Well if you only have your motherboard and are using that for your sound configuration, then however you have your ALSA set up, it will only let one program use the sound driver.  I have that problem with my World of Warcraft and Teamspeak.  Although If you are nifty enough to have an actual sound card with your motherboard, you may find this helpful.



On 1/5/07, Jan Meier <jan@codejunky.org> wrote:

I have a problem with mplayer-bin and alsa when amarok is playing. When I play
a movie mplayer shows the following error message:

alsa-init: using device default
alsa-lib: pcm_direct.c:222:(make_local_socket) connect failed: èÔZ¡: No such
file or directory
alsa-lib: pcm_dmix.c:851:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to connect client
alsa-init: playback open error: No such file or directory
Could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound.

When I stop amarok it does work fine. Any suggestions why?



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"No penguins were harmed during the writing, just a bunch of broken windows to let them escape..."-xtacocorex