2008/6/14 Sascha Moeller <sascha@skutcher.de>:
Beso schrieb:
2008/6/14 Sascha Moeller <sascha@skutcher.de <mailto:sascha@skutcher.de>>:

   Hmm i have no such directory :(.
   I rebuild libtool without any problems and createt the directory


   but avant-window-navigator-extra will not.

well, that directory is created by default  by ldconf and shouldn't be created by users. well, if that wasn't the problem then try posting the log. maybe there's something in there that could be more useful.

dott. ing. beso
I have the same problem with gnome-python-extras, so i atached the buildlog,too. Hope this could help

greetings Sascha

from what i've seen there's an error calling gconf. so in the first case (the window-navigator-extra) try reinstalling gconf and if the problem persist try to see in the forums or on the bugzilla is someone has had similar problems.

the gnome-python-extras have problems with gtk+ and gtkmozembed. try reinstalling that one first and then try doing:
python-updater and revdep-rebuild and then try reemerging these 2 packages. i suspect that you've updated recently python and gtk and something has broken in the deps.

dott. ing. beso