2007/6/29, Lukas Oliva : > > > You are righ, the problem is that I am not sure when did this happenedand > as I update quite often, I am not able to find it out. me too i'm updating every day.... i sync once a day and update when there are 2-3 packages to do, or when i get a major update (gcc, libtool, kernel, atidrivers, xorg, kde) of what i use every day.... > > > Well, that one is setxkbmap, no? If so than I have it. > I *am* able to switch keyboard using this in terminal, but it is not the > way I would like to do. > > so, the problem is the misconfiguration of some package.... this may be due to some etc-update and by chosing the -3 option there.... your configuration was overwritten when you've updated the package.... try this guide to see if it fits your needs: http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_Speak_Your_Language if that doesn't work, make a script in /usr/local/bin/ and recall it by using it as a keyboard shortcut.... i've done this with a script that enables/disables wireless on my notebook.... > Ok, I can not tell. Just for me gnome seems to be simple and elegant > comparing to KDE eyecandy. the problem with gnome is mono and evolution, which are growing more and more integrated into it.... besides, for my taste kde is 1000000000 time more good looking, with tons of qt styles around to fit your best taste, and with the best app around: k3b compared to nautilus is something far away of ages, amarok destroys every other musical software around, the new opensuse kmenu ported to gentoo by sabayon is something that is far beyond the gnome or kde start menu, krusader is the best file manager around, konqueror is the best low resource browser and comes with firefox plugins full integration, the kdevelop is the best suite around, kaffeine is a media player that destroys its concurents, except mplayer.... the other feature that makes me very proud of kde is the copy/move option on the right mouse button.... it is quite a thing for usability.... i don't know if gnome has something similar.... the only gnome app that i've been using is pan which is the best newsreader around, and the compiz, cause it has its gnome/mono bindings.... for all the aspects kde has jumped far far away of gnome and now leads into linux desktops.... the novell-microzoz partnership will move more and more people from gnome-evo-mono to kde.... this is my opinion.... the only problem around kde is the resources that it takes, which are a little more that gnome's or of the other windows managers.... > Yes, you are right. I switched it and do some recompilation. Nevertheless > this does not seem to solve my problem as none of the recompiled packages > has todo with gnome/X. as i said, try to find the configuration problem.... it is that one that makes you mad.... > Lukas > >> > > > > > > > > > -- > gentoo-amd64@gentoo.org mailing list > > -- beso d-_-b