On Wednesday 25 April 2007 14:03:50 Dustin C. Hatch wrote: > If you don't want the versions, as Duncan wrote, I would suggest that > you use eix.  eix -I will provide a pretty-printed list of all the > packages installed on your system. The big difference between the last command in my previous response to this thread and an eix command like: # eix -nI --format '()/()' | \ grep -v '^$\|^Found\ [0-9]*\|^\[[0-9]*\]' is that the eix command will include all installed packages (including those that would show up if you run emerge --depclean -p) whereas the emerge command will only show packages that are either in world or a dependency of a package in world (direct or indirect). --with-bdeps (see `man emerge`) also affects the emerge package list. -- Bo Andresen