2010/12/9 Dale
Frank Peters wrote:
On Wed, 08 Dec 2010 15:17:18 -0600
Dale<rdalek1967@gmail.com> wrote:
What are some things that I should watch for and enable that isn't so
obvious for someone new to 64 bit?
The first thing to decide is whether or not you want a pure 64-bit
system or a 64-bit system that keeps 32-bit capability.
I am a purist. I left 32-bit programs in the dust a long time ago.
But as a consequence there are some things that I will miss because
they are available in 32-bit packages only. An example would be
Acroread, the PDF viewer, from Adobe. Without Acroread, you will
only view pdf files through the 64-bit xpdf. The Intel C++
compiler is another example. In fact, most commercial software
that bothers to release a Linux version will do so in 32-bit
format only.
So if you need to make use of those offerings, you'll need
to keep 32-bit compatibility.
My own view is that these software developers are way behind
the times and should have long ago made their products in
a 64-bit form. It's not that difficult to do.
Whatever the choice, pure 64-bit or 64/32, Gentoo makes it
Frank Peters
Now I have a question. How do I tell Gentoo to make it pure 64 or a mix of 32 and 64? I have read about this but I don't think I have actually seen where it is set. Is it a profile selection, USE flag or something else?
If I decide on one then want to switch to the other, does that require a reinstall or just a change in settings and a recompile of world?
Since I use KDE, I always use Okular to view pdf files. I assume KDE is 64 bit ready.
:-) :-)
You can set it in KERNEL by disabling 32 bit application support and recompiling GLIBC and GCC without MULTILIB ;). Try also running 32 bit app. System is not slower or anything else wrong happens. If You drop 32-bit support You cannot use WINE and load PE32 apps (aka Win32).
Mateusz Mierzwiński
Bluebox Software http://www.blueboxsoft.pl/mateusz-mierzwinski