On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 14:21:29 +0000 Beso wrote: > 2008/2/4, ionut cucu : > > > > On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 09:26:57 +0000 > > Beso wrote: > > > what do the files inside /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/ and > /proc/acpi/processor/ contain?! cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ01/ cooling_mode polling_frequency state temperature trip_points cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ01/* state: ok temperature: 0 C critical (S5): 100 C cat /proc/acpi/processor/CPU0/ info limit performance power throttling the content of the /proc/acpi/processor/CPUx files it attached since is rather large for an email > for klaptop, you have to first configure it. set everything to > conservative, it should raise your processor speed based on your > needs. be sure also to add cpufrequtils as a service at boot and to > load the eventual modules at boot time by adding them to > the /etc/modules.autoload/kernel-2.6 so that they load at boot. > without cufrequtils and the modules (if you've build the stuff as > modules and you've done it if you've used my config) you won't be > able to switch. without rebooting you could open konsole and start > cpufrequtils with /etc/init.d/cpufrequtils start and then add it with > rc-update add cpufrequtils default and then modprobe > cpufreq_powersave && modprobe cpufreq_conservative && modprobe > cpufreq_performance. now you should be able to switch them with > klaptop. Not yet I'm not....also the profiles in klaptop(which just overheated again and it's at 90 degrees and rising in 800Mhz) are named as the P0,1,2 states(x Mhz, y mW,z uS) and not as they were(conservatve.....) don't use kpowersaved since it doesn't work anymore or at > least on my pc it cannot find acpid started. if you'd like a monitor > for kde there are different solutions: > - one is superkaramba with some theme like aero-aio > - kima which is directly included into the kicker as an applet and can > monitor thermal, processor temp, processor load, uptime, battery and > processor and /proc speed. i prefer this solution since it's faster > to see and never gets covered by apps letting me see always the state > of the system. > for lm_sensors instead, is quite ok to not have fan control since the > fan on a notebook is not usually connected to some control sensor but > is controlled directly by acpi. on notebooks usually you might find > some monitor for cpu core, for some removable media like pccards and > nand devices like mmd. the only thing that is useful is the core > processor monitor which gives you the temp of the core(s) and it lets > you have an idea of how your processor works . remember that thermal > temp might be different and usually is higher than core temp. Thanks, that I did not knew, I'm new to laptops and their fan "drivers"/sensors and such. I never did had an temp issue on my machine, although it has to speed states. > also some helpful utils for kde are: klipper (fabulous klipboard); > kompose (osx kompose changer), ksynaptic (if you have synaptic or > alps touchpads that usually get installed in notebooks), > knetworkmanager + networkmanager and the new kde4 like kicker that > includes a built-in search module that improves usability of kde. > other useful kicker applets are the shutdown and block applets, the > kmixer applet (this lets you remove from start kmix), the show > desktop applet and the trash can applet. also for full kde experience > i suggest kaffeine + xine (not 1.1.10 since it has some problems with > external linkage) and amarok + xine. install xft and cairo with svg > and pdf flags and search for the font antialiasing wiki that was on > xeffects if i remember right. also ksplash-engine-moodin is wonderful > for personalizing the ksplash and oxy-cursors from flameeyes-overlay > are wonderful cursor themes. if you like osx be sure to search for a > baghira how to and on how to make kde identical to osx (don't use > kxdocker, though). and before using compiz be aware that ati drivers > don't work well with it. for tuning ati drivers visit phoronix forums > and you'll have a lot of info about I'm a fluxbox fan, my brother nags me about kde though he knows these, but I'm so worried about the temp(now for some reason it's dropping to 70 celsius). So I don't need no fancontrols but what do I need to keep these temps stable and below 60?Because now I'm sure it heats up for no reason and then when it feels like it it cools down.