"Vladimir G. Ivanovic" skribis: > On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 16:14 -0500, Barry.SCHWARTZ@chemoelectric.org > wrote: > > > Enough research has gone into writing code for IEEE floating point > > that I would not try to bypass it without a good reason. It’s there to > > be your friend. > > Performance is the reason we have hardware FPUs and -ffast-math. For home video games, maybe. For scientists and engineers I’d say always use the complete standard arithmetic, because some of the numerical routines may assume it, and for the ability to duplicate results. -- Barry.SCHWARTZ at chemoelectric.org http://chemoelectric.org Free stuff / Senpagaj varoj: http://crudfactory.com (PDF) 'Democracies don't war; democracies are peaceful countries.' - Bush (http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2005/12/20051219-2.html)