On Tuesday 05 December 2006 22:27, Mark Knecht wrote: > However I still have C and POSIX. Where might those be coming from? That's fine. > > It should be one of those 4 settings. And you don't want C or POSIX so > > either LANG="en_US" or LANG="en_US.utf8". If you choose the latter you > > want to read the UTF-8 guide [1]... The former should be ok though. > > > > [1] http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/utf-8.xml > > The reason that I *think* I want UTF-8 is that I've had trouble > ripping CDs having certain French and German characters in sing names > then having them be recognized by other programs such as Aqualung. So read and follow the UTF-8 guide. > One other locale question. I've started needing to reboot this machine > into Windows more often so that my son and his freinds can play LAN > games against each other. Is the only thing required to do that is to > set the clock setting to "local"? I set it that way but haven't had > time to do multiple reboots to test it. That's not really a locale question. But yes CLOCK="local" should do the job. -- Bo Andresen