DEPEND="amd64? ( >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs-1.2 >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-2.1.1 >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs-2.4 app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat ) having the emul-linux installed on a multilib amd64 system is always a good idea. i have them all installed and everything works fine. i don't have alsa-plugins installed and everything seems to work fine on my system. wine's apps have sound enabled, so think that there aren't problems running a system without it. try emerging it and see what happens. it should use the 64bit plugins whenever possible. 2007/10/2, Sebastian Redl : > > Rodolphe Rocca wrote: > > The emul-linux-x86-soundlibs package (version 10.0-r1) comes with > > basic alsa libraries. > > However, some 32 bits applications using alsa may need 32 bits alsa > > plugins. > > This is especially true in my case where : > > - I _need_ to use 32 bits skype (corporate decision I cannot discuss > > although I would have much to say about) > Which plugin does skype need, exactly? It works fine for me on a 64-bit > system, and skype is a 32-bit-binary-only package. > > Sebastian Redl > -- > mailing list > > -- dott. ing. beso