2008/2/3, ionut cucu <cuciferus@gmail.com>:
Hi List,
I've just bought a new laptop Acer 5715Z and I've have the following
issue the processor overheats until the laptop closes(100 degrees
Celsius). This happened when I had two parallel emerges. So I went to
the shop and changed it with another one, same model. This one can hold
up to 3 parallel emerges but it overheats when I'm watching a movie,
again it reaches the 100 degrees limit. I'm I doing something wrong
here? I'm I missing something (this is the first laptop I have) ?. Or
just by coincidence this one is broken too. I've looked on the Internet
but I hadn't found any similar issues. Thanks!
gentoo-amd64@lists.gentoo.org mailing list
first: maybe the thermal isn't set right.
what does cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/trip_points says?! mine is something like this:
critical (S5): 105 C
passive: 76 C: tc1=3 tc2=1 tsp=150 devices=CPU0
active[0]: 67 C: devices= FN1
active[1]: 57 C: devices= FN2
you might have different values but at least you should have one active and one passive.
second: don't do parallel emerge if you're not sure that the packages from one emerge don't collide with the ones from the other. for example, knetworkmanager needs networkmanager which needs dhcdb which needs dhclient. if you emerge something that would emerge dhclient then you'd emerge 2 times dhclient or you might risk one of the 2 emerges to fail because a dep hasn't yet been installed. you could push up the number of processes to be build together by increasing the makeopts for example to -j6 or more. increase the number and see your processors loads. the best number is the one that puts your processors to about 80% of cpu so that you'd still have 20% of cpu power to do other things. also add the niceness option so that you don't see slowdowns when you compile and use some other program.
third: have you installed acpi and acer-acpi?! i presume that you've done it and you're starting both acpi and acer-acpi at boot.
anyway, the important thing is are the trip_points. if you don't have them then you might need to make a script to get the thermal temperature and to slowdown manually the processor when it pushes too much up the temperature.
dott. ing. beso