the base settings of portage; as for win32codecs i have real enabled; for the mplayerplug-in divx gmedia gtk quicktime realmedia wmp and for mplayer: (-3dfx) (3dnow) (3dnowext) (X) (a52) (aac) (aalib) (alsa) (-altivec) (-amrnb) (-amrwb) (-arts) (-ass) (bidi) (-bindist) (-bl) (cddb) (-cdparanoia) (-color-console) (cpudetection) (-custom-cflags) (-debug) (dga) (-directfb) (-doc) (dv) (-dvb) (dvd) (dvdnav) (dvdread) (enca) (encode) (-esd) (-fbcon) (-fpm) (ftp) (-ggi) (gif) (gtk) (-i8x0) (ipv6) (-ivtv) (-jack) (-joystick) (jpeg) (-ladspa) (libcaca) (-linguas_bg) (-linguas_cs) (-linguas_da) (-linguas_de) (-linguas_el) (linguas_en) (-linguas_es) (-linguas_fr) (-linguas_hu) (-linguas_ja) (-linguas_ko) (-linguas_mk) (-linguas_nl) (-linguas_no) (-linguas_pl) (-linguas_pt_BR) (-linguas_ro) (-linguas_ru) (-linguas_sk) (-linguas_tr) (-linguas_uk) (-linguas_zh_CN) (-linguas_zh_TW) (-lirc) (live) (-livecd) (lzo) (-matrox) (-mga) (mmx) (mmxext) (-mp2) (mp3) (mpeg) (musepack) (-nas) (nls) (-nut) (-nvidia) (openal) (opengl) (-oss) (png) (-pnm) (pulseaudio) (quicktime) (-radio) (rar) (-real) (rtc) (samba) (-sdl) (-sortsub) (speex) (sse) (sse2) (-svga) (-tga) (theora) (-tivo) (truetype) (unicode) (v4l) (v4l2) (vorbis) (-win32codecs) (x264) (-xanim) (xinerama) (-xmga) (xv) (xvid) (xvmc) (-zoran) but for mplayer you may have some use flags that aren't there, since i use the svn version of mplayer. 2007/11/12, Sergio Polini : > > Beso: > > for win32codecs you just have to emerge the win32codecs and you've > > done. there's really no other real thing to do. > > for the mediaplayer plugin install mplayer + mplayer-plugin and > > you'll have firefox run it without issues. mplayer is also useful > > for some videos that xine plays in the wrong way (mainly h264 with > > ac3 that has some issues with the subtitles and mplayer doesn't). > > install mozilla-firefox (not bin). > > as for java and firefox: install emul-linux-java (that you already > > have) for flash and firefox: install netscape-flash and > > nspluginwrapper and then do: > > nspluginwrapper -v -i > > /usr/lib32/nsbrowser/plugins/ > > Please, could you tell me (us) which USE flags are advisable for > win32codecs, mplayer and mplayerplug-in? > Thanks > Sergio > > -- > mailing list > > -- dott. ing. beso