first try the w3c validator to see if there is a problem with the web page. it happes a lot that pages don't display correctly in firefox and sometimes they even crash it because of some script errors and features that are available only in internet exploder. so first search a validator in the w3c page and try using it on the page that gives you problems. you should see with it if there are problems.
and for what i know firefox has a reporting feature which sends the bug reports automatically after crashes. i don't really know ho it activates though.

2007/10/2, Mark Knecht <>:
   On a subscriber web site I am seeing a consistent problem with both
Firefox & Firefox-bin. When I click a specific link the browser
crashes with a seg fault:

mark@lightning ~ $ firefox-bin
No running windows found
/usr/libexec/mozilla-launcher: line 119:  6108 Segmentation fault
$(type -P aoss) "$mozbin" "$@"
firefox-bin exited with non-zero status (139)
mark@lightning ~ $ firefox
No running windows found
Removing /home/mark/.mozilla/firefox/ipm4osof.default/compreg.dat
leftover from older firefox
/usr/libexec/mozilla-launcher: line 119:  6149 Segmentation fault
$(type -P aoss) "$mozbin" "$@"
firefox-bin exited with non-zero status (139)
mark@lightning ~ $

   Note that I see Firefox crashing on my Windows Vista box also, but
Internet Explorer does not, so this doesn't seem to me to be a Linux
issue specifically.

   How can I get enough info to pass along to someone and have it be useful?

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dott. ing. beso