running gentoo64 on ga-k8n ultra9 works for me.
but are there alternatives?
Joshua Liebowitz wrote:
Sounds curious, as far as I know 8042 errors seem to be
caused by bad keyboard controllers. Have you tried a couple of Linux
Distros? If it happens in a couple different distros, I would guess
this is a hardware problem as that MB has been reported to work.
On 7/11/05, Andrey Schwedovitch <> wrote:
for Your answer..
i know it... but at this time i haven't direct(or indirect) access to
internet... only email... :-( and have this motherboard..
when i trying to boot linux from LiveCD it boots very-very slowly.. at
begin it says something like "8042 error".. i couldn't wait until
boot-process ends...
Joshua Liebowitz wrote:
> I think you should try google before posting to this news group.
> Maybe even the manuf. website. Why don't you try using
Knoppix? This
> isn't a linux newbie newsgroup.
> On 7/11/05, * Andrey Schwedovitch* <
> <
>> wrote:
> Has anyone GA-K8N Ultra 9 motherboard?
> Is it linux-friendly?
> Does it support dual-core CPUs?
> PS/2 keyboards works correctly with this motherboard?
> How about livecd distros (like Knoppix) on it?
> Thanks You for answers...
> sorry for my bad english :-(
> --
> <>
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