That's a good idea, I'll try it. I'm not a Windows fan myself, but at least Vista looks cool.
On Tuesday 10 April 2007 4:15:17 pm Peter Davoust wrote:
> Ok, so this is sort of a continuation of my previous question about
> Xserver, HP decided to replace my laptop after a little technical support
> issue, and now my PC has Vista on a 120 gig hard drive. The only problem is
> that for some reason neither my Gparted Live cd nor my gentoo live cd can
> resize the partition. I'd reinstall everything, but Compaq doesn't like
> providing OS restore disks, and instead put all the data on a separate
> partition. Most likely the restore disk will just setup the same partition
> scheme as before anyway. I've tried using the Vista disk partition utility,
> but it could only give me 587 mb in between the restore and OS partitions.
> It's annoying, does anyone know how to fix it? I've tried chkdsk and defrag
> already, but to no avail.
The first thing I'd try is zipping the contents of c:\ drive>dvd, recreate
your partitions and unzip to the smaller c:\ drive. I know this would work
for ntfs. I know nothing about Vista though, and I'm fine with that. ;)
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