Latest release works well, the only thing is no flash! XD so i have firefox-bin for my you-tube and gvideo fun time!

On 1/3/07, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. <> wrote:
On Wednesday 03 January 2007 09:49, "Mark Haney" <>
wrote about 'Re: [gentoo-amd64] firefox 2 on amd64':
> Stefan Vunckx wrote:
> Okay I compiled and installed it, it works great but does anyone else
> see it in their menu list as 'Bon Echo'?  I also see that in the title
> bar.  I haven't rebooted or regenerated my kde menu since compiling it,
> but will doing that fix the menu?

As others have mentioned, check the mozbranding USE flag.

Any binaries that aren't from the pristine source (e.g. with any unapproved
patches) that use the Mozilla Branding (i.e. the Firefox name and Icon,
controlled in Gentoo with the mozbranding USE flag) are subject to the
same issue that Debian saw during the "IceWeasel" debacle

Personally, I deal with enough branding, so I leave the mozbranding USE
flag off.  [As a side-effect, any packages or binaries I build can be
freely distributed under my choice of the GPL or MPL since they are not
subject to trademark issues.]

"If there's one thing we've established over the years,
it's that the vast majority of our users don't have the slightest
clue what's best for them in terms of package stability."
-- Gentoo Developer Ciaran McCreesh

Karma, It's Real!
"No penguins were harmed during the writing, just a bunch of broken windows to let them escape..."-xtacocorex