try setting off java, clear everything from cache to cookies of passwords, disable addons and the restart it and see if it crashes. if it doesn't for some time enable one add-on per time and try it out for some time. if it doesn't crashes then add another addon. the last thing is to see if you have the x86 emuls installed if you are on 64bit arch (java,sound,base,xorg) then see if you have the plugins compiled for 32 bit (you should have it that way since they are available on 32bit except mplayer). another thing is to have the last stable version of gtk+. that should fix the issues. if that doesn't work either try also compiling the mozilla-firefox package (and start it via firefox and not firefox-bin). if that's stable with the same .mozilla directory then there's something wrong in the firefox-bin package. i'd suggest you install ccache before compiling if you don't yet use it and to add the option --buildpkg to emerge, so that you can have the firefox package built for your particular system. this is useful also for long time compiling packages as gtk+,qt or kdelibs and kdebase. if you'd later need to reinstall them (for example the expat-2 update) you can install them in a matter of little time. just be aware that the packaging requires additional disk space to package the files once they're compiled. i didn't experience crashes in the last 6 months. 2007/10/29, Mark Knecht : > > (Watch out for top posting! I've rearranged the text here.) > > On 10/29/07, Javi Moreno wrote: > > > > > On 10/29/07, Mark Knecht wrote: > > > > > > Hi, > > > I'm wondering if anyone else is suffering the problems I am with > > > firefox-bin crashing a few times every day. It seems to be more or > > > less repeatable. After logging into Gnome for the first time if I have > > > two tabs and attempt to drag one tab to a different location then it > > > crashes. Not every time, but often. When I start firefox-bin a second > > > time it recognizes that it crashed, restarts the previous session, and > > > at this point it doesn't crash if I drag tabs around. > > > > > > I have also had this happen multiple times hitting an Attach File > > > button in GMail. > > > > > > I will say that this seems to have started roughly after the last > > > time I wrote to the list asking about Java & Flash support. I changed > > > a number of things at that time & I can go back and look them up if > > > folks think it's really involved. However this seems a strange thing > > > to blame on Java or Flash. That work is still in .bash_history so I > > > can at least get a rough idea of what I was doing if it seems > > > important. > > > > > > There is little to configure for firefox-bin itself. I've attached > > > the emerge command for reference. > > > > > > I've tried running firefox-bin in a terminal but I don't get any > > > info. I should probably learn how to use something like gdb but I'm > > > resistant. > > > > > > Anyway, I'm mainly looking for ideas about what to consider looking > > > at to fix this. It's getting frustrating. It crashed 4 times > > > yesterday. > > > > > > > > It also happens to me many times, only with the 32bit versión in my > 64bit > > machine. > > > > In my case, it's random, when entering diferents websites, at diferent > > times, with diferent actions, some days 10 ten times, some weeks never > and > > so on. > > > > Yes, sounds very much like my problems. Mostly it's pretty random. > Clicking on some random link on random web sites can set it off. All > sort of little things make it happen. The only semi-consistent thing > I've found that's sort of repeatable from day to day is the > rearranging of tabs. That will almost always make it happen after > logging in the first time of the day. > > Thanks for the feedback. > > - Mark > -- > mailing list > > -- dott. ing. beso