2008/5/31 Duncan <1i5t5.duncan@cox.net>: > Beso posted > d257c3560805310853j7bd01489pa5b74f1d69ae0383@mail.gmail.com, excerpted > below, on Sat, 31 May 2008 15:53:37 +0000: > > > well, firefox 4 would go with webkit and qt4. there's an announce from > > the firefox project director. gecko is unmantainable and veryyyy slow, > > so the only one who will continue to use it would be iexploder. also the > > new qt4 utils and the ability to build an app that runs cross platform > > with much less work would be quite interesting. and now maybe also > > openoffice would think about switching to it. > > That'd be interesting. Safari/Konqueror/Firefox/Qt/Qtopia all using the > same webkit core. That'd pressure MS even more effectively. I wonder > what the chances of getting Opera online with it too, might be? They've > stayed proprietary, but with that sort of open source union going on, I > could see them taking advantage of the LGPL renderer if it might have > some chance of turning the tables on MS. They could still keep > everything else proprietary. > well, qt and qtopia are on webkit, safari was the forewarder on it, opera too maybe will emulate it, as it does now, since its motor is quite good now, but has less compatibility with sites that don't follow the web standards... damn that devs that still create sites not following standards!!!! > >> Hopefully klibido follows to KDE4. It'd be a shame to see it stuck on > >> KDE3, after all the work that has gone into it and as sparse on the > >> ground as real binary news harvesters seem to be. > >> > > i really hope so. it's good to have it around. > > > I don't know if you've been to the site recently. I just checked. > Nothing since 2006. It may be worth joining the user list if you haven't > already and dropping and inquiry. If that doesn't work, contact him > directly and see. That assumes the question hasn't been asked and > answered and is in a list archive on gmane or something, already. (Just > checked gmane, don't see it there.) on the klibido site?! maybe its devs have gone with gtk+ and pan.... :-( > > it's a little too complicated to me. i'm usually using pan just for > > browsing the newsgroups and read some text articles. > > > So you're not too serious about the downloading thing, like every day or > whatever, only maybe once a week or so, when you get time? I can see > that, and in fact don't do a lot of binary downloading here, either, tho > when I do, I tend to get REALLY serious about it for awhile. Sort of > like Charles with developing pan, I guess. I'll go awhile without, then > get REALLY serious and go to town on it for awhile, before I get too busy > again... > > Yeah, in that case, for simple browsing and pick and choose here and > there downloading, most of the techniques I mentioned aren't particularly > useful. yep, that was quite the point. it could be useful if i would have to put some cron jobs over big serious downloads, but for that i'd chose a terminal nzb capable and do some scripts on it and cron. -- dott. ing. beso