 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200706-04 ] MadWifi: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-06-11 21:31 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200706-03 ] ELinks: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2007-06-06 20:57 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200706-02 ] Evolution: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2007-06-06 20:43 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200706-01 ] libexif: Integer overflow vulnerability
2007-06-05 18:58 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-25 ] file: Integer overflow
2007-05-31 18:30 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-24 ] libpng: Denial of Service
2007-05-31 18:12 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-22 ] FreeType: Buffer overflow
2007-05-30 18:50 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-21 ] MPlayer: Two buffer overflows
2007-05-30 18:18 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-20 ] Blackdown Java: Applet privilege escalation
2007-05-26 19:42 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-19 ] PHP: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-05-26 19:23 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-18 ] PPTPD: Denial of Service attack
2007-05-20 7:38 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-17 ] Apache mod_security: Rule bypass
2007-05-17 13:28 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-16 ] PhpWiki: Remote execution of arbitrary code
2007-05-17 13:03 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-15 ] Samba: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-05-15 12:52 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-13 ] ImageMagick: Multiple buffer overflows
2007-05-14 18:11 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-14 ] XScreenSaver: Privilege escalation
2007-05-13 21:35 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-12 ] PostgreSQL: Privilege escalation
2007-05-10 18:41 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-11 ] MySQL: Two Denial of Service vulnerabilities
2007-05-08 16:37 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-10 ] LibXfont, TightVNC: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-05-08 15:50 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-09 ] IPsec-Tools: Denial of Service
2007-05-08 13:11 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-08 ] GIMP: Buffer overflow
2007-05-07 21:47 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-07 ] Lighttpd: Two Denials of Service
2007-05-07 21:31 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-06 ] X.Org X11 library: Multiple integer overflows
2007-05-05 20:50 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-05 ] Quagga: Denial of Service
2007-05-02 11:04 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-04 ] Apache mod_perl: Denial of Service
2007-05-02 10:47 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-03 ] Tomcat: Information disclosure
2007-05-01 18:53 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-02 ] FreeType: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
2007-05-01 18:35 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200705-01 ] Ktorrent: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-05-01 18:32 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200704-23 ] capi4k-utils: Buffer overflow
2007-04-27 21:07 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200704-22 ] BEAST: Denial of Service
2007-04-27 20:35 UTC
[gentoo-announce] [ GLSA 200704-21 ] ClamAV: Multiple vulnerabilities
2007-04-24 15:36 UTC
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