Op Wednesday 06 February 2008 11:19:46 schreef Duncan: > FWIW, I have /tmp on tmpfs, and /var/tmp as a symlink pointing at it. > There's some stuff in /var/tmp by default that really should go in /var/ > cache instead (as above, it's cache, not tmp, and works best if kept over > a reboot), but at least here, I was able to point it all elsewhere, thus > leaving tmp (including /var/tmp) as really tmp. Don't know what 'FWIW' is, but anyway :) > Specifically, I have a script that I run from the local service at boot > that creates individual user tempdirs for a couple users in /tmp (with a > ~/tmp symlink pointed at the appropriate /tmp/ subdir) and > additionally, creates with the appropriate permissions the various X > tempdirs (.X11-unix, .ICE-unix, .font-unix, the latter for xfs font > server I believe). > > Additionally, as a KDE user, I had to set and export three KDE* vars in > my environment, KDEVARTMP and KDESYCOCA to point to a non-tmpfs cache dir > location (I decided to place them in the user's homedir, not in a system > dir like /var/tmp, the sycoca var of course points to a filename in the > dir), and KDETMP to point to the appropriate user tmpdir under /tmp. > GNOME probably has similar settings, but I'd have no idea what or where > as I don't run it. > > Before setting the KDEVARTMP var I'd lose konqueror and general KDE > favicon cache, etc. However, it wasn't anything serious, nor should it > be, as the spec says /var/tmp is for cached stuff, which is nice to save > over a reboot, but not critical. Again, why they don't just use /var/ > cache for that, and save tmp for really tmp stuff, I don't know, but > that's the way it is. > > After making those adjustments, I've had no further issues. Thanks for the info and I'll try that when I'm ready to boot.. ( I wasn't thinking and I created a lvm root partition :P )