I got new hardware for a home desktop a few days ago.Downloaded install-amd64-minimal-20130801.iso and am still booting
from that cd as hard drive boot fails.
I turned on logging in /etc/rc.conf, but no /var/log/rc.log is produced.
The disks are mounted but readonly. I guess from this the problem is occurring before the root partition is mounted.
I only have 4 partitions: boot, swap, root, and home. Since everything important is on the root partition, I'm not using an initramfs.
I have many times tried to catch the error by watching the screen, but it scrolls past way to fast.
The last part of the boot messages before things go crazy is
"Switching to clocksource TSC".
I've been reading up on grub, but don't see anyway to get more info on what is going wrong.
If I boot from the cd and chroot to the disk, everything seems to work fine. /boot is ext2 fs and this is my grug.conf:
default 0
timeout 20
title Gentoo Linux 3.8.13
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/3.8/13-0/bzImage root=/dev/sda3