2007/6/27, Lukas Oliva : > > Hi, > I use AMD64 gentoo o my box and I experience problems with keyboard > switching. Namely it is impossible o switch with Shift-Shift that is > specified in xorg.conf and even worse, if I specify two keyboards (czech > and english) in xorg.conf it is impossible to switch to the console. have you actually specified them also in the make.conf?!?! if you don't specify them there you may have troubles.... try to look at the use flags with whom you've compiled x (use euse for that).... This > results in the gnome start error saying that there could be several souces > of problems (xkb, X, libxklavier). I am not sure where the problem could > be. I tried to recompile everything connected to xkb and Xorgand also > different versions, but it persists. Fortunately setxkb works, but I do > not consider it to be satisfying. Could anyone advise? It would be helpful > also t point to some way of debugging as I have no idea. > I attach my xorg.conf. My gcc is x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-4.1.2 *, profile > 2006.1. have you actually done a emerge --sync and updated world with the new packages version?!?! the 2006.1 is very old as packages and baselayout, which had some great changes.... Thanks for advices > Lukas > -- beso d-_-b