2008/2/7, ionut cristian cucu <cuciferus@gmail.com>:
ncpufreqd will not start but it doesn't print any errors either.
strange issue: I did a test: MAKEOPTS="-j" emerge amarok and guess
what the temp did not budge a degree over 50, but this morning as I'm
writing this my cpu is on 62% usage but the temp is 95 degrees.
puzzles me. Stopping any emerge process did help, but last night it
went for hours with full 100% CPU load and now it overheats with
"-j1". It is clear, to me, that something somewhere is wicked.
LATER: I've just noticed that TZ01 in kima was 0 rebooting set it to
50 and now with emerge keeping the cpu at max speed and load gives me
only 55 degrees. So how I will do a kernel update maybe will fix my
problem, because it looks to me like it's comming from there. Isn't