Hi, IMO when performing "make" after make clean and make menuconfig (assuming you want to change something in kernel) builds kernel image and modules as well. After that I run rm -rf /lib/modules/ and make && make modules_install. Then there shouldn't be any problem. (also [emerge -av $(qdepends -CNQ virtual/linux-sources)] would be nice). Kfiaciarka 2008/6/3 Duncan <1i5t5.duncan@cox.net>: > Beso posted > d257c3560806030201y23df89fdy1cf12ae0bb3b772a@mail.gmail.com, excerpted > below, on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:01:04 +0000: > > > the problem is that with the old normal config the kernel detects one > > processor and one core and it works, loading the modules, but when > > enabling simetric multiprocessing the kernel detects just one processor > > and one core and then it fails to load modules because of a different > > executable format in the modules. > > This indicates that the modules and the kernel aren't matched. IOW, you > apparently compiled the new kernel but failed to compile the matching > modules, so it's trying to use the old ones, which don't match the new > kernel, so it won't load them. > > Even if it's the exact same kernel you compiled, if you change options, > particularly something as big as SMP, you'll need to recompile the kernel > modules as well. > > Also note that if you use an initrd/initramfs, you'll need to redo it, > loading the new modules as appropriate into it as well as placing them in > the normal /lib/modules// dir. I don't run an initramfs/ > initrd, so have never learned the technical intricacies thereof, but > wherever it's trying to load them from, you don't have the right ones > there for it to load. > > One way or the other, with or without the initrd/initramfs, the kernel is > trying to load modules that don't match the kernel, and failing. Correct > that, and you will have fixed at least that problem, altho it's possible > you'll then have others to fix as well. > > -- > Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs. > "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master -- > and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman > > -- > gentoo-amd64@lists.gentoo.org mailing list > > -- pozdrawiam Konrad Okurowski Key Fingerprint = D993 3823 F20D 3B8D 2719 3012 2FE8