2008/8/22 Beso <givemesugarr@gmail.com>

2008/8/22 Mark Haney <mhaney@ercbroadband.org>

Beso wrote:
2008/8/20 Mark Haney <mhaney@ercbroadband.org>

here is the article from the rss feed:

maybe i'll also give it a try with the fglrx driver in the next days on
another system and see how these improvements work...

Beso, I never got time to thank you for the instructions and files yesterday, I was extremely busy.  However, I do want to take the time now to thank you for the effort you've put in on this.  I will be working on this during the weekend and I"ll let you know Monday how it goes.
i'm now trying to fix out compiz kde4 decorator. it seems that i've been able to fix the compilation error but the problem is that i don't know if i've done the right stuff and used the right function (i don't know if compiz devels had in mind what i've understood when reading their code). i'll let you know if it seem to work fine or not after i finish compiling compiz and try it out with kde4 window decorator.
as for the walkthrough i was thinking of writing a how to on the wiki some of these days, but first i need to see if my corrections to compiz code were correct and if i'd be able to have k3b build against the newer ffmpeg versions. at a point there has been a version of it building against the new dirs but now it seems that it is only able to build against the old one. i still haven't found out where is the code that looks for ffmpeg includes.

well, the compiz patch seems to work fine here. i've posted a reply here
on how to add the patch to the compiz ebuild in case it fails to build with kde4-window-decorator.

dott. ing. beso