the real problem stands in the keyword.... the amd64 would downgrade a lot of stuff.... before doing it it's better to identify the normal programs, like kde, gnome, and similar and let them be for the moment as ~amd64.... but at least stuff like, gcc, glibc, baselayout, kernel and some other base stuff should stay on the amd64 branch.... you won't be able to downgrade glibc so that one for the moment would stay on the unstable branch.... but if you don't feel in the mood to downgrade cause the ~amd64 being to amd64, then just update the profile and you should see something like 100 packages....
also adding --as-needed as LDFLAGS should help you save some time in recompiling stuff....
the 2gb of ccache would help, but not a lot.... 400+ packages would mean about 3-4 days on a amd64 2ghz single core, so prepare for a looong time of compile time.... also the 5 blockers are not good and should be fixed in some way before proceeding to the recompile....
if you decide to modify the use flags when changing profile it's the best time....
so my advice is the following:
1. take some time to look at the use flags (emerge ufed and see a description of them and also add/remove them from the ufed gui in make.conf)
2. add LDFLAGS="--as-needed" into make.conf
3. take some time to see what packages are needed on ~amd64 (normally kde, gnome, and other normal use packages like firefox, ktorrent or similar or even xorg are good also on ~amd64 and don't need a downgrade), but others as gcc, baselayout, libstdc++, dhcpclient, dhcpcd, network related packages and kernel modules are normally best on amd64. i'm not saying that using them on ~amd64 won't work, but on this branch you might experience various problems. after deciding what you want to mantain as ~amd64 you add them to package.keywords in /et/portage/ with ~amd64 flag and then remove the flag in make.conf. after that retry the update and see that the number of packages has decreased dramatically. take another look at the downgraded stuff and after being sure you could start the update of your system.
this step is a little boring, but after some time spent on configuration, unmask and mask you'll find yourself with a system with the following characteristics:
- base system = stable
- cutting edge apps, which sometimes could bring out some problems, but that wouldn't be caused by system packages faults.
if you want to see some more stuff i reccomend the following overlays:
- sunrise: has a lot of extra interesting stuff of various kind, from developer stuff to user apps as miro, the free web tv player that challenges joost.
- sabayon: has some interesting things like the kde4 style kicker for 3.5.8 branch
- flameeyes-overlay: has some memory improved stuff like patched codecs and the oxy-cursors that are really great. from this overlay be sure not to compile the xine-lib because it's not meant to work with versions of amarok before the 2.0 and since it has some issues caused by the developing process (this xine-lib is meant for integration with kde4 and phonon). i recommend the other codecs like giflib and theora since they have a patch for shared memory improvements. i also reccomend the ffmpeg with hardcoded-tables flag from this overlay.
- berkano: has some media related packages like x264-svn, new k3b and some other media packages
- x11: if you want svn versions of xorg and its components add this overlay. i've seen some great improvements with the new xf86-video-ati after it has ggod support for x200m and rs690 and the new mesa and glitz from svn have some font antialiasing stuff that is really interesting.
to add them emerge layman and use it to update and mantain the new repositories. on gentoo wiki there are wikis on how to install and use layman.
if you need some help with the packages or use flags feel free to ask. i'll try explaining what are my experiences with them.
remember to run revdep-rebuild after updating since it's very likely to have broken linkage after an update of 400 packages.
ps. consider the profile update as a gentoo full update. if you think about distro that use versioning then it's similar to updating to ubuntu 7 from ubuntu 6. so it's normal to have a lot of packages pushed in considering use flags changes and keywords ones.
# eselect profile list
Available profile symlink targets:
[1] default-linux/amd64/2006.1 *
[2] default-linux/amd64/2006.1/desktop
[3] default-linux/amd64/2006.0/no-symlinks
[4] default-linux/amd64/2006.1/no-multilib
[5] default-linux/amd64/2007.0
[6] default-linux/amd64/2007.0/desktop
[7] default-linux/amd64/2007.0/no-multilib
[8] default-linux/amd64/2007.0/server
[9] hardened/amd64
[10] hardened/amd64/multilib
[11] selinux/2007.0/amd64
[12] selinux/2007.0/amd64/hardened
#eselect profile set 6
And then - sos -
# emerge --update --deep --newuse --pretend --verbose world
Total: 478 packages (1 upgrade, 396 downgrades, 14 new, 1 in new slot,
66 reinstalls, 5 blocks), Size of downloads: 480,074 kB
so bad! :----(
perhaps with the 2Gb of ccache that I have saved could take this process
only one or 2 days.
Thank's for the tip
El mar, 29-01-2008 a las 11:22 +0000, Beso escribió:
> well, just removing ~amd64 from your make.conf and eselect profile set
> default-linux/amd64/2007.0 and then emerge -uDNvp will let you see
> what would compile.
> if you instead want to rebuild from scratch then funtoo has recent
> compiled stages that would let you not compile a lot of updated stuff.
> 2008/1/29, agtdino <>:
> Well, my system is uptime since for a long time and has many
> updates
> more than I belive!,, :D
> For the moments is running well, I dont be a freek of gentoo
> but when I
> buy the amd64 system I had to make something hard step's to
> startit,
> perhaps it's not something clean and it's has profiles to the
> pass.
> I go to think in change this profile, or it reinstall from
> scratch ( is
> more fastest but the less interesting :( )
> Thank's and regards
> El mar, 29-01-2008 a las 09:56 +0000, Beso escribió:
> > i think that if you're using the flags you're using you're a
> real
> > gentoo poweruser. but the fact that the profile is still set
> to 2006.1
> > makes me wonder if you really know what you're doing...
> > someone who usually uses the flags you're using also uses
> the latest
> > profile.
> > i really think that you should update your profile (use
> eselect
> > profile to do it, i think that 2006.1 would disappear in
> some months)
> > and then compile at least the base system from the amd64
> branch. then
> > you could use gcc-4.2.2 and other things the way you want. i
> > personally use a lot of unstable stuff, but the base system
> is amd64
> > and not ~amd64.
> >
> > 2008/1/29, agtdino <>:
> > Hello, Thank's for the response I will change kernel
> to
> > 2.6.23-r6.
> >
> > Regard's
> >
> > El mar, 29-01-2008 a las 02:31 -0600, Steev
> Klimaszewski
> > escribió:
> > > On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 09:17 +0100, agtdino wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > Hi!
> > >
> > > I am the maintainer of madwifi-ng - it is
> currently
> > incompatible (well
> > > there is a patch in bugzilla however it is not the
> proper
> > fix) with
> > > 2.6.24 - if you absolutely must have 2.6.24, then
> you will
> > need to
> > > compile the madwifi modules from svn, until they
> put out a
> > release
> > > (which *should* be soon, they are only waiting on
> two
> > patches) that is
> > > compatible with 2.6.24.
> > >
> > > Sorry for your troubles, for now, unless it is
> absolutely
> > necessary, I
> > > would suggest continuing using 2.6.23-r6
> > >
> > > -- Steev
> > >
> >
> > --
> > mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > dott. ing. beso
> --
> mailing list
> --
> dott. ing. beso
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