Make sure you have specified the full path of the player. Make sure you have disabled arts. And again, it works for notifications only. On Monday 11 July 2005 19:04, Luigi Pinna wrote: > Alle 14:01, sabato 09 luglio 2005, Duncan ha scritto: > > Run kcontrol and switch to Sound and Multimedia, System Notifications > > (or run kcmshell kcmnotify, to get the specific applet directly), > > click the Player Settings button, then the Use an external player > > radiobutton in the resulting dialog. Enter or browse to the player > > you want to use, hit apply, and test the results. Note that you may > > have to play around with command line options such as volume and the > > like, for your selected player. > > I tried it but it doesn't work. > I selected alsaplayer (like you) and I tested alsaplayer alone, but with > KDE no chance... > What did you do? Only selected the player? Can you help me? > Thanks, > Luigi -- Alexey Maslennikov Oracle DBA and developer *NIX system administrator