On Sunday 04 March 2007, list-catcher wrote about '[gentoo-amd64] twinview': > Does anyone use twinview to run two monitors at different resolutions? No, although I current run two dual-head setups. One on the nvidia driver (using two cards) and one on the radeon driver (using a single, laptop card). > I've got two monitors one on top of the other with the lower > resolutioned one on top. The one on top (lower resolution) has a dead > area where the window manager/X thinks exists but doesn't show. > Sometimes the window manager will put windows there that I can't see. Sounds like your Xinerama isn't working quite right. > I'm not sure where the problem is because different window managers > treat it differently, although the dead space exists in all of them. > > xorg.conf is attached. Short answer: You are using two layers of Xinerama: the full Xinerama extension provided by the server and a faux-Xinerama provided by TwinView. They don't get along, so you'll have to drop one or the other. Long answer: I see you are using the Xinerama extension AND TwinView. On my laptop I use a different driver (radeon) and method (MergedFB + MergedXinerama), but I get similar results. The combination of Xinerama and the faux-Xinerama used by TwinView/MergedXinerama doesn't work well together; I either get dead areas or (better, but something I don't like) desktop scrolling within a larger virtual desktop. If I turn off MergedFB+MergedXinerama and instead use two device sections (one for the each head provided by the video card) and the Xinerama extension things work well (no dead areas or desktop scrolling), although my driver (I don't know about yours) doesn't support DRI in such a mode. If I turn off the Xinerama extension but continue to use a single device section with the MergedFB+MergedXinerama options, things work even better (but, YMMV); no dead areas or desktop scrolling AND I get DRI. So, I suggest turning off the Xinerama extension and trying that, first. If that doesn't work you may want to discard TwinView and instead use two device sections that are nearly identicial -- one will have 'Screen 0' in it's config and the other will have 'Screen 1'. I don't know what impact this second option may have on hw accceleration with your driver. As an aside, I think this could reasonably be called a xorg-server bug, especially since it does affect the xorg-radeon driver. (If it only affected nvidia and/or fglrx that would be a different story.) -- Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =. bss03@volumehost.net ((_/)o o(\_)) ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-' http://iguanasuicide.org/ \_/ New GPG Key! Old key expires 2007-03-25. Upgrade NOW!