before doing something on the disk first, read all and then take a decision on which options may help you. on my reiserfs filesystem, the included utils were enough to let me recover about 98% of the data after the full index rebuild. if you've journaled your filesystem, then i think that you should be able to recover it. also, it may only be a problem of superblock and in that case the second link might help you more. anyway, get a disk that can contain all the data that there was on the failed one, since you wouldn't want to do stuff on it to avoid loss of data.
try reading this (the ext2/3 part):
and this:
or you might try this utility:

2007/11/19, Raffaele BELARDI <>:
Yesterday evening I had one 250Gb SATA disk Maxtor MaXLine Plus II fail.
The drive is formatted as ext3, single partition (sdc1), no RAID, used
as an archive of divx movies, completely full with data. Motherboard is
ASUS M2NPV-VM (Nvidia Nforce 430 chipset), I can easily mount it on an
ASUS K8V SE (Via K8T800 chipset) if it helps.

At boot the syslog shows (more or less):

I/O buffer read error: logical block 0
I/O buffer read error: logical block 1

Any attempt to mount /dev/sdc1 results in tens of the above message
(plus other details I don't remember right now) and finally fails.

fdisk -l shows the partition table as it should be.

It was late night so I gave up. Are there any chances to recover my data
by e.g. specifying a different superblock (whatever that is)? Any links
to help me?



PS I bought the drive in 2005 and I've used it only to archive movies,
so very little. It' the last Maxtor I buy (ok, also because it's Seagate
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