this is not true!!!! i have madwifi-ng- updated on 17 jan 2008 compiled on 2.6.24 and it works very well (with sandbox disabled).

2008/1/29, Steev Klimaszewski <>:

On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 09:17 +0100, agtdino wrote:
> Hi,

I am the maintainer of madwifi-ng - it is currently incompatible (well
there is a patch in bugzilla however it is not the proper fix) with
2.6.24 - if you absolutely must have 2.6.24, then you will need to
compile the madwifi modules from svn, until they put out a release
(which *should* be soon, they are only waiting on two patches) that is
compatible with 2.6.24.

Sorry for your troubles, for now, unless it is absolutely necessary, I
would suggest continuing using 2.6.23-r6

-- Steev

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