"\"R. Müller\"" skribis: > i don't know, if it is amd64-specific. > after last 'emerge world' my imagemagick > don't displays png-pictures and spies the following error : > > $display /tmp/test.png > display: symbol lookup error: > /usr/lib64/ImageMagick-6.2.8/modules-Q16/coders/png.so: undefined > symbol: png_get_asm_flags > > after this i recompiled it successfully, but the same result !? I think this is a case of a well bugzilla'd problem on amd64. Try upgrading libpng to 1.2.12-r1. (I don’t know whether the -r1 is necessary.) -- Barry.SCHWARTZ at chemoelectric.org http://chemoelectric.org Free stuff / Senpagaj varoj: http://crudfactory.com (PDF) 'Democracies don't war; democracies are peaceful countries.' - Bush (http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2005/12/20051219-2.html)