
i've got a strange problem with my new notebook pc. i've bought a pc with an amd athlon 64 x2 processor with 2 cores, an atheros board and an rs690 ati.
my old pc was a turion 64 with an atheros board and an rs480. now the components inside are all about the same so i've just copied the old gentoo system into the new pc and tried to recompile the kernel to have it tuned for the new processor. so the thing i've done was to activate the symetric multiprocessing and set to compiled into the kernel of md4, md5, md6 and aes x86_64 chipers for a luks /home chipering.
the problem is that with the old normal config the kernel detects one processor and one core and it works, loading the modules, but when enabling simetric multiprocessing the kernel detects just one processor and one core and then it fails to load modules because of a different executable format in the modules.

the strange thing is that opensuse livecd and mandriva live cd recognize the double processor (/proc/cpuinfo has 2 lines) and is able to step it in the right way. does anyone has a hint on what to control in the kernel config to see what's wrong?!


dott. ing. beso