2007/11/12, Mark Knecht <markknecht@gmail.com>:
On Nov 11, 2007 2:52 PM, Beso <givemesugarr@gmail.com> wrote:
> the system configs are normal too.... the only thing that i can advise you
> to do is try the mozilla-firefox instead of mozilla-firefox-bin. don't
> uninstall the bin since it can coexhist with the non bin package.... try
> that (some hours of compilation) and see what it does.

Humm....mozilla-firefox hasn't been much of an option for me in the
past. Too many problems with web-based media not playing without all
the wincodecs stuff. Maybe this has improved? I've used firefox-bin
really to get Flash, Java and wincodecs. I don't care which one I use.
I just want a good user experience when I'm browsing around and run
into something interesting.

the only stuff on amd64 that needs some more things to do is:
1. firefox 32 bit plugins
2. win32codecs.
at the end of the email i'll tell you how to install them and make them work flawlessly.

I really only run the AMD64 version of Gentoo because a few years ago
when I bought this system it seemed like an interesting thing to try
out and at the time I had a Linux laptop running 32-bit Gentoo in case
I ran into problems. Then a guy on the web found me and wanted to buy
my 2 year old laptop for more than I paid for it (he wanted a backup
machine) so I sold it and no longer have that backup.

As an everyday, normal desktop user-type I really don't know that
running 64bit Gentoo offers me any advantages and has shown to have
significant disadvantages, at least the way I build the comparison
list. I wonder in what usage model do people here see a measurable
advantage running 64-bit over 32-bit Gentoo?

it depends. for example i like to have the software that runs on my machine to use all of its capabilities.

I've stuck with it for a long time, and I hate to give up, but maybe
it's time to just pack it in and rebuild the machine.

I'll keep poking around at this.

for win32codecs you just have to emerge the win32codecs and you've done. there's really no other real thing to do.
for the mediaplayer plugin install mplayer + mplayer-plugin and you'll have firefox run it without issues. mplayer is also useful for some videos that xine plays in the wrong way (mainly h264 with ac3 that has some issues with the subtitles and mplayer doesn't).
install mozilla-firefox (not bin).
as for java and firefox: install emul-linux-java (that you already have)
for flash and firefox: install netscape-flash and nspluginwrapper and then do:
nspluginwrapper -v -i /usr/lib32/nsbrowser/plugins/libflashplayer.so

restart your mozilla-firefox (not the bin version). and you should be able to run flash, java, mediaplayer plugins on firefox amd64.
if you still have problems just ask.