hey man, you didn't even tried it... i have emul-linux-x86-sound and alsa-plugins, skype 32bit (working normally), and inserted into ~/.asoundrc
pcm.pulse {
    type pulse

ctl.pulse {
    type pulse

as the user that was using skype, restarted skype and found in options, sound devices th option to select pulse for every single voice there (call receiver, ringer and microphone). so for what i can see it works.

2007/10/3, Rodolphe Rocca <fake2@free.fr>:
Beso wrote:
> just in case: try this howto on setting skype and pulseaudio -
> http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Releases/Mandriva/2008.0/Errata#Skype_with_PulseAudio
> <http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Releases/Mandriva/2008.0/Errata#Skype_with_PulseAudio>
> maybe it works. it says that you need to do some other tweaks to make
> it work with pulseaudio. remember to have alsa-plugins also installed.
Hey dude ! Have you read my email ? That's exactly what is missing : 32
bits alsa-plugins !


But thank you anyway for this attempt :-)

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dott. ing. beso